Examples of the the word, integer , in a Sentence Context
The word ( integer ), is the 7086 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Which means that the algebraic integer s form a ring. The name algebraic, integer ,comes from the fact that the only rational numbers which are algebraic integer s
- To real before performing operations on them, converting the result back to an, integer ,only if it was to be assigned to a (16-bit signed) integer variable. * Shape
- Created unnecessary overhead and degraded performance. Apple soft converted, integer ,numbers to real before performing operations on them, converting the result
- Is by contradiction. If the theorem were false, then: Assumption (X): For any, integer ,n there exists a string s for which there is a proof in S of the formula" K (
- The wave function of the electron. Particle-like properties There is always an, integer ,number of electrons orbiting the nucleus. Electrons jump between orbitals in a
- a) Size: (n, m ) Result: (y) Subscripts: (i, k ); value n, m; array a;, integer ,n, m,i, k; real y; comment The absolute greatest element of the matrix a, of
- Root of a non-zero polynomial in one variable with rational (or equivalently, integer ,) coefficients. Numbers such as π that are not algebraic are said to be
- Proof actually proves a complexity formula K (s) ≥ L. The strings s and the, integer ,L in turn are computable by programs: function StringNthProof (int n)
- Result back to an integer only if it was to be assigned to a (16-bit signed), integer , variable. * Shape tables were a slow alternative to bitmaps. No provision
- And I am some point in time after the start of that process. (I may be an, integer ,for a discrete-time process or a real number for a continuous-time process. )
- Magnetic moment of an electron in an arbitrary direction, and is also always an, integer , Within a subshell where \ell is some integer \ell_0’m_\ell ranges thus:
- Algebraic integer is an algebraic number which is a root of a polynomial with, integer ,coefficients with leading coefficient 1 (a Monica polynomial). Examples of
- The simplex algorithm. A more complex variant of linear programming is called, integer ,programming, where the solution space is restricted to the integer s. *
- Of each electron and is a non-negative integer . Within a shell where n is some, integer ,n0,\ell ranges across all ( integer ) values satisfying the relation 0 \LE
- Also connections to string theory, game theory, graph matching, solitons and, integer ,programming. Google Scholar lists hundreds of more studies on algebraic
- The distance formula, : AE=\sort and: XY \sort \franc. Since XY has to be an, integer ,: AE\equiv 0\mod (see modular arithmetic) so AE=4. Modern analytic geometry
- Of half- integer spin) and Bose–Einstein statistics (for particles of, integer ,spin). All of these define the relative numbers of particles in a system as
- Lengths of any subroutines used in P must be accounted for. The length of any, integer ,constant n which occurs in the program P is the number of bits required to
- The values of two parameters if the actual parameters that are passed in are an, integer ,variable and an array that is indexed by that same integer variable. Think of
- Contradiction is similar to the Berry paradox:" Let n be the smallest positive, integer ,that cannot be defined in fewer than twenty English words. " It is also
- Has a fixed length U. The input to the program GenerateComplexString is an, integer ,n; here, the size of n is measured by the number of bits required to represent
- 2). *The quadratic curds (roots of a quadratic polynomial ax^2 + bx + c with, integer ,coefficients a, b,and c) are algebraic numbers. If the quadratic polynomial
- The electron and is always a positive integer . In fact, it can be any positive, integer , but for reasons discussed below, large numbers are seldom encountered. Each
- Direction, and is also always an integer . Within a subshell where \ell is some, integer ,\ell_0’m_\ell ranges thus: -\ell_0 \LE m_\ell \LE \ell_0. The above results
- Words, there is no program which takes a string s as input and produces the, integer ,K (s) as output. We show this by contradiction by making a program that
- All numbers which can be obtained from the integer s using a finite number of, integer ,additions, subtractions,multiplications, divisions,and taking nth roots (
- Describes the orbital angular momentum of each electron and is a non-negative, integer , Within a shell where n is some integer n0,\ell ranges across all ( integer )
- Usually published in the form of UTC, which differs from TAI by a well-known, integer ,number of seconds. These time scales are denoted in the form UTC (NPL) in the
- Multiplications, divisions,and taking nth roots (where n is a positive, integer ,) are algebraic. The converse, however,is not true: there are algebraic
- The RS/6000 was unique in that it not only outperformed all other machines in, integer ,compute performance, but also beat the competition by a factor of 10 in
- Harmonic oscillator. Quantizing these oscillators, each level will have an, integer ,occupation number, which will be the number of particles in it. This
- Complexity at least n, then returns that string. Therefore, given any positive, integer ,n, it produces a string with Kolmogorov complexity at least as great as n. The
- Segment FH, and Y be the midpoint of segment GI. The length of segment XY is an, integer , Find all possible values for the length of side AE. Solution: Without loss of
- For a process that" creates" output integer s from an arbitrary" input ", integer ,or integer s that, in theory, can be chosen from 0 to infinity. Thus an
- By our Assumption (X). Now this program has a length U. There is an, integer ,n0 such that U + log2 (n0) + C < n0,where C is the overhead cost of function
- Polygon constructed on a grid of equal-distanced points (i.e., points with, integer ,coordinates) such that all the polygon's vertices are grid points: i + \franc
- Simplifying assumptions. Consider the following pseudocode: 1 get a positive, integer ,from input 2 if n > 10 3 print" This might take a while ..." 4 for i = 1 to n
- Number, n,describes the energy of the electron and is always a positive, integer , In fact, it can be any positive integer , but for reasons discussed below
- A number to be a multitude composed of units ": a counting number, a positive, integer ,not including 0. And to" measure" is to place a shorter measuring length s
- Has a monodic equivalent called" Roll" which simply returns a single random, integer ,between 1 and its sole operand to the right of it, inclusive. Thus, a
- Are passed in are an integer variable and an array that is indexed by that same, integer ,variable. Think of passing a pointer to swap (i, Ai ) in to a function. Now
- From its index tuple by a mathematical formula. For example, an array of 10, integer , variables,with indices 0 through 9,may be stored as 10 words at memory
- Year numbering is based on AD/CE year numbering, but follows normal decimal, integer ,numbering more strictly. Thus, it has a year 0,the years before that are
- On the implementation,e.g. 'INTEGER' ( including the quotation marks) for, integer ,; this is known as stropping. ) procedure Abs max (a) Size: (n, m ) Result: (
- Transcendental numbers such as e or log (2). Algebraic integer s An algebraic, integer ,is an algebraic number which is a root of a polynomial with integer
- By m is transferred to y, and the subscripts of this element to i and k; begin, integer ,p, q; y: 0; i: k: = 1; for p: =1 step 1 until n do for q: =1 step 1 until m do
- Bulldozer is revealed to be organized in modules, each consisting of two, integer ,cores capable of processing integer s and one floating point unit (FPU). Each
- Waveforms) if the individual harmonics do not all have a frequency that is an, integer ,multiple of the fundamental frequency. By replacing the kith harmonic frequency
- April 21 would be seen in the U. S. British usage often changes the day from an, integer ,to an ordinal, for instance April 21st or 21st (of) April. Phrases such as
- Integer. Within a shell where n is some integer n0,\ell ranges across all (, integer ,) values satisfying the relation 0 \LE \ell \LE n_0-1. For instance, the n 1
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