Examples of the the word, initiation , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Experience by which a person is initiated, purified,or given a name—see Other, initiation ,ceremonies. Etymology The English word" baptism" is derived indirectly
  2. Accreted in cultures). General semantics Korzybski's work culminated in the, initiation ,of a discipline that he named general semantics (GS). As Korzybski said, GS
  3. Since 2001),keeping the price of data extremely high. Relief is expected with, initiation ,of the Africa Coast to Europe cable in 2011. Currently, about a third of the
  4. The schism in the Golden Dawn that another person verifiably took charge of his, initiation , In the Heartfelt section of The Book of Thoth, Crowley interprets a verse
  5. With his soul. He began to see various women he met as officers in his ongoing, initiation , associating them with priests wearing animal masks in Egyptian ritual. A
  6. For hundreds of guests. Until 2007,Gate House held secretive first-year, initiation ,ceremonies called Traditional, which involved writing slogans on campus
  7. Tissues. Another example is the formation of housing in the translation, initiation ,factor EIF5A,through modification of a lysine residue. Such modifications can
  8. To him, and further secrets revealed before going through the process of, initiation ,which involves a trial by the elements in a journey to the underworld. Lucius
  9. For salvation. For Roman Catholics, baptism by water is a sacrament of, initiation ,into the life of the children of God (Catechism of the Catholic Church
  10. Inhibit its formation. Direct signal transduction Two theories of the direct, initiation ,of apoptotic mechanisms in mammals have been suggested: the TNF-induced (
  11. Feast days. In the early church, Christians and those yet to complete, initiation ,would separate for the Eucharistic part of the worship. In many churches today
  12. Other initiation ceremonies Many cultures practice or have practiced, initiation ,rites, with or without the use of water, including the ancient Egyptian, the
  13. Oceans, but the timings of these events remain controversial. Since its, initiation , compressional tectonic environments led to subsidence in the basin
  14. Cults, all branching from the central goddess herself often proctored various, initiation ,rites of Grecian youth, for example, the passage into citizenship by young men
  15. The word is used for the oath of allegiance to an emir. It is also used for the, initiation ,ceremony specific to many Sufi orders. The word 'Bay at' in the Azerbaijani and
  16. Time and date for all manner of operations whether these be for alarms, event, initiation , or just to display the time of day. The internal computer clock is generally
  17. Of Pseudomyrmex is claimed to give fever relief. Ant bites are used in the, initiation ,ceremonies of some Amazon Indian cultures as a test of endurance. Ant society
  18. Before all previous centuries, if then the reader, I say, has received his, initiation ,in primeval Indian wisdom, and received it with an open heart, he will be
  19. Assault, murder ) or property (i.e., fraud,burglary, theft,taxation). The, initiation ,of force is usually referred to as aggression or coercion. The difference
  20. Rational egoism and rejected ethical altruism. In politics, she condemned the, initiation ,of force as immoral and opposed all forms of collectivism and statism, instead
  21. Christian groups will not accept a prior LDS baptism as evidence of Christian, initiation , as they will between themselves; for example, between Catholics and Baptists.
  22. His consecration, he participated in feasting. }} Apuleius describes also an, initiation ,into the cult of Osiris and yet a third initiation , of the same pattern as the
  23. Religion initiation rites Apuleius, a 2nd-century Roman writer, described an, initiation ,into the mysteries of Isis. The initiation was preceded by a normal bathing in
  24. It in their rites of Baptism, which they consider to be the first sacrament of, initiation ,into the Church. Roman Catholic Church Rite of Baptism An interrogative form of
  25. Of a foreign king, and have him donate his weapons, as was customary. For this, initiation ,he went to the court of Thriving, where the Tepid king gave him Turismod's
  26. Judicial functions were largely curtailed, though it always kept a role in the, initiation ,of various kinds of political trial. Assembly The central events of the
  27. Already profound by current standards, he thought me worthy of the highest, initiation ,in his power to confer; special powers were obtained in view of my limited
  28. Roman writer, described an initiation into the mysteries of Isis. The, initiation ,was preceded by a normal bathing in the public baths and a ceremonial
  29. Approximately 25μm in length and functions as the site of action potential, initiation , It also has an important role in maintaining neuronal polarity. The exact
  30. Of a nationality. The issue is currently under negotiations after a UN, initiation , Balkan countries control the direct land routes between Western Europe and
  31. Much from Crowley's writings such as the Gnostic Mass. The third degree, initiation ,ceremony in Gardner Wicca (including the Great Rite) is derived almost
  32. Of aikido. As a result, strikes to vital points by age, entering (Irish) and, initiation ,of techniques by age, the distinction between smote (front side) and Urey (
  33. The dying cell and the fact that they are engulfed by phagocytes prevents the, initiation ,of a host response. This favors the spread of the virus. Cascade independent
  34. Polyurethane foam, and dust. Common examples of smoldering phenomena are the, initiation ,of residential fires on upholstered furniture by weak heat sources (e.g., a
  35. Apuleius describes also an initiation into the cult of Osiris and yet a third, initiation , of the same pattern as the initiation into the cult of Isis, without mention
  36. By the elements in a journey to the underworld. Lucius is then asked to seek, initiation ,into the cult of Osiris in Rome, and eventually is initiated into the
  37. Many distinct radical intermediates participate. The high energy required for, initiation ,is explained by the unusual structure of the Doxygen molecule. The
  38. The Baptist and practice frequent baptism as a ritual of purification, not of, initiation , Gnostic Catholicism and Thelma The Ecclesial Gnostic Catholic, or Gnostic
  39. And her discovery in politics that evil—the violation of rights—consists of the, initiation ,of force. " She believed epistemology was a foundational branch of philosophy
  40. And descriptive in nature, rather than a modern practice. Mystery religion, initiation ,rites Apuleius, a 2nd-century Roman writer, described an initiation into the
  41. Republics. Carnegie was honored for his philanthropy and support of the arts by, initiation ,as an honorary member of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity on October 14, 1917
  42. Mentions a fraction of the churches practicing" believer's baptism ". ) Other, initiation ,ceremonies Many cultures practice or have practiced initiation rites, with or
  43. Can reduce the chance of developing cervical cancer, if administered before, initiation ,of sexual activity. Potentially pre-cancerous changes in the cervix can be
  44. Germany. This" victory" was used to repress the memory of the German navy's, initiation ,of the German Revolution of 1918–1919,as well as the memory of the defeat in
  45. Via adaptor proteins to the apoptotic mechanisms. Another extrinsic pathway for, initiation ,identified in several toxin studies is an increase in calcium concentration
  46. And led at night into the innermost part of the sanctuary, where the actual, initiation , the details of which were secret, took place. On the next two days, dressed in
  47. A victory had been won Dorian origin The connection with Dorian's and their, initiation ,festival Capella is reinforced by the month Appellation in northwest Greek
  48. Into the cult of Osiris and yet a third initiation , of the same pattern as the, initiation ,into the cult of Isis, without mention of a preliminary bathing. The water-less
  49. In general, the nonaggression axiom can be said to be a prohibition against the, initiation ,of force, or the threat of force, against persons (i.e., direct violence
  50. With the requirements of human life and happiness, and held that the, initiation ,of force was evil and irrational, writing in Atlas Shrugged that" Force and

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