Examples of the the word, hinder , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hinder ), is the 7090 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Recounting, Hera sent witches (as they were called by the The bans) to, hinder ,Alcmene's delivery of Heracles. The witches were successful in preventing the
  2. This also includes nonlethal acts that in the end eliminate or greatly, hinder ,the group. Looking back on history, one can see the different variations of
  3. Both derive from old Castillan-Portuguese" embarazar ", meaning impede, hinder , obstruct. In Spanish, it was then used as euphemism for" pregnant" ( she was
  4. Of two hundred and fifty years ago wrongly ordained, there is nothing to, hinder ,the inevitable sentence that by the same law all who have been similarly
  5. Diamonds constitute 2–3 % of all diamonds traded. Two major flaws still, hinder ,the effectiveness of the Kimberley Process: (1) the relative ease of
  6. With regard to business and immigration are likely to deter investment and so, hinder ,economic growth. For this reason, many people have put forward the idea that
  7. From standard flakes to sinking carnivore pellets. Their lack of sight does not, hinder ,their ability to get any and all food before it hits the bottom. They prefer
  8. Bad arguments. For example, a politician might say" I oppose taxes which, hinder ,economic growth ", an example of a glittering generality. Some will think he
  9. Where it can protect its own pawns, attack the pawns of opposite color, and, hinder , movement of the opponent's king. * Zigzag, a disadvantage because the player
  10. Athlon were the first multiplier-locked CPUs from AMD. This was partly done to, hinder ,CPU remarking being done by questionable resellers around the globe. AMD's
  11. Growth. Others may think he opposes only those taxes that he believes will, hinder ,economic growth. In writing, the sentence can be rewritten to reduce possible
  12. Exists, but the remoteness of the location and a lack of adequate facilities, hinder ,development. Financial assistance from the US is the primary source of revenue
  13. Risks to his flanks and rear and relying on the shock to enemy morale to, hinder ,attacks on his vulnerable flanks, paid large dividends during his rapid march
  14. Some fierce tempest that swoops down upon the sea ...." Diomedes and Odysseus, hinder ,Hector and win the Greeks some time to retreat, but the Trojans sweep down upon
  15. They must preserve freedom as artists, and that any government control would, hinder ,that freedom. A totalitarian system — and they would become nothing but
  16. The beginning of the 19th century. They were believed to oppose free trade and, hinder ,technological innovation, technology transfer and business development.
  17. Accidental functioning are limited to the extent that they do not significantly, hinder ,or prohibit fire fighting or other emergency response efforts in the immediate
  18. Hazardous wastes, and real estate—the last of these restrictions is intended to, hinder ,money laundering. Colombia established a special entity—Converter—to assist
  19. 57.6 to 75.6 kg for 241Am and 209 kg for 243Am. Scarcity and high price yet, hinder ,application of americium as a nuclear fuel in nuclear reactors. There are
  20. Greater confusion between words that are not as similar in normal print and can, hinder ,the learning process of Grade 2 Braille. The contraction rules take into
  21. And historians. Algerians feared that the French law on colonialism would, hinder ,the task the French confronting the dark side of their colonial rule in Algeria
  22. Any pattern to it that the enemy can predict. This process is designed to, hinder ,enemy forces' movement, and,by the constantly imposed stress, threat of
  23. Perks (minor Advantages) and Quirks (minor Disadvantages) benefit or, hinder ,the character a bit, but they mostly add role-playing flavor. Enhancements and
  24. On both their parts, Louis refused to get a divorce fearing that it would, hinder ,his climb up the military command chain. There were charges of infidelity
  25. Designed to help them counsel with members who, however well-meaning, may, hinder , the progress of the church through public criticism. " The First Presidency
  26. Tiles, each player receives one trouble tile for use during the game. These, hinder ,other players by forcing them to use an extra transportation card at that point
  27. And random. According to Sartre, rationality and other forms of bad faith, hinder ,people from finding meaning in freedom. To try to suppress their feelings of
  28. Lay between Davies and Families, but unlike Blenheim, there was no stream to, hinder ,the cavalry. His center was secured by Families itself, lying on a slight
  29. In a manner analogous to that in which physical pain has evolved to, hinder ,actions that may cause further injury," psychic misery" may have evolved to
  30. Also made use of blocking obstacles, erecting a trench and earthen wall to, hinder ,Roman movement along the route of the killing zone. The result was mass
  31. Some psychologists suggest irregularities of the English names of numerals may, hinder ,children's counting ability. Alternative bases Some cultures do, or did, use
  32. Is increased, at which point arresting may bind and act to both sterically, hinder ,G-protein coupling and initiate the process of receptor internalization
  33. That Eddy understood through her lawyer that these consent clauses would not, hinder ,normal operation after her decease. Service Churches worldwide hold a one-hour
  34. Additionally, an interface that is difficult to navigate or understand can, hinder ,the CRM’s effectiveness, causing users to pick and choose which areas of the
  35. After death, as keeping the body longer is considered to lead to impurity and, hinder ,the passage of the dead to afterlife. Hence, before cremation as the body lies
  36. Several small disputed sections of the boundary related to maritime access that, hinder ,final ratification of the 1999 border agreement. Sections of the RNA river and
  37. How to elicit the testimony from the opposing witness that will help, not, hinder , their client's case. Typically, a cross-examiner must not only be effective at
  38. Officials on issues such as the extradition of fugitives and measures to, hinder ,illegal migration. The United States supports the Fernández administration's
  39. Mozart's Eben LoWV28 (1832) uses the cliché of the jealous Salary trying to, hinder ,Mozart's career. Ironically,Salieri's music was much more in the tradition
  40. Well as electronic compasses: but this also means that such stray fields can, hinder ,accurate measurements of small magnetic fields. To solve this problem, Hall
  41. For Chinese speakers, but the process of picking correct Chinese characters may, hinder ,the typing speed. While there is no scientific research to compare typing
  42. Was being created for South Africa, and that further violence would only, hinder ,this process. However, violence still continued in Kwazulu-Natal, which violated
  43. Desired electoral results for a particular party, or may be used to help or, hinder ,a particular demographic, such as a political, racial,linguistic, religious or
  44. Every computer user. Stallman notes that this action will promote rather than, hinder ,the progression of technology, since " it means that much wasteful duplication
  45. Ions to compensate for their charge, are much less mobile themselves and also, hinder ,diffusion of other ions, especially the alkalis. The most common commercial
  46. As he did not want personal prejudice against himself (or anti-Semitism) to, hinder ,the progress of the language. He proposed a declaration on founding principles
  47. Generality. Some will think he opposes taxes in general, because they, hinder ,economic growth. Others may think he opposes only those taxes that he believes
  48. Exists, but the remoteness of the location and a lack of adequate facilities, hinder ,development. Financial assistance from the U. S. is the primary source of
  49. However, he supposedly surrendered both of these out of a fear that they would, hinder ,his search for knowledge. Valerie Maximus preserves a different tradition:
  50. Numerical simulations of globular clusters have demonstrated that binaries can, hinder ,and even reverse the process of core collapse in globular clusters. When a star

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