Examples of the the word, incumbent , in a Sentence Context
The word ( incumbent ), is the 7083 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Ross Perot (8.4 % of the popular vote),becoming the first Democratic, incumbent ,since Lyndon Johnson to be elected to a second term and the first Democrat
- Assembly was the first to be controlled by the Democrats in forty years. The, incumbent ,governor is Democrat John Hickenlooper. Most Coloradans are originally native
- As this time increases to more than a year, the general understanding that the, incumbent ,will merely continue existing and perform only urgent business becomes
- Have led the defense in the absence of an Earl of Hereford, but in 1049 the, incumbent , Æthelstan, was blind, so Alfred took on the role of defender. Diplomatic
- State in case of incapacity, death,resignation or unaccountable absence of the, incumbent , Contrarily, the 1996 Constitutional Reform designates the President of the
- Membership in the Communion without being in communion with him. The present, incumbent ,is Dr Rowan Williams. # The Lambert Conference (first held in 1867) is the
- The membership which the management of the Society patently did not feel. For, incumbent ,management, the contrary views of some of their members were not matters to be
- 1975 – Mike Take makes the first official pilgrimage to Yasukuni Shrine by an, incumbent ,prime minister on the anniversary of the end of World War II. *1977 – The Big
- Effect during the 2005 elections. The amendment also would have prevented the, incumbent ,president, Blaise Compare, from being reelected. However, in October 2005
- Of the Bronx's vote, putting him second and well ahead of the 20 % won by the, incumbent ,pro-war Fusion Mayor John P. Mitchel, who out polled Hill quit city-wide by 23.2
- Some other seats that changed hands had new parliamentary candidates for the, incumbent ,party Labor: *Alan Wynne Williams- Carmarthen East and Diner (MP since 1987
- Some positions he formally holds ex officio and others virtually so (the, incumbent ,of the day, although appointed personally, is appointed because of his office)
- Who is B's heir. Similarly, the freehold of a benefice, on the death of the, incumbent , is said to be in abeyance until the next incumbent takes possession. Peerage
- Led alliance's 226 seats. Its Chief Minister candidate who was also an, incumbent ,Chief Minister, Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee also lost from his Jabalpur assembly
- Major change when the Left Front won the 1977 assembly election, defeating the, incumbent ,Indian National Congress. The Left Front, led by Communist Party of India (
- Party from 1996 to 2000 and 2003 to 2005. In May 2005,Dick DeVos ran against, incumbent ,Governor Jennifer Granola in Michigan's 2006 gubernatorial election. DeVos
- Castle near Winder mere. As a result, Beatrix came to meet Hardwick Ainsley, incumbent ,vicar at Way and later the founding secretary of the National Trust, whose
- On the death of the incumbent , is said to be in abeyance until the next, incumbent ,takes possession. Peerage law The most common use of the term is in the case of
- Which the Republican presidential nomination is undecided (meaning there is no, incumbent ,Republican president—as in, most recently,2011,2007,1999,1995 and 1987)
- Returned home to his growing family and ran for mayor of Northampton when the, incumbent ,Democrat retired. He was well liked in the town, and defeated his challenger by
- The ' incumbent '. The running of the parish is the joint responsibility of the, incumbent ,and the Parochial Church Council (PCC),which consists of the parish clergy
- Interventions in other nations' civil wars, nearly always on the side of the, incumbent ,government. Given the military strength of the Great Powers, these
- Hopes to use Alex as a symbol of state brutality and thereby prevent the, incumbent ,government from being re-elected, he begins to realize Alex's role in the
- And his monks possessed no wealth, and lived like simple beggars, disposing the, incumbent ,Bishop of Norwich and seating the abbot in his place, thus the dual title still
- To the camera. *Ray Collins as Jim W. Getty's: Kane's political rival and the, incumbent ,governor of New York. Kane appears to be the front runner in the campaign, but
- Who was defeated after one term by Mark Pryor and John Goodman, who defeated, incumbent ,Blanche Lincoln. The General Assembly has not been controlled by the Republican
- A steep change in the diversity and composition of Earth's biosphere. The, incumbent ,Ediacaran iota suffered a mass extinction at the base of the period, which
- For the German chancellery, in 1980. In the 1980 elections he ran against the, incumbent ,Helmut Schmidt of the SPD, but lost thereafter, as the SPD and the FDP managed
- Of the Lower House vote in 2001,and between 1 and 4 per cent in 2004. Three, incumbent ,senators were defeated—Aden Ridgeway (NSW),Brian Drag (WA) and John
- Kennedy (1999–2006),Sir Menzies Campbell (2006–07) and Nick Cl egg (, incumbent ,). Though the merger process was traumatic, and the new party suffered a few
- Mara gall (2003–2006),José Mantilla Aguilera (2006–2010) and Artur Mas, incumbent , Security forces Catalonia has its own police force, the Mosses d'Square
- Highest state body) has been described as a" rubber stamp" body. The PRC's, incumbent ,President is Hu Jintao who is also the General Secretary of the Communist Party
- Magistrates, dubbed the 2011 Suriname protests. Politics With French help,the, incumbent ,Blaine Compare seized power in a coup d'état in 1987,betraying his long-time
- Popular politician than either Bill Hayden, the Labor leader since 1977,or the, incumbent ,Liberal Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser. Parliamentarian Hawks initially
- Rotates among three members (Bosniak, Serb,Croat),each elected as, incumbent ,of the Chair for an 8-month term within their 4-year term as a member. The
- Widely expected, the Democrats had no success at the 2007 federal election. Two, incumbent ,senators, Lyn Allison (Victoria) and Andrew Bartlett (Queensland),were
- Printing a bogus paper instead with the same name and size that praises his, incumbent ,government. Several foreign, mainly Polish, journalists have been arrested or
- The support of the electorate and he lost the 1964 presidential election to, incumbent ,Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson by one of the largest landslides in history
- 2000 are often considered the system's defining titles. To challenge the, incumbent ,16-bit game consoles,Jaguar's appeal never grew beyond a small gaming
- In a diocese with the diocesan bishop, and the automatic right to succeed the, incumbent ,diocesan bishop. The appointment of coadjutors is often seen as a means of
- Of the 2006 presidential election which was won with 62 % of the vote by the, incumbent , Álvaro Tribe. Tribe was from a Liberal background, but he campaigned as part of
- Space Center, during a rainstorm. It was the first rocket launch attended by an, incumbent ,US president, Richard Nixon. Thirty-six-and-a-half seconds after lift-off, the
- Then not, Rome consecrated the clergy once it was notified by the kings who the, incumbent ,would be. Recalcitrance by Rome would lead to problems in the kingdom. For the
- Landline telephone service in Canada. This is largely limited to the major, incumbent ,carriers, such as Bell Canada and Telus, for traditional landline service (but
- Had two main competitors in the election — Ramiro Comic, representing the, incumbent ,Christian Democratic Party, who ran a left-wing campaign with much the same
- Demonstrators in Ankara, Turkey protest against the possible candidacy of, incumbent ,Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. *2010 – Nearly 2,700 are killed in a
- Number of parishes in a particular district. The rural dean will usually be the, incumbent ,of one of the constituent parishes. The parishes each elect lay (that is
- Governors Association. Clinton was elected president in 1992,defeating, incumbent ,president George H. W. Bush. As president, Clinton presided over the longest
- Have paramount authority in their legal system. In such a situation, it may be, incumbent ,on the individual to abjure one of his citizenship to avoid possibly being
- Territory, while the head of government of a state is a Premier. The, incumbent ,Chief Minister of the Northern Territory is Paul Henderson, representing the
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