Examples of the the word, legitimacy , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Where his army were apparently treated as liberators, Babur having greater, legitimacy ,as a Timurid, unlike the Uzbeks. Towns and villages are said to have emptied in
  2. A four-year term; the Regional Government and Presidency, with parliamentary, legitimacy , composed of a President, a Vice-President and seven Regional Secretaries
  3. Certainly wanted diplomatic recognition by Washington, they believed their, legitimacy ,stemmed from the popular rebellion which brought them to power, and not from
  4. And canon law make it impossible to decide clearly which side possessed the, legitimacy ,whose factual existence guarantees the unbroken lawful succession of the
  5. Francis had changed, no hallowed Me roving was needed, neither for defense nor, legitimacy ,: Charles divided his realm between his sons without opposition (though he
  6. Principle. #Shu (術 SHU): method, tactic,art, or statecraft. #Shi (勢 Shi):, legitimacy , power, or charisma. Legalism was the chosen philosophy of the Qin Dynasty. It
  7. Are concerns that just having NIH support is being used to give unfounded ", legitimacy ,to treatments that are not legitimate. " Popular press The Washington Post
  8. Its headquarters. Al-Qaeda enjoyed the Taliban's protection and a measure of, legitimacy ,as part of their Ministry of Defense, although only Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and
  9. Out of the West Saxon Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, which sought to demonstrate the, legitimacy ,of their kings to rule over other Anglo-Saxon peoples. Notes Brouwer's fixed
  10. New state needed legitimacy that was essential in 17th century Europe, and this, legitimacy ,could be provided by a foreign monarch. In search of a protectorate
  11. The equivalent manpower source for fear of fundamentally undermining the, legitimacy ,of slavery. Emancipated slaves mostly handled garrison duties, and fought
  12. The Council of Constance deposed John XXIII of the Pisa line, whose claim to, legitimacy ,was based on a council's choice. Pope Gregory XII of the Roman line resigned
  13. Realized the importance of the Roman Catholic Church as a bastion of loyalty, legitimacy , social control, and stability, as had been the case in the colonial period. He
  14. Considered to be fair, although the absence of Matisse cast a shadow over the, legitimacy ,of the process. On 8 May 2005,Belize gained yet a further victory when his
  15. Of private property and property rights, anarcho-capitalists deny the, legitimacy ,of a state on principle::" For, apart from ruling out as unjustified all
  16. Of republicanism, a moral issue of principle. Abstentionism gave the movement, legitimacy , the right to wage war, to speak for a Republic all but established in the
  17. And European powers outside of France, blessed by God. It established the, legitimacy ,of the Lancastrian monarchy and the future campaigns of Henry to pursue his "
  18. Organisers the Continuity Army Council. In a 1986 statement, he rejected" the, legitimacy ,of an Army Council styling itself the Council of the Irish Republican Army
  19. The Pope was effectively reviving the Western Roman Empire and nullifying the, legitimacy ,of Empress Irene of Constantinople (Pope Leo III did not consider her a
  20. See the second paragraph of this article),it makes no judgement regarding the, legitimacy ,of his takeover of the position of pope in 1045. The Catholic Encyclopedia
  21. To dismiss what are in fact substantial and well-evidenced accusations. The, legitimacy ,of each such usage will therefore be a matter of some controversy. Michael
  22. In 1777 and was formally ratified by all 13 states in 1781. The Articles gave, legitimacy ,to the Continental Congress to direct the American Revolutionary War, conduct
  23. Communist perspective. By 1974,another challenge to the state's authority and, legitimacy ,had come from 19 April Movement (M-19),a mostly urban guerrilla group
  24. End the civil war, but it was decisive and gave Caesar a much-needed boost in, legitimacy , Until then much of the Roman world outside of Italy supported Pompey and his
  25. Has diplomatic relations with 171 countries and maintains embassies in 162. Its, legitimacy ,is disputed by the Republic of China and a few other countries; it is thus the
  26. Anarchism, which embodies the theoretical stance that the state lacks moral, legitimacy ,without accepting the imperative of revolution to eliminate it. A component
  27. Notable figure in the mid-9th century. Control of marriage and the meanings of, legitimacy ,were hotly contested in the Middle Ages. Bertha and Gilbert are an example of
  28. To be declared as divinely revealed, the following examples can be given: the, legitimacy ,of the election of the Supreme Pontiff or of the celebration of an ecumenical
  29. Mahabharata and the Manumit (5.27–55) contain lengthy discussions about the, legitimacy ,of ritual slaughter. In the Mahabharata both sides present various arguments to
  30. Meadows massacre in southern Utah. Academic critics have questioned the, legitimacy ,of Smith as a prophet as well as the historical authenticity of the Book of
  31. Rather than kill, Honoria. He also wrote to Attila strenuously denying the, legitimacy ,of the supposed marriage proposal. Attila sent an emissary to Ravenna to
  32. In God and in the divine inspiration of the Torah; however, it also affirms the, legitimacy ,of multiple interpretations of these issues. Atheism, Trinitarian views of God
  33. Established their de facto independence from Poland, the new state needed, legitimacy ,that was essential in 17th century Europe, and this legitimacy could be
  34. Angeles to nearby San Diego. On August 8,1961,the AFL, desperate to prove its, legitimacy , challenged the Canadian Football League to an exhibition game. It was decided
  35. Of being his accomplice. By criticizing Eden, Spotswood intended to bolster the, legitimacy ,of his invasion. Lee (1974) concludes that although Spots wood may have
  36. Executive" as the" lawful Executive of the Irish Republican Army. " Claim to, legitimacy ,Thus, similar to the claim put forward by the Provisional IRA after its split
  37. Nineteenth century, boxing or prizefighting was primarily a sport of dubious, legitimacy , Outlawed in England and much of the United States, prizefights were often held
  38. Speech as the“ word of Yahweh ”, a generic term carrying a claim to prophetic, legitimacy ,and authority. Samaria and Jerusalem are given prominence as the loci of the
  39. When Caesar invaded Italy in 49 BC, Cicero fled Rome. Caesar, seeking the, legitimacy ,an endorsement by a senior senator would provide, courted Cicero's favor, but
  40. Goals of enforcement and punishment. Legislation must conform to a theory of, legitimacy , which describes the circumstances under which a particular person or group is
  41. To the historical and political context driving this fundamental change. The, legitimacy ,(and often the longevity) of codified constitutions has often been tied to
  42. P instead of pence is common in spoken usage. Each of the following has equal, legitimacy ,: 3 pounds 12 p; 3 pounds and 12 p; 3 pounds 12 pence; 3 pounds and 12 pence; as
  43. It is at this point that Paris gives Aeneas Priam's sword, in order to give, legitimacy ,and continuity to the Royal Line of Troy - and lay the foundations of Rome.
  44. Orleans. Throughout the early twentieth century, boxers struggled to achieve, legitimacy , aided by the influence of promoters like Tex Richard and the popularity of
  45. A different tack. They were in a position where they needed to shore up their, legitimacy , but also justify the fall of the Julio-Claudians. They reached back to
  46. Class at the Paris Conservatoire. However, rival instrument makers attacked the, legitimacy ,of his patents and mounted a long campaign of litigation against Sax and his
  47. Or economic crisis, to give a government the high degree of perceived political, legitimacy , or collective ideology it desires whilst also playing a role in diminishing
  48. Emperor Aurangzeb the conquest of Qutbshahi ruled Golconda was crucial to the, legitimacy ,of his reign throughout the realm. Although the Qutbshahi's maintained
  49. Also appointed chiefs and other local African authorities who had little, legitimacy ,over the groups they were to lead. In general, the French favored southerners
  50. At Yale School of Medicine wrote that it" is used to lend an appearance of, legitimacy ,to treatments that are not legitimate. " Dr. Marcia Angel, executive editor of

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