Examples of the the word, dye , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dye ), is the 7087 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. CD-Rs are typically rated with a lifetime of decades. AZO is the most resistant, dye ,against UV rays and begins to degrade only after the third or fourth week of
  2. And their formulation is patented by Tail Auden. CD-Rs based on this, dye ,are mostly green. The earlier models were very chemically unstable and
  3. Week of direct sunlight exposure. More modern implementations of this kind of, dye ,include Super AZO which is not as deep blue as the earlier Metal AZO. This
  4. Or photos),which could mean either the seaweed, probably Red Algae, or a red, dye ,derived from it. The Latinization, fūcus, meant primarily the cosmetic rouge.
  5. Is a printer which employs a printing process that uses heat to transfer, dye ,to a medium such as a plastic card, paper or canvas. The process is usually to
  6. Distinguish copies from an original CD. There are three basic formulations of, dye ,used in CD-Rs: # Cyanine dye CD-Rs were the earliest ones developed, and their
  7. For the disc in order to get a good recording; this may erode the benefits of, dye ,stability, as marginally written discs (with higher correctable error rates)
  8. In color to the natural amaranth pigments known as explains. This synthetic, dye ,is also known as Red No. 2 in North America and E123 in the European Union.
  9. Similarly, a gold reflective layer does not guarantee use of phthalocyanine, dye , The quality of the disc is also not only dependent on the dye used, it is also
  10. Plasmid). Visualization: ethidium bromide (EBR) and dye s The most common, dye ,used to make DNA or RNA bands visible for agarose gel electrophoresis is
  11. Collagen is brightly eosinophilic (pink) in standard H&E slides. The, dye ,methyl violet may be used to stain the collagen in tissue samples. The dye
  12. To ensure proper size and spacing of the pits and lands burned into the, dye ,layer. As well as providing timing information, the TIP (absolute time in
  13. Discs (" metal stabilized Cyanine "," Super Cyanine" ). Older cyanine, dye ,based CD-Rs, as well as all the hybrid dye s based on cyanine, were very
  14. Is also a data track containing information about the CD-R manufacturer,the, dye ,used and media information (disc length and so on). The retrieve is not
  15. Convinced otherwise. In 1857,the British in India were forced by casualties to, dye ,their white hot-weather uniforms to neutral tones, initially a muddy tan called
  16. Formed couples pyridine with barbaric acid to form a strongly colored red, dye ,that is proportional to the cyanide concentration. This colorimetric method
  17. Ancient times is the fabric dye Tyrian purple. The brominated indole indigo, dye ,is produced by a medium-sized predatory sea snail, the marine gastropod Durex
  18. Order to achieve faster writing speeds. There are many hybrid variations of the, dye ,formulations, such as Formosan by Kodak (a hybrid of cyanine and
  19. Organic compound that has been used by humans since ancient times is the fabric, dye ,Tyrian purple. The brominated indole indigo dye is produced by a medium-sized
  20. Is totally surrounded by optical fibers to capture all light emitted once the, dye ,is excited using a laser. The technique allowed detection of Press after many
  21. Cyanine, phthalocyanine is more resistant to UV rays and CD-Rs based on this, dye ,show signs of degradation only after two weeks of direct sunlight exposure.
  22. Original CD. There are three basic formulations of dye used in CD-Rs: # Cyanine, dye ,CD-Rs were the earliest ones developed, and their formulation is patented by
  23. CD-Rs, are injection molded with a" blank" data spiral. A photosensitive, dye ,is then applied, after which the discs are metalized and lacquer-coated. The
  24. Much older, either of Celtic or Phoenician origin. The Phoenicians traded a red, dye ,extracted from a mineral mined in Celtic lands, from Iberia to Ireland. In
  25. First publication described the elevated cancer risk of workers in a chromate, dye ,company. Three mechanisms have been proposed to describe the genotoxicity of
  26. Then well written discs (with lower correctable error rates). # AZO, dye ,CD-Rs are dark blue, and their formulation is patented by Mitsubishi
  27. The last bit of red from their stockings because their manager thought the red, dye ,could cause wounds to become infected (as noted in The Sporting News Baseball
  28. By Mitsuki and CIA Specialty Chemicals. Phthalocyanine is a natively stable, dye ,(has no need for stabilizers) and CD-Rs based on this are often given a rated
  29. And the (then unknown) cyanide was formed during the manufacture of the, dye , An iron-containing compound was found in Prussian blue and named "
  30. By Philips, which at $995 was the first recorder to cost less than $1000. The, dye ,materials developed by Tail Auden made it possible for CD-R discs to be
  31. Uniforms and therefore adopted black, as the only color that could be used to, dye ,their civilian clothing without the original color showing. As these volunteers
  32. The retrieve side with a very thin layer of organic dye . Then, on top of the, dye ,is coated a thin, reflecting layer of silver, a silver alloy, or gold. Finally
  33. And their formulation is patented by Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation. AZO, dye ,is also chemically stable, and AZO CD-Rs are typically rated with a lifetime of
  34. Islands for the Western world. He dispatched a naval contingent to re-open the, dye ,production facility at Matador in what is now western Morocco in the early 1st
  35. Are far less toxic because they do not release cyanide ions easily. The, dye ,Prussian blue had been first accidentally made, it is presumed around 1706
  36. Audio CD players. CD-R recordings are designed to be permanent. Over time the, dye ,'s physical characteristics may change, however,causing read errors and data
  37. Of blue (tethered) ". In ancient days, this blue thread was made from a, dye ,extracted from a Mediterranean snail called the Hilton. Maimonides claimed
  38. As this lets the sun hit the recording surface directly. # Phthalocyanine, dye ,CD-Rs are usually silver, gold or light green. The patents on phthalocyanine
  39. The Hopi (a tribe in the western United States) as the source of a deep red, dye , There is also a synthetic dye that has been named" amaranth" for its
  40. Natural dye s such as woad and true indigo were used to produce indigo, dye ,used to color fabrics blue or indigo. These have now largely been replaced by
  41. The dye methyl violet may be used to stain the collagen in tissue samples. The, dye ,methyl blue can also be used to stain collagen and immunohistochemical stains
  42. Phthalocyanine dye . The quality of the disc is also not only dependent on the, dye ,used, it is also influenced by sealing, the top layer, the reflective layer
  43. As ferrocyanides were first discovered as components of the intensely colored, dye ,Prussian blue. Pianos is Greek for" ( dark) blue ". Occurrence Cyanides are
  44. And then concentrating any Press, the samples are labelled with a fluorescent, dye ,using an antibody for specificity and then finally loaded into a
  45. CD CDR is a re-recordable medium that uses a metallic alloy instead of a, dye , To write laser in this case is used to heat and alter the properties (
  46. Be used as an antioxidant to increase fluorescent signal and chemically retard, dye ,photobleaching. It is also commonly used to remove dissolved metal stains, such
  47. Disc is coated on the retrieve side with a very thin layer of organic, dye , Then, on top of the dye is coated a thin, reflecting layer of silver, a silver
  48. United States) as the source of a deep red dye . There is also a synthetic, dye ,that has been named" amaranth" for its similarity in color to the natural
  49. Error rates) will lose data (i.e. have uncorrectable errors) after less, dye ,degradation than well written discs (with lower correctable error rates). #
  50. And lacquer-coated. To write laser of the CD recorder changes the color of the, dye ,to allow the read laser of a standard CD player to see the data, just as it

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