Examples of the the word, quantify , in a Sentence Context

The word ( quantify ), is the 7302 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To the case in hand. The guidance solicitors will take into account to help, quantify ,general damages are as hereunder: 1 The age of the client The age of the client
  2. However, the set existence axioms of NBG are restricted so that they only, quantify ,over sets, rather than over all classes. This causes NBG to be a conservative
  3. Level differences. Uses Acoustics The decibel is commonly used in acoustics to, quantify ,sound levels relative to a 0 dB reference which has been defined as a sound
  4. Mortality, morbidity,or other indicators. There are several measures used to, quantify ,the burden imposed by diseases on people. The years of potential life lost (
  5. Oval remained unknown for decades. The value of the espionage is difficult to, quantify , as the principal constraint on the Soviet atomic bomb project was a shortage
  6. BOWS),and # pre-defined“ earning rules” ( also called metrics) to, quantify ,the accomplishment of work, called Earned Value (EV) or Budgeted Cost of Work
  7. Employed in the production. Both David Ricardo and Karl Marx attempted to, quantify ,and embody all the labor components in order to set the real price, or
  8. Had sufficient time to heal so that any continuing loss becomes difficult to, quantify , Other examples abound. Although entering into a mediation to settle the entire
  9. Measurements (includes sediment concentration) * Collection of samples to, quantify ,Organic Compounds * Collection of samples to quantify Inorganic Compounds;
  10. Method called Outdoor Site-Lighting Performance (DSP),which allows users to, quantify , and thus optimize, the performance of existing and planned lighting designs
  11. A 3 dB change. History The decibel originates from methods used to, quantify ,reductions in audio levels in telephone circuits. These losses were originally
  12. Model of human brightness perception. Photometry is useful, for example, to, quantify , Illumination (lighting) intended for human use. The SI units for both systems
  13. Collection of samples to quantify Organic Compounds * Collection of samples to, quantify ,Inorganic Compounds; Integrating measurement and modeling * Quality control of
  14. Appreciable fraction of the age of the Universe up to that era. One method to, quantify ,exactly how long this process took uses the photon visibility function (PVF).
  15. May be used for the final model and also at individual model factor level, to, quantify , the discriminatory power of individual factors. This is as a result of too many
  16. To: Computing * Kilo bit (KB),a unit of information used, for example, to, quantify , computer memory or storage capacity * Kilobyte (KB),a unit of information
  17. Late Triassic. The effects of mass extinctions on plants are somewhat harder to, quantify , given the biases inherent in the plant fossil record. Some mass extinctions (
  18. So-called Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) methodology to, quantify ,how uncertain environmental predictions are. The Battle of Marathon (, Machē
  19. The body vaults over a stiff leg with each step. Force plates can be used to, quantify ,the whole-body kinetic & potential energy, with walking displaying an
  20. Field of pharmacology. This includes the development of a mathematical scale to, quantify ,the strength of drugs, and a system that would allow a doctor to determine in
  21. Bias reports there are at least 12 methods used to analyze the existence of and, quantify ,bias: # Surveys of the political/cultural attitudes of journalists
  22. Storage capacity * Kilobyte (KB),a unit of information used, for example, to, quantify , computer memory or storage capacity Science * Base dissociation constant (Kb)
  23. Documented, as the primary concern was pain management. It was not possible to, quantify ,to what degree depression recovery was secondary to the patient's recovery
  24. Damages” for pain and suffering and loss of amenity (PSA). Solicitors, quantify ,personal injury claims by reference to previous awards made by the courts which
  25. And has become a de facto baseline that continues to be incorrectly used to, quantify ,downward population trends in the species. Through the 1980s,Loxodonta
  26. A mathematical technique used by Al-Fihri and Arnold of Villanova to, quantify ,the nature of compound medicines to a different physical problem. One of the
  27. Is sometimes used (by groups like the U. S. National Park Service) to, quantify ,sky glow and general sky clarity. The nine-class scale rates the darkness of the
  28. Foreseeable and not too remote. Financial losses are usually simple to, quantify ,but in complex cases which involve loss of pension entitlements and future loss
  29. Content There are a number of entropy-related concepts that mathematically, quantify ,information content in some way: * the self-information of an individual
  30. Then required for disease prevention. According to one study that attempted to, quantify ,the lives saved by banning agricultural use and thereby slowing the spread of
  31. To the best next alternative foregone. Although opportunity cost can be hard to, quantify , the effect of opportunity cost is universal and very real on the individual
  32. Energy, matter,and information equivalence Shannon's efforts to find a way to, quantify ,the information contained in, for example, an e-mail message, led him
  33. A measurement of mass equal to 1,000 kg * an analytical measurement intended to, quantify ,the state of a system. For example" population density" is one metric which
  34. In pancreas, stomach,brain, breast and ovarian cancers were difficult to, quantify ,because there were not enough data, but other studies are in progress. However
  35. Soul * Dosage Index, a mathematical figure used by breeders of race horses to, quantify ,a horse's ability Dilbert is an American comic strip written and drawn by
  36. Ratio, also known as compression power, is a computer-science term used to, quantify ,the reduction in data-representation size produced by a data compression
  37. Engine for improved performance. Major search engine robots are more likely to, quantify ,such extant factors as the volume of incoming links from related websites
  38. International and national attention. Satellite images have helped document and, quantify ,deforestation as well as fires, but their use also has generated considerable
  39. The terrestrial alteration of meteorites is called weathering. In order to, quantify ,the degree of alteration that a meteorite experienced, several qualitative
  40. First sort, and elements satisfying P_2 as elements of the second sort. One can, quantify ,over each sort by using the corresponding predicate symbol to limit the range
  41. Power ratio or 20 times the common logarithm of a voltage ratio. It is used to, quantify ,the loss of voltage levels in transmitting electrical signals, to describe
  42. XP that may be related to y, linear regression analysis can be applied to, quantify ,the strength of the relationship between y and the PJ, to assess which PJ may
  43. Functions throughout its history, making its purpose difficult to abstract or, quantify ,to any single concept. This does not imply that the purpose of Art is" vague "
  44. Largest export. Foreign exchange earnings from livestock, although difficult to, quantify , are second. Actual exports far exceed official statistics, which often fail to
  45. France, dated between 35,000 and 20,000 years old, suggest early attempts to, quantify ,time. The Shang bone, found near the headwaters of the Nile river (
  46. Which is conserved in all processes; the first law, however,is unable to, quantify ,the effects of friction and dissipation. The analysis which led to the concept
  47. Like non-monetary benefits, the value of these incomes is difficult to, quantify , Different quantification of these incomes will yield different Gini
  48. Real birth is marked by the Empiricism of the Renaissance, which first began to, quantify ,large-scale trade accurately. England began the first large-scale and
  49. Damages). The clause will be enforceable if it involves a genuine attempt to, quantify ,a loss in advance and is a good faith estimate of economic loss. Courts have
  50. US Census Bureau) and Mexico have greater inequality. Using the Gini can help, quantify ,differences in welfare and compensation policies and philosophies. However it

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