Examples of the the word, qa , in a Sentence Context

The word ( qa ), is the 12301 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Between two points P and Q whose bilinear coordinates are pa: PB: pc and, qa , : QB: QC. Let KP APA + BPB + CPC and let Km AQA + Bob + CQC. Then D is given by
  2. Mod 0 set that is a union of q intervals of length a, hence it has measure, qa , strictly between 0 and 1. * Let G be a compact Abelian group, μ the normalized
  3. I want it to be, the process doesn't really matter too much ". Name ", qa , april/JJ"> 2002"/> As working with the other artists gave him a sense of celebration
  4. V_a, q_a)\plus (V_h, q_h),where V0=KER q is the radical of q, ( Va, qa , ) is an anisotropic quadratic space and (VH, qh) is a hyperbolic quadratic
  5. Isbn 9781400076789&view,QA, historian * Sir Laurel Stein http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0295977302
  6. Typically velar in articulation. Thus, there is a distinction between Kay and, qa , in native words both of which are distinct from key in loanwords. Whorf's
  7. To Ice dove and Ice ape, respectively. Rebranding According to packages., qa , Debian. Org, Iceweasel, Icedove and Ice ape were first accepted into the Debian
  8. The Persian, Arabic and/or English sounds style" font-size:14pt;" >क़, qa , style" font-size:14pt;" >ख़ hey, style " font-size:14pt;" >ग़
  9. The Chicago academy for the arts for high school. He is currently pursuing, qa , degree in performance from the Berk lee college of music. Greg has had the rare
  10. The glyphs for fa and VA are variants of Old Sundanese pa, the glyphs for, qa , and a are variants of Old Sundanese key, and the glyph for ZA is a variant of
  11. Were then translated from Japanese to Gaelic for the recording. Name ", qa , april/JJ"> 2002"/> Celtic singer Joanne Hog of the band Iowa, who was the singer
  12. Appear to the album after an acquaintance introduced him to them. Name ", qa , june/JJ"> 2002"/> Hideout" MALTA" Katsuki worked on the album as an arranger and
  13. I’D,Q, R,F, G,O, L,M, N,U, W,H, Y a, ba, ta,SA, e,ca, ka, xa, i,the, qa , Ra, fa,GA, o,la, ma,Na, u,Wei, ha,ya Afar may refer to: *Afar people
  14. Zeta (s, qa ). (This last form is valid whenever q a natural number and 1 −, qa , is not. ) Zeros If q 1 the Horowitz zeta function reduces to the Riemann zeta
  15. Free to use. Locations http://www.escis.org.uk/index.asp? Action page&pagename, qa , ESCIS can be accessed for free in every library in East Sussex and Brighton and
  16. Isbn 9780345440471&view,QA, Conversation with Carolyn and Lisa See
  17. Try bringing back the formation, in some way, for another project. Name ", qa , april 2002" /> In February 2011,Square Enix released, a second arranged album
  18. Close, P (a, b ) and Q (a, b ) can be computed directly from pa ... PB and, qa , ... QB. Binary splitting requires more memory than direct term-by-term
  19. From the original soundtrack, did not reprise her role in Brad. Name ", qa , june/JJ"> 2002"/> Instead, Tetsuko Honda sang the four tracks written by Judo, while
  20. 1,-1,-1,-1,-1,8,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,QATAR STARS LEAGUE - SL. Com., qa , Rush to the dead summer () is a novel written by Go Jingling.
  21. Rp^4dbq^4,3rd=Dr, &\\ pie EP,&p^5ceq^5r rp^5ecaq^5,are=er, &\\ FAQ, qa , &p^6deq^6r rp^6edbq^6,PT=TP, &\\ BBQ QB,&p^7cdcq^7r rp^7cdceq^7,AQT=TQ
  22. Associative. It can then be shown that all elements of B in fact have the form, qa , pb, for some natural numbers a and b. The composition operation simplifies to:
  23. Of \sort, and as such, is an excellent rational approximation to it. *If (pa, qa , ) and (PB, qb) are solutions, then so is:: :p = p_a p_b + S \dot q_a q_b\, \
  24. Numbers a and b. The composition operation simplifies to: (QA PB) (QC pd) =, qa , − b + max pd − c + max. From ordered pairs The way in which these exponents are
  25. Isbn 9780375421860&view,QA, Interview and book excerpt: Flores de Goiás is a small town and municipality in
  26. Of water flowing from" it. The volume was measured in capacity units called, qa , The weight, mana (the Greek unit for about one pound),is the weight of
  27. Of which a useful generalization is: \sum_^\zeta (s, a+p/q)=qts\, \zeta (s, qa , ). (This last form is valid whenever q a natural number and 1 − QA is not. )
  28. http://www.randomhouse.com/knopf/catalog/display.pperl? Isbn 9780307263667&view,QA, * Frank Hyde, Australian rugby league footballer, coach and commentator * Glen
  29. A plural suffix Nolan, noyad for plural),t. Em- (to bestow a title tended),QA, ( khan an),k. Em (decree key refers to the law decreed by the tribal
  30. 35 - Possibly Queen Bar, wife of Pine, Mother of Sahara * Yuri 38 - Ashe (, qa , ), Queen. Daughter of Aspects and wife of Aramatle-qo * Yuri 40 - Female
  31. Isbn 9781400063567&view,QA, Amy Bloom: Author Q&A Crane is an unincorporated community in Harvey County
  32. Isbn 9781400076789&view,QA, British historian of Russia. * Arturo Segre, Italian political and commercial
  33. Attended some British screenings for question and answer sessions. Name ", qa ," /> Ride, Rise,Roar is the feature-length directorial debut by Hillman
  34. ඟ, Nda - ඬ, Ndha - ඳ, Mba - ඹ Some others: La - ළ, Na - ණ, Sha - ෂ, xa - ක්‍ෂ‍, qa ,- ඤ, GNa - ඥ Special Letters NG - ං, H - ඃ Vowel Sounds Short vowel sounds are
  35. Of this basis, every vector decomposes as: v=QA\math bf_a+p_a\Mathilda. The, qa , and pa are canonically conjugate coordinates. If 1 ≤ j, k ≤ n is a Barbour
  36. Are conventionally transcribed: *ya, wa, ba, pa,ma, na, ra, la,CIA, kha, ka, qa , SA, da. These values were established from evidence such as Egyptian names
  37. 1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,9,-1,11,-1,13,14,Player profile - SL. Com., qa , The VLF Transmitter Cutler is the United States Navy's very low frequency (
  38. Digraphs. A raised Ra is prefixed to the k-series to create a digraph for q: ᖃ, qa , etc.; the final is ᖅ -q. A raised nāga is prefixed to the g-series to create
  39. 60&p 2&s -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,6,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,SL. Com., qa , profile Poor Sahodharargal () is a 1989 Tamil feature film directed by
  40. For some natural numbers a and b. The composition operation simplifies to: (, qa , pb) (QC pd) = QA − b + max pd − c + max. From ordered pairs The way in which
  41. don't exist in the main ASCII set. For example क (key) + ़ (junta) = क़ (, qa , ). These characters have precomposed forms in Unicode, as shown in the

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