Examples of the the word, pvc , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pvc ), is the 12823 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To stop you'd only see a section of the image). Ropes, bungee chords, staffs,PVC, conduit and the edges of handheld fans have been used publicly, although a
  2. Around two inches in diameter, toward a hole, usually denoted by a can or, pvc , pipe,in a box. Washer boxes vary in size and shape, but a standard for
  3. Singer Paloma Faith has been pictured wearing one of Mclean's House Of Flora, pvc , berets and also, while performing at the T In The Park Festival (July 2010)
  4. For a large amount of applications such as PVC cables, pvc seals, food grade, pvc , compound bottles, injection molding, bath mats, hoses,cable tunnels, medical
  5. Alistair Cooke's bones were removed in New York City and replaced with, pvc , pipe before his cremation. Body snatching in popular culture In literature *A
  6. 2010/2011:« Crayons sticks» ( installation) – acrylic on resin, inox, pvc , – (135 to 195)x30x30cm More artworks *2005/2009:« Monsters» ( series) –
  7. In height. Air stone protein skimmers may be constructed as a DIY project from, pvc , pipes and fittings at low cost http://www.angelfire.com/ok/dog1/skimmer.html
  8. The frame can be either a simple rectangle of pierced PVC pipes, joined by, pvc , joints,or three-dimensional frames of various sizes, with a similar PVC
  9. Temporary tensile structures, constructed using extrusion aluminum profiles, pvc , roof covers and sides, glass panels and other structural elements. With these
  10. Individual resonators can be made from gourds, wood,bamboo, clay,glass, pvc , or metal, to name a few. The keys also govern the design of the marimba due to
  11. In the 1960s and early 1970s. During that era boots and garments made of, pvc , and vinyl were made and worn in public areas to some degrees. And in the media
  12. Town. It has a paper mill, a sugar mill, a snacks factory, and few steel mills, pvc , pipe factory and chemical factory. Agriculture is the main source of income in
  13. Of common materials for manufacturing anti-fatigue mats includes vinyl, wood,PVC, tubing,rubber, pvc closed cell foam, polypropylene,nitrite rubber. Nowadays
  14. Do the same thing with inexpensive tools purchased at a hardware store such as, pvc , pipe and bits of string. Upon careful observation there is little disagreement
  15. Exhibits, ranging from a simple machines castle to a musical instrument made of, pvc , tubing. The Orpheus also offers other activities, including field trips, summer
  16. Devices. Also making a debut were installations of" out-door rain"—perforated, pvc , nozzles that sprayed water to fight the fierce hundred-degree heat. Each of the
  17. Speculated that this was done as a cost-saving measure). He wore a black, pvc , jumpsuit (often with gloves) with a limited number of coats or suits worn
  18. External links *http://www.paramvirchakra.com/ Dedicated site to all, pvc , holders paramvirchakra. Com *
  19. A missing bolt, and made a few other minor repairs. A makeshift replica of, pvc , tubes named the Jello Cube in honor of Peter Cooper was placed in its stead. As
  20. Adds a little something better to the" Runway ". At first, it only consisted of, pvc , pipe and stringers. That was over ten years ago. Now before the Dreadnoughts
  21. By PVC joints, or three-dimensional frames of various sizes, with a similar, pvc , construction. There are several ways that the vacuum bed can be designed to
  22. To attach themselves. Ideally, the aquarium should be a river set up, using,PVC, pipes to achieve a one directional flow. The water should be fairly warm
  23. Dose. Sources of Polychlorinated dibenzodioxins was identified in refuse and, pvc , combustion and industrial refuse disposal in uncontrolled industrial waste
  24. For manufacturing anti-fatigue mats includes vinyl, wood,PVC tubing, rubber,PVC, closed cell foam, polypropylene,nitrite rubber. Nowadays, anti-fatigue mats
  25. Quantity. Street Fighter Broadcast Figures SODA produced a line of 10-inch,PVC, figures featuring details on par with their resin statue lineup. Broadcast
  26. To the Illinois version) with 15"x15" boxes constructed of 2x4s,with a 4 ", pvc , pipe in the middle. Sand is placed in the box and pipe. 3/4" washers are used
  27. Singles released by rock group The Police in 1980. The pack, which came in a, pvc , folder contained the first five A&M singles by the band, namely " Roxanne ","
  28. Profile compounds allow for a large amount of applications such as PVC cables, pvc , seals,food grade PVC compound bottles, injection molding, bath mats, hoses
  29. On the site there is also a prefect hut and the 'Dome ', a ribbed, inflatable,PVC, dome that covers a concrete court divided into three sections, a tennis court
  30. Expensive than sunroofs, which are mainly constructed from either aluminum or, pvc , the true conservatory offers more detailing and design than a simple sunroof.
  31. The air in the envelope. The frame can be either a simple rectangle of pierced, pvc , pipes,joined by PVC joints, or three-dimensional frames of various sizes, with
  32. The water on to a spinning plate or a by using special gardening tip on a, pvc , tube. The mist is 100 % oxygen rich along with the benefits of maintaining 100
  33. Arranged along the sides of the rear part of the body. For a little comfort, pvc , backrests were supplied for the longitudinal seats, unlike their other Work bus
  34. Panties are made of a variety of materials and fabrics including satin, silk,PVC, cotton, nylon,mesh, lace,rawhide, leather,latex, lycra, and/or polyester.
  35. Rigid PVC profile compounds allow for a large amount of applications such as, pvc , cables,PVC seals, food grade PVC compound bottles, injection molding, bath
  36. Plastic backing. In the case of cloth diapers, it would be towards the latex or, pvc , of the pants worn over them. BDSM Diapers are sometimes used during prolonged
  37. Are made of halon (a kind of neoprene),Nylon (a rubberized fabric),PVC, or polyurethane coated cloth. They can be inflated with foot, hand or electric

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