Examples of the the word, twain , in a Sentence Context

The word ( twain ), is the 12827 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of it, de COURLY, at the desire of King John, cleft a massive helmet in, twain ,at a single blow. To reward his singular performance, King John supposedly
  2. More on which later) to Alexis de Tocqueville. Rousseau's thesis is that the, twain ,are incompatible because they make different demands upon the virtuous man.
  3. Thy cloak also. 41And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him, twain , 42Give to him that asked thee, and from him that would borrow of the turn
  4. Of fighters, Fradmar Grammar and Byrd Gyro and the Frees Rear, twain , Am and Journal Journal, Álf the Old; It is much to know, — wilt
  5. Give up the fight:" Sink me the ship, Master Gunner—sink her, split her in, twain , ... Fall into the hands of God, not into the hands of Spain! ", wrote Tennyson
  6. Cleave to his wife; And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more, twain , but one flesh. " According to the words of Jesus, married persons are in some
  7. For" two. " The riverboatman's cry was Mark Twain or, more fully, by the mark, twain , meaning" according to the mark on the line, the depth is two fathoms," that
  8. 1.8 m); twain is an archaic term for" two. " The riverboatman's cry was mark, twain ,or, more fully, by the Mark Twain, meaning " according to the mark on the line
  9. Riddle that mentions Leaner and Odin: :36. Gestumblindi said::" Who are the, twain ,: that on ten feet run?: three eyes they have, : but only one tail.: Alright
  10. Cleave to his wife; And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more, twain , but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put
  11. One for the girls parents, and a separate one for the Governors; and never the, twain ,must meet! The facade finally collapses when the parents become obsessed with
  12. Dove, in quest of food, dashed amid the winnowing-fans, its breast broken in, twain , " In 2002,Theatre Kingston mounted a production of The Orestes and included
  13. And reforged at least once. After it was reforged, it could cleave an anvil in, twain , In the Nibelungenlied, Siegfried discards Gram after receiving a legendary
  14. For him::" Then who I," said Median," that we shall try it which of us, twain ,is foremost. ":" Now will it be time for thee to go to thy men," said Consul;
  15. Newspaper, and Purdue University's Paul Fa tout. Which claim that mark, twain ,refers to a running bar tab that Twain would regularly incur while drinking at
  16. Giv'n with hearty voice, and now the sweet refrain. Of loyalty are symbols, twain , her colors crimson and the gray," Dear Indiana Mother Fair," the burden of
  17. The Senior!: Hail to the bounteous earth!: Words and wisdom give to us noble, twain ,: and healing hands while we live! In the poem Hrafnagaldr Wins, the
  18. The favors of your Lord will ye deny? 35. On you will be sent (O ye evil ones, twain , ) a flame of fire (to burn) and a smoke (to choke): no defense will ye
  19. To accept it and refrains from making a declaration. The Qur'an states:" Do ye, twain ,hurl to hell each rebel ingrate? " # Kufrul-Inkaar: Disbelief out of denial.
  20. Line. A fathom is a maritime unit of depth, equivalent to two yards (1.8 m);, twain ,is an archaic term for" two. " The riverboatman's cry was Mark Twain or, more
  21. Even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of, twain ,one new man, so making peace" AJV. Another passage cited is, especially Romans
  22. In the Samurai universe, custody cases are resolved by splitting children in, twain , Host: Peter Boyle *"Samurai Tailor" May 22, 1976 - Mr. Manila (Buck Henry)
  23. Of this same Oceanus; and that they are in two groups and are" sundered in, twain ," by Oceanus. Notes Museum Clausum (Latin for Sealed Museum),also known as
  24. Frigga::" Your doings: ye should never: publish among men, : what ye, Æsir, twain , : did in days of yore.: Ever forgotten be men's former deeds! " *Loki::" Be
  25. From Rudyard Kipling's" The Ballad of East and West" —" ... and never the, twain ,shall meet ..." — reflecting the difficulty at the time of connecting scanners
  26. Fled In a mutual flame from hence. So they lov'd, as love in, twain ,Had the essence but in one; Two distinct, division none:
  27. A Vow To Heavenly Venus," ca. 1500.: We that with like hearts love, we lovers, twain ,: New wedded in the village by thy fine, : Lady of all chaste love, to thee it
  28. Arm to ward off the blow, which,falling upon the arm, nearly severed it in, twain ,; a second blow did the work-one quiver, and the lovely life went out.
  29. Of amphiphoreus (), a compound word combining am phi- (" on both sides ",", twain ,") plus fores (" carrier" ), from wherein (" to carry" ), referring to
  30. Ireland will be, as the title suggests, a free land, with " our fetters rent in, twain , " The lyrics exhort Irishmen to stand up and fight for their land:" And
  31. The trinity of body, thought and speech; Having ended the trinity and become, twain ,- I and the Absolute Having ended the duality and become a unity Is because of
  32. The Senior!: Hail to the bounteous earth!: Words and wisdom give to us noble, twain ,: and healing hands while we live! Prose Edda In the Prose Edda book
  33. She and Shaun opposing tendencies within the human personality:::::: :These, twain ,are the twins that tick Homo Vulgarism. In America, John Ciardi's poetical
  34. Him that a 'Christian republic' is a contradiction in terms" and that the, twain ,live" in an uneasy relationship in actual states, and social cohesion has
  35. p. 12-21. * Avesta" .... AZI Dhaka and Spatula, he who sawed Lima in, twain , " According to the editor of the text (Darmesteter),Spatula was a brother
  36. His animated world was drawn upon, effectively slashing his entire universe in, twain , Objects cut by Common will fall apart a couple of seconds after he rends them
  37. Cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And they, twain ,shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain , but one flesh. " According
  38. Excited.: I desire not that angry ye fight. " *Geffen::" Why will ye, Æsir, twain , : here within, : strive with reproachful words?: Lost perceives not: that he is
  39. S music is charming throughout. The faults of the piece, as it stands, are, twain , Firstly: Mr. Burn and should have operatized the whole farce, condensing it, at
  40. Wood tar was once considered a panacea reputed to heal" even those cut in, twain ,through their midriff ". A Finnish proverb states that if sauna, vodka and tar
  41. Waistband, illustrating " two teams of stout horses attempting to wrench it in, twain , " In the novel, Red Gap is located near Spokane, Washington. Juggles predates
  42. Weapon" ) to kill Kumbhakarna, dropping the Kinshasa like a huge tree cleft in, twain ,by a thunderbolt. (Ramayana, Book III: Verna Larva, Section 285. ) Other
  43. New York. His grave is marked by a 12-foot (i.e., two fathoms, or " mark, twain ,") monument, placed there by his surviving daughter, Clara. There is also a
  44. Simple were so well compounded That it cried how true a, twain ,See meth this concordant one! Love hath reason, reason none If
  45. N't get along with each other because they're" separate races and 'never the, twain ,shall meet. '" Tom suggests a revelation of his own; that night is created
  46. High seas, and is imprisoned at Rhodes. He is delivered by Lysimachus; and the, twain ,capture Cassandra and recapture Iphigenia in the hour of their marriage. They
  47. Cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And they, twain ,shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain , but one flesh. What
  48. That followed Jesus' death:" And, behold,the veil of the temple was rent in, twain ,from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent "
  49. Revenge to be sunk:" Sink me the ship, Master Gunner—sink her, split her in, twain , ... Fall into the hands of God, not into the hands of Spain! ". Revenge in
  50. In this single instance—in Asia 45.2—the" more bounteous of the spirits, twain ," declares angry many to be its" absolute antithesis ". In Asia 32.3,these

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