Examples of the the word, calmly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( calmly ), is the 12833 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. His promise and spends his time in debauchery. The clever monkey Queen, Tara, calmly , intervenes to prevent an enraged Lakshmana from destroying the monkey citadel.
  2. Name" diver" comes from the bird's habit of catching fish by swimming, calmly ,along the surface and then abruptly plunging into the water. The North American
  3. The devil's own day,haven't we? " After a puff of his cigar, Grant replied, calmly ,:" Yes. Lick 'em tomorrow, though. " Sherman proved instrumental to the
  4. Boasting of his plans for regaining the ring and ruling the World. Wotan, calmly ,states that he does not intend to interfere, only to observe. He even offers to
  5. Wedding ring caught in the wheel, tearing off the tip of his ring finger; he, calmly ,collected the severed digit, packed it in ice, and it was successfully
  6. From the wreckage up the cliff face, we find Harold standing at the top. He, calmly ,begins to play the banjo Maude gave him and slowly dances away. Reception
  7. Entire score to Lawrence, including Lawrence's own songs. Lawrence listened, calmly , but when meeting Rodgers and Hammerstein the following day, greeted the
  8. Doctrine of Grace. Bosses set to work on a Defense de la tradition, but Simon, calmly ,went on to raise issues graver still. Under a veil of politely ironic
  9. In Cleveland when he was brought a telegram containing the news. Rockefeller, calmly ,informed his golfing partners of the amount of the fine, and proceeded to shoot
  10. Feeling able to stay calm throughout it. He visits Daisy again and this time, calmly ,opens the window. But when Daisy shows her boyfriend her new hat, his reaction
  11. Party retaliating by ruining something belonging to Laurel or Hardy. After, calmly ,surveying the damage they would find something else to vandalize and conflict
  12. Up and broke the mast off the ship. While the English panicked, the Moravians, calmly ,sang hymns and prayed. This experience led Wesley to believe that the Moravians
  13. He begs her to return his love and start a new life with him far away. She, calmly ,replies that she loves him no longer and will not give way—free she was born
  14. Studios closed down production at least twice, but each time Kurosawa would, calmly ,go fishing, reasoning that the studio had already heavily invested in the
  15. He made the announcement in the Dominican Republic and said that he was, calmly ,looking forward to his induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame since his
  16. Steps to the waiting noose, Ribbentrop was asked if he had any final words. He, calmly ,said:" God protect Germany. God have mercy on my soul. My final wish is that
  17. There was one. " In November 1955,Philby gave a press conference in which –, calmly , confidently, and without the stammer he had struggled with since childhood –
  18. Such as team roping, where a horse has to start and stop quickly, but also must, calmly ,hold a full-grown steer at the end of a rope. On the other hand, for an event
  19. Boulevard de l'Hospital, in the so-called" Forbear House. " They cannot live, calmly ,for long -- in Spring 1824,Avert (who'd been promoted to the police in
  20. Using Hall as a vessel. When Lyra wakes up after Dream's death, Thessaly, calmly , advises her to leave. Thessaly suggests that many people, including herself
  21. Of the Rights of Woman. For example, Wollstonecraft advises her readers to ", calmly ,let passion subside into friendship" in the ideal companion ate marriage (that
  22. Out shopping when they arrived. When she returns and notices the carnage, she, calmly , continues down the hallway and receives sanctuary from a reluctant Léon.
  23. To Urban, but arrives too late; Errand has already killed the Protector, and, calmly , waits for the bodyguard. Holding her at sword point, DeWar tearfully demands to
  24. I am clean. " In a recent interview with ESPN Deported, Sosa said he would ", calmly ,wait" for his induction into baseball's Hall of Fame, for which he will
  25. Sets himself on fire on the diving board in view of the horrified girl, then, calmly , walks in behind her with his body still apparently burning outside the window.
  26. Thine, The jest uncouth or truth severe; To such I'll turn my deafest ear And, calmly ,drink my wine. Thou say'st not only skill is gained But genius too may be
  27. Was obviously false, therefore it was Hagen's duty to kill him with it. Hagen, calmly ,walks away into the wood. Siegfried recollects his awakening of Brunhilde and
  28. To Rita, Rita starts a fight with Lou, who accidentally stabs her to death. Lou, calmly ,combs the dead woman's long hair to hide the fact Rita is dead while the
  29. Backward with a hole in his forehead, his mother snaps," Harold! Please! " And, calmly ,continues with the questionnaire. # Fire: For the first blind date, Harold sets
  30. Imam exploded, denouncing Forty in strongly anti-homosexual terms. Forty, calmly ,turned to the camera and, addressing viewers directly, told them that this is
  31. Wash the blood from your hands, : Root out the black shame from your heart, : ..., calmly ,and indifferently, : I covered my ears with my hands, : So that my sorrowing
  32. Fall on them. Most of the class clucked and ran around wildly, but Brando sat, calmly ,and pretended to lay an egg. Asked by Adler why he had chosen to react this way
  33. In contrast with the pro-English Margaret. She is considered to have acted, calmly ,and with some degree of political skill. By July 1514,she had managed to
  34. In duels due to its power. His skill at dueling is further shown when he, calmly ,engages Voldemort in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, overpowering
  35. Defense, recalled:" The opponent was someone from Moscow. The defense went, calmly , There were many questions, of course, since it was a candidate's dissertation
  36. Was diagnosed with colon cancer. Contrary to rumors, she did not have a, she, calmly , joked afterwards," The salmon have got their own back. " In 1984,she had a
  37. The way he apprehends existence. He does not question anything whatsoever; he, calmly ,accepts the world as it is. The recurrent themes to be found in nearly all of
  38. Group, Thomas Wentworth Higgins on," Why are we not within? " He then walked, calmly ,into the courthouse, was threatened with a gun, and turned back," but without
  39. His path, but Siegfried breaks Wotan's spear with a blow from Nothing. Wotan, calmly ,gathers the pieces and vanishes. Siegfried enters the ring of fire, emerging
  40. By Mussolini's son-in-law, Count Palazzo Piano. Hail Selassie waited, calmly ,for the hall to be cleared, and responded" majestically" with a speech
  41. To BBC Radio, was filling out a betting slip. Fabric waited for a few minutes, calmly ,walked up behind the party, and rapidly fired a succession of bullets from his
  42. By fate, and are thus beyond our control, but we can accept whatever happens, calmly ,and dispassionately. Individuals, however,are responsible for their own
  43. Dozens of clicking parts. A skillful Foley artist can make someone walking, calmly ,across the screen seem terrified simply by giving the actor a different gait.
  44. Liu Ban to be paralyzed with fear; Liu Die, the future Emperor Xian, responded, calmly , with authority and commanded Dong Zhao to protect the royal family with his
  45. 5 May at Santa Lucia. By all accounts he handled his first military experience, calmly ,and with dignity. Around the same time, the Imperial Family was fleeing
  46. Cleopatra resolves to kill herself, using the poison of an asp. She dies, calmly ,and ecstatically, imagining how she will meet Antony again in the afterlife.
  47. This scene, Martha starts to seduce Nick in George's presence. George reacts, calmly , simply sitting and reading a book. As Martha and Nick walk upstairs, George
  48. Be thrown off. However, to the audience's delight, Groucho merely reacted by, calmly ,checking his watch and commenting," First time I ever saw a taxi hail a
  49. They were bearing her to the grave. Report was made to the king, who quite, calmly ,remarked that they should pray for the soul of Music, and see that she was
  50. Another that tries to hurt Cole is only heard as a voice who starts pleading, calmly ,to Cole to let him out of the dark cupboard because he's suffocating, then

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