Examples of the the word, inexperienced , in a Sentence Context
The word ( inexperienced ), is the 12826 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Guys who wear capes and little ballerina slippers. " He was also annoyed by her, inexperienced ,performance. Later, she credited him with helping her. Bogart's performance
- Pakistan Armed Forces were unable to counter such threats. Poorly trained and, inexperienced ,in guerrilla tactics, Pakistan Armed Forces and their assets were successfully
- Standards had become more and more lax. In some cases, unqualified coaches and, inexperienced ,squads were attempting dangerous stunts as a result of these expanded sets of
- Mustangs had not yet reached squadrons anywhere, and Australia's tiny and, inexperienced ,aircraft industry was geared towards larger aircraft. USAAF P-40s and their
- Young men who boasted of their experience with the opposite sex and urged the, inexperienced ,boys, like Augustine, to seek out experiences with women or to make up stories
- Deteriorated drastically as a result of political instability, a young and, inexperienced ,government, and economic nationalism, which resulted in severe poverty and
- Is angled obliquely. This can be a source of interpretation error for, inexperienced ,practitioners. In diffusion tensor imaging, anisotropy alterations may reflect
- To describe plants or the ocean. Sometimes it can also describe someone who is, inexperienced , jealous, or sick. In the United States of America, green is a slang term for
- To obtain a Europe-wide patent if it ran the risk of being revoked by an, inexperienced ,judge. Also, the question of translations would not go away - unless the users
- Of Saxony when he died, on 5 May 1827. The 71-years-old new King was completely, inexperienced ,in government, thus he had no intention of initiating profound changes in
- Hossein himself riding a white horse, galloping along the lines, providing the, inexperienced ,soldiers a vision of" the hero who would lead them into their fateful battle
- But on meeting Mackenzie, Dufferin revised his opinions:" However narrow and, inexperienced ,Mackenzie may be, I imagine he is a thoroughly upright, well-principled,and
- Refers to an inexperienced person. Green is used to describe anyone young, inexperienced , or gullible (probably by analogy to unripe,i.e. unready or immature, fruit
- In the city. Melanie is pregnant and in labor with no doctor available, only, inexperienced , Scarlett to assist. Prissy, a young Negro servant girl, cries out in despair
- The Treasury in 1987,and in a surprise re-shuffle on 24 July 1989 a relatively, inexperienced ,Major was appointed Foreign Secretary, succeeding Sir Geoffrey Howe. He spent
- Deteriorated drastically as a result of political instability, a young and, inexperienced ,government, and economic nationalism, which resulted in severe poverty and
- Steelers used that to their advantage by unleashing aerial assaults against, inexperienced ,players with the NFL's best receivers. The season ended with an overtime loss
- And 3,000 from Nassau. Many of the troops in the Coalition armies were, inexperienced , The Dutch army had been re-established in 1815,following the earlier defeat
- Example to those who watched: For death, when it stands near us, gives even to, inexperienced ,men the courage not to seek to avoid the inevitable. So the gladiator, no
- Though all things come to be in accordance with these Logos, humans are like the, inexperienced ,when they experience such words and deeds as I set out, distinguishing each in
- Backbone and body ... if all the main people are young it gets a bit thin and, inexperienced , It gets too lightweight. " Fasteners has been known to feature a 'comedy
- Bersaglieri, Alpini and Cacciatori units, a large proportion of the troops were, inexperienced ,conscripts recently drafted from metropolitan regiments in Italy into newly
- Keen to inflict casualties on the enemy and orders were given for the as yet, inexperienced ,2nd New Zealand Division, positioned to the north of the retreating Axis forces
- And coercive structures of the oligarchic state. The young and relatively, inexperienced ,revolutionaries found themselves pushed into the halls of state power by worker
- Higher level teams may select from a wide range of formations, teams containing, inexperienced ,players or teams which see frequent changes to their players are likely to
- His veteran army to be sufficient in size to defeat any forces (all rather, inexperienced ,) which James could throw against him, but it had been decided to avoid the
- A temporary measure to allow him to produce material on a tight schedule with, inexperienced ,animation-staff. The 1970s saw a surge of growth in the popularity of manga –
- Richard III at Baltimore's Charles Street Theatre. The audience hissed at the, inexperienced ,actor when he missed some of his lines. He also began acting at Baltimore's
- At the start of the 1928–29 series. Despite the debut of Donald Brahman,the, inexperienced ,Australians, led by Jack Ryder, were heavily defeated, losing 4–1. England had
- zigzags, the path is not unusually steep apart from in the initial stages, but, inexperienced , walkers should be aware that the descent is relatively arduous and wearing on
- Adequate, without being outstanding. In 1930,Bill Woodhull led an extremely, inexperienced ,team to England. Brahman fulfilled his promise in the 1930 series when he
- Also a very popular sport. Antigua does have a national football team, but it is, inexperienced , They have also formed a professional team, Antigua Barracuda FC, which is
- To have a green thumb or green fingers, and the word greenhorn refers to an, inexperienced ,person. Green is used to describe anyone young, inexperienced ,or gullible (
- Derby's first government its nickname by shouting" Who? Who? " As the list of, inexperienced ,Cabinet Ministers was read out in the House of Lords. Death Wellington died
- Effect can probably be attributed to improper cremation; since the body was in, inexperienced ,hands, the tendons were probably not cut before burning. Consequently, when the
- Prince to enjoy the bachelor life while he could and then to marry a young and, inexperienced ,girl to ensure a stable married life. Mountbatten's qualification for
- Wisdom but human custom does not, and yet both humans and God are childish (, inexperienced ,):" human opinions are children's toys" and" Eternity is a child moving
- Claimed he had" an infamous army, very weak and ill-equipped, and a very, inexperienced ,Staff ". His troops consisted of 67,000 men: 50,000 infantry,11,000 cavalry
- S empire. He originally ascended the throne at the age of 22 and was somewhat, inexperienced ,when he came to power. Humayun lost his Indian territories to the Pashtun noble
- Trade of course, but also for humanizing, improving,instructing ". Kurtz's, inexperienced , scientific self in the fiery report is alive with the possibility of the
- Little consonant with the character, tastes and ideas of the gentle, retiring, inexperienced , writer. " This act was the predominant cause of Anne's relegation to the back
- Knowledge of the work at hand," lay of the land" and paternal guidance for, inexperienced ,enrolled. Enrolled were organized into work detail units called" sections "
- CCS) as government schools. Both international schools are relatively, inexperienced ,with offering international degrees. CC SET international has existed for
- Experienced surgeon is different from the same procedure in the hands of an, inexperienced ,and unskilled surgeon ... For many CAM modalities, it is similarly difficult to
- Rash and a dangerous allergic reaction cannot easily be distinguished by, inexperienced ,persons, and therefore a healthcare professional is often required to
- Upstate New York. In pitched battles that were too complex for his relatively, inexperienced ,men, Washington was defeated. At the Battle of Brandywine on September 11, 1777
- Same alias in a previous crime. His involvement was quickly ruled out; but an, inexperienced ,wire service reporter (Clyde Cabin of UPI by most accounts, Joe Frazier of AP
- Heaviest barrage yet experienced in North Africa, which created panic in the, inexperienced ,soldiers of the Italian 60th Infantry Division Sabbath who had only just
- Help with cervical dilatation. Uterine perforation is generally caused by an, inexperienced ,provider and is very rare. After insertion After IUD insertion, menstrual
- Marked a watershed in modern Greek history: as the military conspirators were, inexperienced ,in politics, they asked Denizens, who had impeccable liberal credentials, too
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