Examples of the the word, cola , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cola ), is the 12824 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In 2003 that he periodically breaks his fasting with a cheeseburger and a, cola , explaining that when he's surrounded by junk culture and junk food, consuming
  2. 22 other flavors. *Polar Beverages of Worcester, Ma produces its own brand of, cola ,under the Polar name *Red Bull Cola has been available in the United States
  3. War — and, later,expatriates avoiding Prohibition — regularly mixed rum and, cola ,as a highball and a toast to this West Indies island. * According to Bacardi:
  4. Can cause physical dependence. A link has been shown between long-term regular, cola ,intake and osteoporosis in older women (but not men). This was thought to be
  5. Red Gum * 2010 Bundaberg BARE – UP Rum mixed with a special blend of no sugar, cola ,*Bundaberg Crisp Extra Dry - Soda & Lime, Can or Stubby. Released 2010. 2 x
  6. Called 'Iron Brew '. It was a brown carbonated soft-drink with a fruity, cola ,taste. After the company stopped operations around 1990,PepsiCo continued to
  7. Apfelschorle being especially popular in southern Germany, and Speed, made with, cola ,and an orange-flavored drink such as Fanta. Germans are unique among their
  8. Sipped in Cuba. The year? 1900. 1900 is generally said to be the year that, cola ,first came to Cuba, introduced to the island by American troops. But“ Cuba
  9. Ran ads to combat Pepsi's ads in an incident sometimes referred to as the, cola ,wars; one of Coke's ads compared the so-called Pepsi challenge to two
  10. Fructose corn syrup. *http://www.johnnieryan.com Johnnie Ryan is a regional, cola ,bottled in Niagara Falls, New York. Established in 1935,it makes it with 100 %
  11. Service distributors. The Coca-Cola Company has, on occasion, introduced other, cola ,drinks under the Coke brand name. The most common of these is Diet Coke, with
  12. Used in day to day life as vinegar. Carbonic acid is an important part of some, cola ,drinks and soda. Citric acid is used as a preservative in sauces and pickles.
  13. Distilling Company owns its own cola -producing facility, which supplies the, cola ,for its ready-to-drink Bundaberg Rum and Cola products. History Bundaberg Rum
  14. Europe in the 1990s but has waned in availability. *Vita-Cola is a German, cola ,brand with a distinct citrus flavor; nowadays, it is mostly sold in eastern
  15. Has been available throughout Europe since 2008. *Ubuntu Cola is a Fairtrade, cola ,from the United Kingdom available in parts of Western Europe. *Virgin Cola was
  16. Paris Cola are major competitors to Coca-Cola. In some parts of China Future, cola ,is a competitor. In Slovenia, the locally produced Cock ta is a major competitor
  17. Made with dark rum and Dr. Pepper. Another variation using Dr. Pepper as the, cola ,component and Jack Daniel's in place of white rum is known as the Dr. Jack.
  18. Canada, Cola being one of more than fifty flavors. South America * Big Cola: a, cola ,produced by Peruvian company Regroup which operates in 14 countries including
  19. Substances coca and cola ; that the product 'contained no coca and little if any, cola ,' and thus was an 'imitation' of these substances and was offered for sale
  20. Phosphoric acid, sometimes accompanied by citric or other isolated acids. Many, cola ,drink recipes are maintained as corporate trade secrets, notably Coca-Cola. A
  21. Czech liquors, Fernet Stock and Becherovka. Loyola is a non-alcoholic domestic, cola ,soft drink which competes with Coca-Cola and Pepsi in popularity. Two unique
  22. As a ready-to-drink. However, the combination of light rum, brown sugar and, cola ,is commonly ordered at cocktail bars as a Cuba Libre. In Brazil, there is
  23. Angelo Marian, created in 1863; it still contained cocaine. Manufacturers of, cola ,drinks add trace ingredients to create distinctively different tastes for each
  24. The drink is commonly called BACO, from the two ingredients of Bacardi rum and, cola , In Nicaragua, when it is mixed using For de Caña (the national brand of rum
  25. 1 lemon wedge and a dash of angostura bitters, and diet cola in place of normal, cola , Local variations The drink's name has evolved somewhat in both Cuba and the
  26. Regroup which operates in 14 countries including South America. * Kola Real: a, cola ,created in Peru to compete with Coca-Cola produced by Peruvian company Regroup
  27. Coca-Cola' was a representation of the presence of the substances coca and, cola ,; that the product 'contained no coca and little if any cola ' and thus was an
  28. Gold Rum, of lemon mix,1 lemon wedge and a dash of angostura bitters, and diet, cola ,in place of normal cola . Local variations The drink's name has evolved
  29. Of ingredients, but the base flavorings that most people identify with a, cola ,taste remain vanilla and cinnamon. Acidity is often provided by phosphoric acid
  30. Lemonade is a non-carbonated drink): Adler, Alsterwasser * oils or lager and, cola ,: Diesel, Schmutziges or simply Cola bier * Alt bier and cola : Alt cola or ACO (
  31. When it is mixed using For de Caña (the national brand of rum) and, cola , it is called a Nice Libra. In Peru, a variation called Peru Libra is made with
  32. Pils or lager and cola : Diesel, Schmutziges or simply Cola bier * Alt bier and, cola ,: Alt cola or ACO (also called Krefeld in some regions, which might lead to
  33. Stained Cuba" ) is one part rum with two parts club soda and just enough, cola ,so that it tints the club soda. The Cuba Campeche (" straightforward Cuba "
  34. Was once viewed as exotic, with its dark syrup, made (at that time) from, cola ,nuts and coca. Soon enough, as Charles H. Baker, Jr. points out in his
  35. Human back, rendering this his weak point. His cyborg abilities are powered by, cola , stored in a refrigeration unit in Franky's stomach. *Henrietta, Triela, Rico
  36. Phosphoric acid used in cola s was thought to be a possible cause. Brands The, cola ,brands with the greatest global volumes are Coca-Cola and Pepsi. Asia *Mecca
  37. Secrets, notably Coca-Cola. A variety of different sweeteners may be added to, cola , with the common sweetener often being dependent on local agricultural policy.
  38. And serve as preservatives. Phosphoric acid, for example, is a component of, cola ,drinks. Acetic acid is used in day to day life as vinegar. Carbonic acid is an
  39. nowadays, it is mostly sold in Eastern Germany. *Corsica Cola is a regional, cola ,distributed by the Corsican brewery Petra. North America *Royal Crown (RC
  40. Percent to 3.5 percent caffeine, are of bitter flavor and are commonly used in, cola ,soft drinks. In 1911,the U. S. government initiated United States v. Forty
  41. Greece Thessaloniki, there is another variant, that consists of" retsina" and, cola , named" tuba Libra ". " Tuba" is the name of a neighborhood in Thessaloniki
  42. Has very little. Caffeine is also a common ingredient of soft drinks, such as, cola , originally prepared from kola nuts. Soft drinks typically contain about 10 to
  43. Then Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola during the 1960s and 70s. *fritz-kola is a, cola ,soft drink from Hamburg, Germany. It uses the highest possible concentration of
  44. Uses Malibu Rum (rum with a natural coconut extract) and Cherry Coke for the, cola ,component. The resulting drink smells like suntan lotion and the name is an
  45. Of Jerusalem. The Cuba Libre (," Free Cuba" ) is a highball made of, cola , lime, and white rum. This highball is often referred to as a Rum and Coke in
  46. States soft influences gave rise to 迪斯科 (dislike" disco" ), 可乐/可樂 (Kyle ", cola ,") and 迷你 (mini" mini (skirt) "). Contemporary colloquial Cantonese has
  47. Embotelladora Latinoamericana S. A. (ELSA) * Chin Cola is a variety of, cola ,produced in Brazil by Prime Schincariol. The Capability Maturity Model (CMM)
  48. Cuba" ) contains one part rum topped off with equal parts of club soda and, cola , They are both popular refreshments, especially among young people. A recent
  49. Beverages as well as its own line of products, most notably its Black Cherry, cola , *cupola and Tropical are brands from Cuba (also sold widely in Italy)
  50. Said the following with regard to caffeinated beverages:“ With reference to, cola ,drinks, the Church has never officially taken a position on this matter, but

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