Examples of the the word, bali , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bali ), is the 12828 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Say Anything, and Saves the Day tour. They performed the song" Crawl ". Arun, bali , ( current guitarist of Saves the Day) played guitar, Kenny Vastly (of The
  2. The word they modify. Ang Baha KO. Yay, Bali KO. Ang making Baha. Yay ‘ Union, bali , " My house. " Demonstrative Pronouns Enclitic Particles Existential
  3. Shrine of Sri Padmanabha. Thiruvambadi shrine has its own mascara Mandalay, bali , stones and flag mast. The Lord of Thiruvambadi is Parthasarathi, the Divine
  4. And they had spent the entire week partying at the Sari Club, name ", bali , /JJ"> 2"/> but on the night of the attacks, which was the final night of their trip
  5. Performed at Trimbakeshwar and consists of two different rituals. Narayana, bali , is done to get rid of ancestral curse (Pitch Sharp) while Nag Bali is done to
  6. Zoo. Capybara. Arp. JPG|Zone Brazil: Capybara, the largest living rodent Image:, bali , Starling. Arp. JPG|Wallace Aviary: the very rare Bali Starling Image:
  7. The Guru Grant Sahib, the sacred text of Sikhism.: :Saudi tai Mario Chalía, bali , bavan chief: :In Satyayuga, you sported as the dwarf incarnation, and fooled
  8. Sen + fa your + ULFA + areas: Side B: be i + Fe rag + burn + e (n) ... +, bali , + free en + LI + life en ... ... Transcription into Old Norse: Side A: Highest
  9. From the ceiling, which is rung by the priest himself after placing the `, bali , bhojanam' on the Bali pee tam for the crows to eat. Once the bell is rung, the
  10. husband's death. * The inheritance of lineage identity in the form of gotta (, bali , or bar or ball or Islam) or in the form of ancestral house (Theravada or
  11. The Guru Grant Sahib, the sacred text of Sikhism.: :Saudi tai Mario Chalía, bali , bAvan brain: :In Satyayuga, you sported as the dwarf incarnation, and fooled
  12. Of their trip, they decided to hang out at their hotel instead. Name ", bali , + nickname"/> name" Bali/JJ"> 2"/> McGrath stated afterwards that all the
  13. And boat racing. Some festivals, however,continue to be observed; for example, bali , ( wrestling) in Chittagong and Gambia in Rajah are still popular events.
  14. Peetam for the crows to eat. Once the bell is rung, the crows come down to the, bali , peetam in an orderly way to partake it! It is indeed unique to this temple.
  15. We law hat ta BA'EED anti, / Fe Alba hawk. / Tamales ma'AK. / Tamales f ', bali , we f' Alby/ We la bank. / Tamales Aashni, / Law hat ta baboon kayak. (2x)
  16. U- auk * (e) (n)vibrant * air * lieu * raise * s (t)ain * ... ... UI- ..., bali , * RI ... The Joseph Karloff Symphony Hall, often
  17. Were staying at a hotel only 400 meters away from the Sari Club, name ", bali , /JJ"> 2"/> the scene of the bombings, and they had spent the entire week partying at
  18. Crossing. Muslim & Hindu other cast for Sarah hazmat ladhijodhh from. Bedal to, bali , road medal see 2 km Hospitals and clinics Dr. Phobia versa Hospital Bali * Jain
  19. Java, ciu (a local adaptation of Chinese wine) is also known. Bottled bred, bali , ( Balinese rice wine) is popular in Bali. Indonesians also developed local
  20. Great Yarns, see Taittiriya Granada 2.10): *Bhūtayajña consists of offering, bali , or food to certain spirits *Ramayana consists of daily repetition of
  21. Scanning,http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/world/2006/10/11/lui. Indonesia., bali , Bombing.4. Years. Later. Cnn? Iref video search Bali bombs’ economic effects
  22. And certain Eastern Indian and East Asian regions; practice animal sacrifice (, bali , ). Although most Hindus, including the majority of Vaibhav and Shiite
  23. Tackle climate change * Norma, Tibetan term for Buddhist offering cakes, called,Bali, or bali ng ha in Sanskrit Maharani (is celebrated in his honor. Conquest of the
  24. Narayana Bali is done to get rid of ancestral curse (Pitch Sharp) while Nag, bali , is done to get rid of sin performed by killing a snake, especially a Cobra
  25. Holy food, is eaten by the worshipers. The offering area is cleaned and a, bali , of cooked rice sprinkled with butter is offered to Vishnu. Then comes a
  26. Sina Elena at Roberto SA Baha NI Miguel. Mauro hill Elena tan Roberto ha, bali , ni Miguel. Puppet – Mauro Parents – Bamako Junta – make Pumupunta – Amparo
  27. Parts of the brain and some entrails in skull bowls to offer them up as, bali , sacrifices to the Tibetan terror gods and hung on the walls of his yurt the
  28. Pepper mixture. In Malay and Indonesian, the Powell is known as Lima/jerk, bali , ( " Balinese lime/orange" ) after the island of Bali. The town of Tam bun in
  29. Strand" which means" beach ". The name of the farm is identical with the word, bali , which means" hillside along a beach ". Coat-of-arms The coat-of-arms is from
  30. The genitive pronoun but they precede the word they modify. Ang Baha KO. Yay, bali , ko. Ang making Baha. Yay ‘ Union Bali. " My house. " Demonstrative Pronouns
  31. Oasis sauna, swimming pool and hot tubs, crew accommodations # Bridge, bali , disco,chill lounge, Silja Dream Theatre cinema # Helicopter deck MS Silva
  32. Performed at Trimbakeshwar and consists of two different rituals. Narayana, bali , is done to get rid of ancestral curse (Pitch Sharp) while Nag Bali is done to
  33. Hey ANSI KO bar gas tiara shield aye Ham Tsai arena, Bali, raja LE pathayeka aye ANSI bar gas tiara shield English
  34. Followed a custom known as the Gotta or Islam, which resembles the Bunt, bali , custom. Though Islam is basically patriarchal, illam, influenced by the Lulu
  35. That once in every 48 years, one of the family members are taken by Devi as, bali , Murray overcomes the curse by Devi by performing the pupa and marries his
  36. With God as the royal guest, followed by a homey, offering into the fire, and a, bali , offering with something that may be visible, touchable,audible, or eatable. An
  37. Shikhar Smith pad Panama, : Sarah Bishop phalamulabhate shupaksha;: SINPO, bali , nakhara-bhinna-gajendra-mundah: Sidatya-ho brutal half pasha China!:
  38. Temple ". Mahamariamman, the primary deity is seated at the moolastanam (,the, bali , peedam (sacrificial altar) and the Jodi Mara (flag post) is also found
  39. Lit * raise * st ... ... RSU * BR (o) ... * sin * ha ... ... must *, bali , ... Old Norse transcription:: ... let ræisa stæin ... Resin (? ), broður sign.
  40. To hang out at their hotel instead. Name" Bali + nickname"/> name ", bali , /JJ"> 2"/> McGrath stated afterwards that all the players were OK, but were upset
  41. Nilesh Singh, akshay, shivnesh chart, rocky parsed, roneel pal, reenal pal, bali , singh, avinash Sami, External links
  42. Narayana Bali is done to get rid of ancestral curse (Pitch Sharp) while Nag, bali , is done to get rid of sin performed by killing a snake, especially a Cobra
  43. There are also instances of unusual form numbers: the Amanda piece" Zambezi, bali , e Kited" has 50,the pieces" Ab'e Bizarre Altamira many" and "
  44. That the fruits are roughly shredded instead of thinly sliced, and that jerk, bali , ( Powell/pink grapefruit) is an essential ingredient. It is believed that if
  45. Masa, and Margarita mass are the most auspicious months to perform Alisha, bali , puja at Duke temple. Sara Samsara / Sara Doha Sara Samsara / Sara Doha
  46. Which is rung by the priest himself after placing the ` Bali Khorana' on the, bali , peetam for the crows to eat. Once the bell is rung, the crows come down to the
  47. And Kuthiyottam. Kuthiyottam is a ritualistic symbolic representation of human, bali , ( homicide). Folklore exponents see this art form, with enchanting well
  48. Rivers on the island have dried up and based on research, the southern part of, bali , would face a water shortage up to 2,500 liters of clean water per second by
  49. Some gray straw like Vaikhanasa prescribe 2 more samsara like Vishnu, bali , and Pravasagamana/Pindavardhana. Yajnas such as Putrakameshti (for begetting
  50. Good morning: Yuri mass – Good afternoon: Yuri Dani – Good evening: Yuri, bali , – Good night: Jo Kong – Go at once: – Cheers!: Samey papa opera all dude – Find a

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