Examples of the the word, inertia , in a Sentence Context

The word ( inertia ), is the 12829 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By using magnetic fields to enter a higher-dimensional space. Misc/Quantized, inertia ,A new theory has been proposed that Modifies inertia by assuming it is due to
  2. Quantity is to be considered dimensionally distinct from mass as a measure of, inertia , As an example of the usefulness of the first refinement, suppose we wish to
  3. And has real effects). However, Coriolis force is a consequence of, inertia , and is not attributable to an identifiable originating body, as is the case
  4. Isaac Newton sought to describe the motion of all objects using the concepts of, inertia ,and force, and in doing so he found that they obey certain conservation laws.
  5. i.e." center-seeking" ). While objects naturally follow a straight path (, inertia ,), this centripetal acceleration bends the path into a uniform circle.
  6. They use the ground as a heat source/heat sink and the ground's thermal, inertia ,prevents it from becoming too cold or too warm when moving heat from or to it.
  7. Two atoms in the molecule. So, substituting the angular momentum and moment of, inertia ,into Rot, the rotational energy levels of a diatomic molecule are given by:::
  8. Part of mass of her body closer to the axis she decreases her body's moment of, inertia , Because angular momentum is constant in the absence of external torques, the
  9. Very short time scales, however,the motion of a particle is dominated by its, inertia ,and its displacement will be linearly dependent on time: Ex vat. So the
  10. Then as a philosophy. The four properties are cohesion (water),solidity or, inertia ,(earth),expansion or vibration (air) and heat or energy content (fire).
  11. If a condition is occluded, it is relieved from obeying the constraint of, inertia , In the simplified example of the door and the light, occlusion can be
  12. 1) where E elastic modulus of the material, Imin the minimal moment of, inertia ,of the cross-section, and L = actual length of the column between its two end
  13. Through calculus. The mass of an object of known density, the moment of, inertia ,of objects, as well as the total energy of an object within a conservative
  14. The value of fluent, like the successor state axioms. In the event calculus, inertia ,is enforced by formulae stating that a fluent is true if it has been true at a
  15. Critics fear that such a company may become a vehicle for opaque accounting and, inertia ,of the sort that has hindered development in neighboring countries including
  16. Measures because he wanted to resolve serious economic problems and political, inertia ,that clearly threatened to put the Soviet Union into a state of longer
  17. Both performance and fuel economy. Boost lag is reduced as turbo impeller, inertia ,is compensated for. Accelerometer pilot control (APC) uses an accelerometer
  18. Its angular velocity vector:: \math bf= I \bold symbol where I is the moment of, inertia ,of the object (in general, a tensor quantity) and ω is the angular velocity.
  19. Meteorology. The Coriolis effect is caused by the rotation of the Earth and the, inertia ,of the mass experiencing the effect. Newton's laws of motion govern the motion
  20. Push may be more instinctively explained by Coriolis force than by the law of, inertia , See also Coriolis effect (perception). In meteorology, a rotating frame (
  21. Multiple ruptures and discontinuities created history. They preferred to stress, inertia ,and the tongue puree. Special attention was paid to geography, climate,and
  22. Is the reduced Planck constant. Also, for a diatomic molecule the moment of, inertia ,is: :I = \mu r_^2 \, : where: :\mu \, is the reduced mass of the molecule and:
  23. Axis, the angular momentum is expressed as the product of the moment of, inertia ,of the object and its angular velocity vector:: \math bf= I \bold symbol where I
  24. c. 1679). This default, sometimes called the commonsense law of, inertia , was expressed by Raymond Rater in default logic:: \franc (if R (x) is true
  25. To describe hippies and establishment figures in the music industry, forces of, inertia ,against the new music. Etymology The English word fart is one of the oldest
  26. Driven member. When the clutch locked up the driven mechanism coasted and its, inertia ,rotated the disc until a tooth on it engaged a pawl that kept it from reversing
  27. If F is constant Moment of inertia For a single axis of rotation: The moment of, inertia ,for an object is the sum of the products of the mass element and the square of
  28. Engine speed rises. Inertial drum brake ascenders used in rock climbing and the, inertia ,reels used in many automobile seat belts operate on the same principle. *
  29. Allow massive particles to exceed c. There are speculative theories that claim, inertia ,is produced by the combined mass of the universe (e.g.,Mach's principle)
  30. Spitzer wrote that he believed during his life, Friedrich suffered prolonged, inertia , a suicide attempt and what the artist himself described as a" dreadful
  31. Rather, objects moving freely in gravitational fields travel under their own, inertia ,in straight lines through curved space-time – defined as the shortest
  32. Along the axis of rotation is the product of angular velocity and moment of, inertia ,about the given axis of rotation. As the kinetic energy K of a massive rotating
  33. Locked up when rotated backwards, but also had some spring action. The, inertia ,of the rotor going backwards engaged the clutch and" wound" the spring. As it
  34. Its angular velocity vector:: \math bf= I \bold symbol where I is the moment of, inertia ,of the object (in general, a tensor quantity),and ω is the angular velocity.
  35. Axis, the angular momentum is expressed as the product of the moment of, inertia ,of the object and its angular velocity vector:: \math bf= I \bold symbol where I
  36. E_ = \franc \, : where: :L \, is the angular momentum: :I \, is the moment of, inertia ,of the molecule For microscopic, atomic-level systems like a molecule, angular
  37. Flight pattern is constantly shifted as the forces of lift, drag,rotational, inertia ,(and so on. ) 'attempt' to reach equilibrium. In simple terms, this means
  38. Equation, otherwise the equation becomes singular. So that simply removing the, inertia ,term from this equation would not yield an exact description, but rather a
  39. Of the bow, without similar movement of the weight, hence lessening the weight, inertia , However, many archers have found an apparent improvement in their accuracy
  40. Mechanics and thermodynamics) to distinguish between mass as a measure of, inertia ,( inertia l mass),and mass as a measure of quantity (substantial mass). For
  41. The angular momentum can be expressed as the product of the body's moment of, inertia ,I (a measure of an object's resistance to changes in its rotation rate) and
  42. Coriolis effect, a parabolic turntable can be used. On a flat turntable,the, inertia ,of a co-rotating object would force it off the edge. But if the surface of the
  43. As air resistance. His theory of motion is thus reminiscent of the theory of, inertia , now known as Newton's first law of motion. His theory of may also attempted
  44. The particles form a rigid body, in which case it is the product of moment of, inertia ,and angular velocity of the spinning motion (as above). The same result is
  45. Display: inline;" > \math bf \math bf \Delta t \quad\ if F is constant Moment of, inertia ,For a single axis of rotation: The moment of inertia for an object is the sum
  46. The dive, but since: :angular momentum = rotational velocity × moment of, inertia , and the moment of inertia is larger when the body has an increased radius, the
  47. Attained) and a modified version of this test characterized by a non-constant, inertia ,was proposed called the tapered double cantilever beam (TDCB) specimen. *
  48. Translation pp. 77–82. Despite their embrace of the principle of rectilinear, inertia ,and the recognition of the kinematic relativity of apparent motion (which
  49. Angular momentum = rotational velocity × moment of inertia , and the moment of, inertia ,is larger when the body has an increased radius, the speed of rotation may be
  50. Sleeve. When the sleeve's tooth contacted the pawl the sleeve and the load's, inertia ,unwrapped the spring to disengage the clutch. Considering that the drive motors

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