Examples of the the word, pun , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pun ), is the 12200 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In English translation (Penestes-penniless) is a weak version of the Greek, pun , Penéstaisi-penéstĕs," destitute ". Many of the pun s in the plays are based on
  2. Thealogy is sometimes used in the context of the Neopagan Goddess movement,a, pun ,on theology and Thea θεά" goddess" intended to suggest a feminist approach to
  3. Following components: * Title: This is usually short, and often makes use of a, pun ,or alliteration. * Category: There are many categories, which are created by
  4. Been" separated" from Philemon, once having been" useless" to him (a, pun ,on Onesimus's name, which means" useful" ), and having done him wrong.
  5. The side, Enshagag for the Limbs. The last one, Ninti (Lady Rib),is also a, pun ,on Lady Life, a title of Ninhursag herself. The story thus symbolically
  6. Out as the culprit of a case, but became a usual victim later on. His name is a, pun ,on Pablo Picasso Others: Legacy The Encyclopedia Brown books experienced some
  7. S Dictionary of Historical Slang. * His second explanation was that it was a, pun ,on the Malay word orange, meaning " man. " The novel contains no other Malay
  8. Shotacon for men. Women interested in AOI are called" Joshi" ( 腐女子),a, pun ,which translate loosely as" rotten girl" or" rotten woman ". Yuri is very
  9. Of general processor (CPU) performance. The name" Christine" is a, pun ,on a different benchmark algorithm called Whetstone. With Christine, Weicker
  10. Band that covers the former in the style of the latter, the name being a, pun ,on" Gabba Hey ". An allegiance is a duty of fidelity said to be owed by
  11. And research facilities) had set up a tongue-in-cheek" Donation fund (, pun ,intended! )" " to keep Rosa on-line ". Mickeys Another curiosity is his Hidden
  12. Change himself. That Onesies was a runaway slave could be suggested by the, pun ,Paul makes on his name (which means" useful" ), stating that (up until the
  13. Fellow author at the convention. Asimov intended the name" Darius Just" as a, pun ,on" Dry As Dust ". Ellison objected to the depiction: Darius Just is tall
  14. Plastic treasure chests buried on the beach. Here, the name" Kidd" is a, pun ,to the word" kid ", a slang term that has come to mean" child ". * In Cornea
  15. Referring to its objective as a free replacement for the Bourne shell. As a, pun , it expressed that objective in a phrase that sounds the same as born again, a
  16. Is Jacobus in Latin. *Their identification as Dominicans gave rise to the, pun ,that they were the Dominic canes, or Hounds of the Lord. Members of the order
  17. Of A Clockwork Orange for their concept album Alex. The name of the album is a, pun ,on the main character's name; in Latin, the expression Alex means" without
  18. Deity. Ba'album, meaning lord of the flies, is most likely to be a deliberate, pun , by the anti-Hadad writer, on the term Ba'album, meaning prince Ba'all, i. e.
  19. In the comic book Asterix and Cleopatra, the author Skinny inserted a, pun ,about alexandrines: when the Druid Panoramic (" Getafe" in the English
  20. Of its time. The language most closely resembles FORTRAN 66. The name is a, pun ,on the earlier FORTRAN IV. UNIVAC also offered a compiler for the 1100 series
  21. With a party. For this occasion, ABBA recorded the track" Novas Little" ( a, pun ,on the Swedish name for Jehovah's Witness and Anderson's birthplace, Hova)
  22. Cultural events The O. Henry House Museum hosts the annual O. Henry Pun Off,a, pun ,contest where the contestants exhibit wit. Other annual events include Eeyore
  23. And efficiency, ability to access specific hardware addresses, ability to, pun ,types to match externally imposed data access requirements, and low run-time
  24. Un Alexandria (" That's an alexandrine! " /"He's an Alexandrian! "). The, pun ,can also be heard in the theatrical adaptations. The English translation
  25. America. The identification with the spread of American culture has led to the, pun ," Coca-Colanization ". The drink is also often a metonymy for the Coca-Cola
  26. Light Orchestra in 1995. Band name and logo The group's name is an intended, pun ,based not only on electric light (as in a light bulb as seen on early album
  27. And Leslie Bianchini, Miss January 1969 (" SURVEY - HER ACTIVITY ", in, pun , of Surveyor). The backup crew who did this later flew to the Moon themselves
  28. Soaked in vinegar. Garbage In, Garbage Out (abbreviated to GIGO, coined as a, pun ,on the phrase First-In, First-Out ) is a phrase in the field of computer
  29. S excessive consumption of alcohol. Scholars also note the potential for a, pun ,on the author himself - Fall-Staff; Shake-Spear. The character of Falstaff
  30. Ironically) abbés de saint temperance, ( abbés of holy hope; or the, pun , of St. Hope)—came to hold a recognized position. The connection many of them
  31. Poor Geneses:: :Happy to be where everyone::: Is as penniless as he is!: The, pun ,here in English translation (Penestes-penniless) is a weak version of the
  32. When told they were called" Anglia" ( Angles),he replied with a Latin, pun ,that translates well into English:“ Been, nam et Angelica habent face, et
  33. Or intention of the rigorous person or corporation. This can form a, pun ,on the family name as in Thomas Nevile's motto" Ne vile veils. " Mottoes are
  34. Was probably accompanied by brisk and cheerful music, gliding to a concluding, pun ,at the expense of Ananias, who is thought to have lost his fortune gambling.:
  35. Conserving some liberties and mechanisms of democracy. (The, pun ,is that, in Spanish, dictadura is“ dictatorship ”, dura is“ hard” and Blanca
  36. Of the first bus stations in Nantes, France in 1823. " Ones Omnibus" was a, pun ,on the Latin sounding name of that hatter Ones: ones meaning" all" and
  37. Goat" ), and thus the beer became known as" bock ". To this day, as a visual, pun , a goat often appears on bock labels. The styles of bock Traditional bock
  38. Christine benchmark contains no floating point operations, thus the name is a, pun ,on the then-popular Whetstone benchmark for floating point operations. The
  39. From generation to generation. Unless canting arms incorporate an obvious, pun ,on the bearer's name, it may be difficult to find meaning in them. As changes
  40. The double robbery at Gad shill. Even his name invites humor, as it is a sort of, pun ,on impotence, brought on by the character's excessive consumption of alcohol.
  41. Sequences, nets,and filters. Intuitively, the condition is illustrated by the, pun ,that a space is Hausdorff if any two points can be" housed off" from each
  42. Ul and the beginning Al- are redundant),but Shared may allude to Hazard,a, pun ,on the book's destructive and dangerous nature, or a reference to Lovecraft's
  43. Wrote fiction, including the novel Ralph 124C 41+ in 1911; the title is a, pun ,on the phrase" one to foresee for many" (" one plus" ). Even though Ralph
  44. Were entitled to proceed to the higher degrees. The term baccalaureate is a, pun ,combining the prosaic baccalarius with baccy Lauri' " laurel berry"—according
  45. League side Scarborough Athletic FC having a fanzine titled Abandon Chip!,a, pun ,based on both the perilous situation of predecessor club Scarborough FC and
  46. A reference to Lovecraft's ancestors by that name. It might also have been a, pun ,on" all-has-read ", since Lovecraft was an avid reader in youth. Another
  47. A POSIX shell but with a number of extensions. The name itself is an acronym,a, pun ,and descriptive. As an acronym, it stands for Bourne-again shell, referring to
  48. Episode" SpongeBob vs. The Big One" ( his appearance was meant to be a, pun ,on Davy Jones' Locker),a third-season episode of the sitcom Boy Meets World
  49. My nickname of 'Slow hand' came from Giorgio Homely. He coined it as a good, pun , He kept saying I was a fast player, so he put together the slow handclasp
  50. It also gave the message that the Amiga computer line was 'user-friendly' as a, pun ,or play on words. History Development of the Amiga began in 1982 with Jay Miner

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