Examples of the the word, unanswered , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Assembly elections, and the PND withdrew, claiming that there were too many, unanswered ,questions on the conduct of the elections and too many opportunities for
  2. Conference (AFC) champion Denver Broncos (12–5–1),42–10,scoring 42, unanswered , points after being down 10–0. The Redskins set the following Super Bowl records
  3. 4,when the Cardinals, who trailed 2–0 before their first at-bat, scored six, unanswered ,runs (two in the first, and four in the sixth) for the win. Overall the
  4. 33–14 in a game that the Jaguars led 14–10 at halftime, before allowing 23, unanswered , points in the 2nd half. The Jaguars finished the 1999 season 15–3,with all
  5. Whether or not Iraqi leadership authorized the attack is still, unanswered , Initial claims by the Iraqi government (that Stark was inside the Iran–Iraq
  6. A significant date in sub-Roman Britain is the famous Groans of the Britons,an, unanswered ,appeal to Genius, leading general of the western Empire, for assistance against
  7. Black Death that spread through medieval Europe, some questions still remain, unanswered ,about the 1994 epidemic in Surat. Initial questions about whether it was an
  8. Made for a reciprocal adherence to The Hague convention. This 'note' was left, unanswered ,by Third Reich officials. Causes of the failure of Operation Barbarossa The
  9. Autobiographies, which highlight experiences of disenchantment with the group, unanswered ,questions and doubts about commitment to the group, culminating in the person
  10. From his wrongdoing. The really difficult question, and one which is currently, unanswered , relates to what wrongs should allow this remedy. Legal costs In addition to
  11. And the difficulty of escaping an all-frozen condition. There are a number of, unanswered ,questions, including whether the Earth was a full snowball, or a" slush ball "
  12. Their facesand motivated to win for their departed owner, the 49ers scored 14, unanswered , points to win the game,21–17. Ricky Moegle's late-game interception in the
  13. Zone) were shown to be false, so the motives and orders of the pilot remain, unanswered , Though American officials claimed he had been executed, an ex-Iraqi Air Force
  14. So far, one planet has been studied by polarity. Unanswered questions Many, unanswered ,questions remain about the properties of exoplanets. One puzzle is that many
  15. Also notes that there are multiple mysteries in the film that ultimately go, unanswered ,by the characters who meet dead ends, like Betty and Rita, or give in to
  16. Upon arriving, Marianne writes a series of letters to Mr Willougbhy which go, unanswered , When they finally meet, Mr Willougbhy greets Marianne reluctantly and coldly
  17. The exchange of letters with Lehmann ended on April 24,with many questions, unanswered , Sanitizer presented his results, with credits to Lehmann and on Zepharovich
  18. 0–1 minutes into the second leg of the tie at Craven Cottage, Fulham scored 4, unanswered , goals,capped by an exceptional strike from midfielder Clint Dempsey to put
  19. Learning A few of the most long-standing questions that have remained, unanswered ,are these: should artificial intelligence simulate natural intelligence by
  20. Making additional animal sacrifices to please the oracle lest their request go, unanswered , As a result, seers were the main source of everyday divination. Nevertheless
  21. S end,whether or not the Time Lords will be restored remains, unanswered , although if the events of the novel are to tie in with later events on the TV
  22. Of the inner workings of their faith, but these still leave many questions, unanswered , One large text which has survived, The Book of Two Principles (Fiber de
  23. Blissymbolic script is still not encoded in the UCS. Some questions are still, unanswered , such as the inclusion in the BCI repertoire of some characters (currently
  24. That systematic investigations into the paranormal would help him with some, unanswered ,questions about magnetism (Heroic 1995,p. 65). He wrote to his fiancée Marie
  25. Ordered atrocities if Hitler had told me to do so? " Speer leaves the questions, unanswered , In his 2006 book, The Wages of Destruction, Tooze, following Gotta Serena
  26. Separation, and his wrenching feelings of loss. Many questions must remain, unanswered ,- most importantly, it is not clear why the couple split up - but Catullus's
  27. Independence, the unilateral Kosovo proclamation does not violate it (leaving, unanswered ,the questions about the consequences of said act, including whether with said
  28. Adding those who have been disciplined or moved, and those with dark clouds of, unanswered ,questions hanging over their heads, the figure shifts to 29 %. " The ANC has
  29. It is the simplest theory that is consistent with experimental data. However, unanswered ,questions remain, the most fundamental being how general relativity can be
  30. Early in the fourth quarter paved the way for the Steelers to score 14, unanswered , points. The Steelers advanced to their own 44-yard line after a crucial 3rd
  31. A mysterious technological virus destroyed their empire. Another section lists, unanswered ,questions about the Ring world. There are suggestions for creating scenarios and
  32. Take a 3–0 lead. However, the 49ers took over in the second quarter, scoring 21, unanswered , points on 2 touchdown passes by Montana and touchdown run by Craig. By the time
  33. Of Anglo-Saxon expansion at the end of the sixth century. Though there are many, unanswered ,questions about the chronology and activities of the early West Saxon rulers
  34. S question" Can computers think? ", and the question remains effectively, unanswered ,although the" Turing Test" is still used to assess computer output on the
  35. Were built in the first millennium BC. Another important question remains, unanswered , It cannot be said with certainty from where the megalithic culture of Korea
  36. Of these hypotheses resolve some aspects of the puzzle, while leaving others, unanswered , Followers of Carter would admit only option 3 as an anthropic explanation
  37. To or outside the scope of intelligent design. Richard Wan counters that the, unanswered ,questions an explanation creates" must be balanced against the improvements in
  38. At three-quarter time. But North came back in the final period to kick five, unanswered ,goals and overhaul the Magpies. Collingwood did manage to score one goal in
  39. Diversity overall. The Late Paleozoic was a time which has left us a good many, unanswered ,questions. The Mississippian epoch began with a spike in atmospheric oxygen
  40. An extensive explanation of Work that nevertheless leaves many questions, unanswered , Brown's major achievement after Work was the" Manchester Murals ", a cycle
  41. By it and few boxers possess the physical toughness to withstand a prolonged, unanswered ,assault. Recently, however,eight-division world champion Manny Pacquiao
  42. The issue surrounding the role of the executive with respect to war powers, unanswered , Monroe believed that the Indians must progress from the hunting stage to
  43. 3500 Ma, but the question of when oxygenic photosynthesis evolved is still, unanswered , A clear paleontological window on cyanobacterial evolution opened about 2000
  44. 30–7 at the end of the third quarter, rallied in the fourth quarter scoring 23, unanswered , points,eventually winning in overtime with a 40 yard John Hall kick. The
  45. Description of the future Polish state in that period. It, however,leaves, unanswered ,many questions. First, it does not explain why Minsk I placed his state under
  46. The term" artificial neural network ". Because neuroscience is still full of, unanswered ,questions, and since there are many levels of abstraction and therefore many
  47. In that gap; the phenomenalists, including Mill, essentially left the question, unanswered , In the end, lacking an acknowledgement of an aspect of" reality" that goes
  48. AFC) champion Miami Dolphins (10-3),27–17,as the Redskins scored 17, unanswered , points in the second half and gained a Super Bowl record 276 yards on the
  49. It has been suggested by fans that Ridley Scott chose to keep the question, unanswered ,in an attempt to preserve the film and novel's core theme: what is human?
  50. Continue to grow while unobserved and untouched by human hands, etc., remain, unanswered , and perhaps unanswerable in these terms. Secondly,Mill's formulation leaves

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