Examples of the the word, paranoia , in a Sentence Context

The word ( paranoia ), is the 12204 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The syndrome may cause exhilaration, giddiness,extreme anxiety, depression,or, paranoia , depending on the individual diver and the diver's medical or personal history
  2. Solitude, an obsession for self-preservation, and a fear of death and crazed, paranoia ,of persecution, that came from the syphilis he had contracted in his early
  3. As" la Grande Peer" (" the Great Fear" ). In addition, wild rumors and, paranoia ,caused widespread unrest and civil disturbances that contributed to the
  4. 16-game winner Ed Dozen left the team three days later, exhibiting signs of, paranoia ,; he was committed to an insane asylum the following month. Name "
  5. As quickly as possible in the U. S. When combined with the increasing national, paranoia ,about communism and psychoanalytic theory that had become pervasive in medical
  6. Harp ole in" History of American Cinema" Scribner/U. Calif Press. Fusion, paranoia ,Michael Kelly, a Washington Post journalist and critic of anti-war movements on
  7. This contradiction created a" Hofstadter–Möbius loop ", reducing HAL to, paranoia , Therefore, HAL made the decision to kill the crew, thereby allowing him to
  8. In contrast to Hollywood and the European auteur cinema. Further, the nuclear, paranoia ,of the age, and the threat of an apocalyptic nuclear exchange (like the 1962
  9. Torpor of ordinary entertainment into the hothouse humidity of their own, paranoia , It's a trip worth taking. " Vincent Candy, in his review for the New York
  10. From heavy cocaine use into addiction, producing severe physical debilitation, paranoia ,and emotional problems. He later commented that the accompanying live album
  11. By tobacco. In addition to irritability, mood disturbances, restlessness, paranoia , and auditory hallucinations, cocaine use can cause several dangerous physicals
  12. Cox quit the tour and headed home to Memphis, Tennessee,reportedly suffering, paranoia ,after taking LSD or being given it unknowingly, earlier in the tour. A live
  13. Film, A King in New York (1957),satirized the political persecution and, paranoia ,that had forced him to leave the U. S. five years earlier. On religion, Chaplin
  14. Hussein Agni Pasha and Midhat Pasha. When Sultan Mural V began to show signs of, paranoia , madness and continuous fainting and vomiting even on the day of his coronation
  15. As the target of death threats and extortion schemes. They also portray rampant, paranoia ,and strange obsessions at the FBI and reveal nearly every celebrated Sinatra
  16. Harris (Gary Sweet) is portrayed as having bipolar disorder and shows how his, paranoia ,interfered with his work. As research for the role, Sweet visited a
  17. Album and Becker: dementia paranoids (a degenerative type of Kahlbaum's, paranoia , with sudden onset),catatonia (per Album,1874) and dementia praetor, (
  18. Drew upon his own life experiences in addressing the nature of drug abuse, paranoia ,and schizophrenia, and transcendental experiences in novels such as A Scanner
  19. Hopper also once owned Andy Warhol's Mao which he shot one evening in a fit of, paranoia , the 2 bullet holes possibly adding to the print's value. The print sold at
  20. Psychomotor agitation, grandiosity,repetitive and obsessive behaviors, paranoia , and with chronic and/or high doses, amphetamine psychosis can occur.
  21. Yawning, you judge me, by being restless, you judge me ... a very nice, juicy, paranoia ,'. Lack of guilt of psychopaths lack any true sense of guilt or
  22. Insomnia, mood swings, amnesia (forgetfulness),low self-esteem, confusion, paranoia , and other psychological disorders. Without intervention, the syndrome will run
  23. Filling a vital gap in political satire in the 1950s to 1970s,when Cold War, paranoia ,and a general culture of censorship prevailed in the United States, especially
  24. Changed from a darker, tense production, with lyrics projecting desperation and, paranoia , to a cleaner, more laid-back sound, fashioned for popular consumption (though
  25. Federalists threatened to send in an army and force them to capitulate. As the, paranoia ,sweeping Europe was bleeding over into America, calls for secession reached
  26. In sports where sustained attention and endurance is required. Anxiety, paranoia ,and restlessness are also frequent. With excessive dosage, tremors,convulsions
  27. Of blame in phobia disorders sharply differentiates the two. History The word, paranoia ,comes from the Greek" παράνοια" ( paranoia )," madness" and that from "
  28. Of the American People" ( Rappers). Ironically enough, the President's, paranoia ,and opportunism lead to the establishment of a real resistance movement to him
  29. Stimulant psychosis that can present as a number of psychotic disorders (e.g., paranoia , hallucinations, delusions ). The intensity and duration of symptoms may vary
  30. Orange (particularly in the UK) and partly due to his" long-standing, paranoia ,about the tabloid press. " These superfast lenses" with their huge aperture (
  31. From reality and psychosis may occur after some hours. A similar phenomenon is, paranoia ,in the elderly when poor eyesight, hearing and memory causes the person to be
  32. Also declared war and at Sol way Moss was once again totally defeated. Henry's, paranoia ,and suspicion worsened in his last years. The total number of executions during
  33. Of film noir, with its recurring themes of psychological conflict, paranoia , fate and moral ambiguity. His work influenced filmmakers as disparate as
  34. With the Jews). Similarly, Zbigniew Brzezinski used the phrase" Manichean, paranoia ," in reference to U. S. President George W. Bush's world view (in the
  35. Sounding the alarm ". The historian Richard Hofstadter addressed the role of, paranoia ,and conspiracist throughout American history in his essay The Paranoid Style in
  36. Commentary. Dr. Strange love (1964) was a satirical comedy about Cold War, paranoia , while The Apartment (1960),Alfie (1966) and The Graduate (1967)
  37. Don Siegel's Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) managed to channel the, paranoia ,of the Cold War into atmospheric creepiness without resorting to direct
  38. Act makes it unclear if Camilla is as capricious as she seems, or if Diane's, paranoia ,is allowing the audience only to see what she senses. According to Stephen
  39. The 1950s and the height of the Red Scare, are often said to reflect cultural, paranoia ,; Kiss Me Deadly is the noir most frequently marshaled as evidence for this
  40. Dynastic disputes. In this he was largely successful. However, such a level of, paranoia ,persisted that anyone with blood ties to the Plantagenet's was suspected of
  41. When an off-world philosopher told them:" Unjust treatment is apt to produce, paranoia ,in the victim. Your race has outlived its oppressors, but not the reflexes they
  42. Due to bad weather. The scarf hid the man's identity, triggering Takeda's, paranoia ,as, at the time, many people actually were trying to kill him. Honors * Order
  43. Of anti-war movements on both the left and right, coined the term" fusion, paranoia ," to refer to a political convergence of left-wing and right-wing activists
  44. Of withdrawal * To counteract the side effects of stimulants (e.g., insomnia, paranoia , jitteriness) * To" soften" the so-called" crash," which follows heavy
  45. Its moral fervor in bringing about that just society, which sometimes created, paranoia ,and intolerance for other views—are at the root of America's current political
  46. Of well-understood psychological conditions, and other hypothetical ones:, paranoia , denial, schizophrenia,mean world syndrome. Sociopolitical origins represents
  47. All it took to make him blossom, as I later learned, was a little praise. His, paranoia ,was most evident when he dined in company. He always thought he was served much
  48. Increased goal-directed activity and mood lability, as well as some, paranoia , In the Australian TV drama Stingers, Detective Luke Harris (Gary Sweet) is
  49. Was used to describe any delusional state. In modern colloquial use, the term ", paranoia ," is sometimes misused to describe a phobia. The general lack of blame in
  50. Were the first to describe and name such syndromes as dysthymia, cyclothymia, paranoia , catatonia, and hebephrenia. Perhaps their most lasting contribution to

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