Examples of the the word, dungeon , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dungeon ), is the 12205 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Wrote a scathing indictment of letters de cachet while imprisoned in the, dungeon ,of Incenses (by letter de cachet obtained by his father). The treatise was
  2. Ink heart, a hound of Ayersville made an appearance with one of animals in the, dungeon ,which came out of the books after Darius used to read and said these words: "
  3. Well as progressing through the game. In nearly every Zelda game, navigating a, dungeon ,is aided by locating a map, which reveals its layout, and a magic compass
  4. Item inside, which is usually essential for solving many of the puzzles in that, dungeon ,and often plays a crucial role in defeating that dungeon 's boss as well as
  5. IMDb) * Dungeon Master, the owner or master of a BDSM, dungeon ,(a place equipped for the playing out of BDSM sexual fantasies) * The Dungeon
  6. Sales. Spamming had been practiced as a prank by participants in multi-user, dungeon ,games, to fill their rivals' accounts with unwanted electronic junk. Trademark
  7. Of the puzzles in that dungeon and often plays a crucial role in defeating that, dungeon ,'s boss as well as progressing through the game. In nearly every Zelda game
  8. Special" levels are of fixed design in every game session. There are several, dungeon ,branches, including a Sonoran puzzle and Vlad's Tower. Items and tools Setback
  9. A glimpse into adjacent rooms. Being touch-focused, navigation within the, dungeon ,is by swipe gesture, which scrolls the new room into view and tools are tapped
  10. The player at the end of each act. Item drops, monster attributes, and most, dungeon ,layouts are randomly-generated by Diablo II. In addition to the four acts
  11. Tallest Gentile German might, and challenge him to shoot me or cast me in the, dungeon ,; I would refuse to be expelled or to submit to discriminating treatment. And
  12. First commercial work of interactive fiction produced outside the U. S. was the, dungeon ,crawl game of Acheson, produced in Cambridge, England,and first commercially
  13. As evil a picture as possible of Nicaragua, describing it as a 'totalitarian, dungeon ,'. Supporters of the Sandinista's ... have argued that Nicaragua has a good
  14. DES Letters de Cachet et DES prisons d'eat (Hamburg,1782),written in the, dungeon ,at Incenses into which his father had thrown him by a letter de cachet, one of
  15. Last gear piloted by Ramses in Engages, encountered upon entering the final, dungeon , * A common two-headed wyvern enemy in Final Fantasy XIII is named Amphisbaena.
  16. Play space which has been set up with specialist equipment, such as a ", dungeon ,". In the contemporary era of technological connectivity, sessions may also be
  17. In 1852. Baha'u'Allah relates that in 1853,while incarcerated in the, dungeon ,of the Síyáh-Chál in Tehran, he received the first intimations that he was the
  18. Must use a song from a dream sequence to find his way through LeChuck's, dungeon , The third game is the reverse of this, as the instructions the player receives
  19. Giannini are on a quest to free the Puerto Rican prisoner Sigismund from the, dungeon ,of Liberty, where Segismundo's father, Basilio, the King of the United States
  20. It contained many D&D features and references, including a computer controlled, dungeon ,master. Inspired by Adventure, a group of students at MIT wrote a game called
  21. An early 3D real-time dungeon -hack computer game * Dungeon Master, a 1986, dungeon , crawl role-playing game by ASCII. * Dungeon Master, a main character on the
  22. Of the time it is accepted that the king sentenced Spook to a lifetime in the, dungeon ,for calling him a fink. He is treated poorly by the system, but his best friend
  23. To a large empty ground-level gunroom the soldiers referred to as" the, dungeon ,". Mud and the others were let out of the dungeon six days a week to work
  24. The world of Disc world is also featured in a fan created online MUD, multi-user, dungeon , This game allows players to play humans in various guilds within the universe
  25. Modules were also released. The first was Tollenkar's Lair, a traditional, dungeon ,crawl adventure published in 1980. Two modules detailing countries were
  26. Against the Turks, in 1537,was captured with his family and died in a Turkish, dungeon , In 1463 came the Turco-Venetian war, which was destined to cost the Venetians
  27. But the irons were removed when inside the dungeon . After three months in the, dungeon , Mud and the others were returned to the general prison population. However
  28. Hack and slash, with elements of the role playing game and, dungeon ,crawl genres. It was released for Windows and macOS in 2000 by Blizzard
  29. VI heard the news, he lured Cardinal Rossini to the Vatican and cast him into a, dungeon , where he died. His goods were confiscated, his aged mother turned into the
  30. Next to each other, is another recurring trait. * has acted as the final, dungeon ,and battleground between Link and Canon in several games. * The is formed in
  31. That can be accessed from the End of Time upon completion of the final extra, dungeon ,and optional final boss. Throne Trigger also introduces a New Game+ option;
  32. By the Greek concept of Tartarus, a deep, gloomy part of Hades used as a, dungeon ,of torment and suffering. God of the underworld In Greek mythology, Hades (the
  33. Comprising a wide range of difficult enemies, bosses,and items. Each, dungeon ,usually has one major item inside, which is usually essential for solving many
  34. Without a computer ". * Greediest, a light, randomized romp through a simple, dungeon ,to gain loot. * Nightmare Chess, a chess variant played with cards.
  35. Of the elements in Everest have been drawn from text-based MUD (multi-user, dungeon ,) games, particularly Disbuds, which in turn were inspired by traditional
  36. Leg irons while working outside, but the irons were removed when inside the, dungeon , After three months in the dungeon , Mudd and the others were returned to the
  37. And other features changed or removed from the final release—such as a, dungeon ,named" Singing Mountain" and its eponymous tune. Some names also differed;
  38. The player must retrieve the Amulet of Vendor, found at the lowest level of the, dungeon , and sacrifice it to his or her deity. Successful completion of this task
  39. Conjured up things, and stuff started coming out again. " While working in the, dungeon , Commit stumbled onto the main riff of" Sabbath Bloody Sabbath," which set the
  40. And so free my heart. Nightingales ... sing their song of longing from their, dungeon ,'s depth ... everyone delights, yet no one feels the pain, the deep sorrow in
  41. Holding a 20-sided die),and adopts a wildly theatrical style when acting as a, dungeon ,master. He occasionally makes reference to his scarring childhood, during which
  42. Referred to as" the dungeon ". Mud and the others were let out of the, dungeon ,six days a week to work around the fort. On Sundays and holidays they were
  43. Dedicated Publish 51 in Ultimo Online to Gaga. This included a new room in the, dungeon ,Doom containing a special encounter and unique decorations. * Turbine, Inc.
  44. Bois-Guilbert escapes with Rebecca while Isaac is released from his underground, dungeon ,by the Clerk of Copmanhurst. The Lady Rowena is saved by Cedric, while the
  45. Side quests. They are also rewarded after killing the final boss of each, dungeon , Fairies also play a role in recharging your life meter, either by filling it
  46. May also be tamed using magic or tempting food. Dungeon levels Setbacks, dungeon ,spans about 50 levels, of which most are randomly generated when the player
  47. Dies during interrogation, but B. J. manages to escape Castle Wolfenstein's, dungeon , He then fights his way out of the castle, using a tram car to leave the area
  48. Much more abusive—after he runs away from home, they place him in a basement, dungeon ,with no toilet. This is told in issues 5 and 6 of the first series, The Best of
  49. Shields. Jackson is killed during the altercation. O'Neil is thrown into a, dungeon ,with the captured team members, while Jackson is regenerated in a
  50. S Awakening DX with some additional features, including an extra color-based, dungeon ,and a photo shop that allows interaction with the Game Boy Printer. After

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