Examples of the the word, kurd , in a Sentence Context

The word ( kurd ), is the 12206 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. So that Nikolai would temporarily take Kirill's place during a meeting with a, kurd , named Aim, who killed the Chechen very, at the baths. As Chechen's attack
  2. Ethnic groups lives in Aqua like Turk man of Al-Fatiha tribe & Alabama, kurd , as well as babies/behave group & around 100 families of Medians. Aqua is
  3. Own mother tongue. Books *Quasi, Xana: Siren û Hebrew: safari Sergei award, kurd , Bûjandinewe û lêkdanawey Muhammad Meal Karim (Shirin and Hasura: The
  4. Uses the Phrygia mode (known in Middle Eastern music as a variety of madam, kurd , ) and Grassy, Bitarap Turkmenistan Owlet Giant (Turkmenistan) uses the
  5. 1972) madam last * Ya Calumny (" You who were unjust to me" ) (1954)madam, kurd , * Alumna El Hob (" We Have Sinned Against Love" ) (1962) Anthology by
  6. The Kurdish Republic of 1946,London,1963 # M. Murdoch Lodestone, Tarikh-e, kurd , wa Kurdistan (The history of Kurds and Kurdistan),Tehran,1979
  7. Help Kurdish victims of the Gulf War. Malawi and Sierras were nicknamed" Lemon, kurd ," and" Bean Kurd" by Archer. In 1994 Archer helped campaign for Malawi for a
  8. The name in its normal form Kurdalaegon is stable and has a clear meaning (, kurd , smith+ on of the family+ Along name of one of the NARIC families),this
  9. Of Devil. The Black Book, The Book of Revelation),Cabin,1994 *Poor, kurd , – file de stories (The Kurdish People. Pages of History),Interprint,1997
  10. Kurd (1927-1946),Translation from Arabic, Damascus,1993. #Peywendiyên, kurd , û Armenian (The Relationship of Kurds and Armenians),Translation from
  11. Kurdistan or „ The honor our pride famous for the battle, jiyana min Fiji, kurd , û Kurdistan (English: my life, long live the Kurds and Kurdistan) “ in the
  12. Hope" ) (1955) * Hadith el Rough (" The Talk of The Soul" ) ... ... madam, kurd , ( 1967) * Habitat lil-zaman (" I will leave you to Time" ) (1962) *
  13. Basis was born in a village called Armand in southern Egypt. His father was a, kurd , from central Kurdistan In 1950,he came to Cairo where Muslims in many mosques
  14. Necessary to reduce them to subjection. This was done by Reship Pasha, also a, kurd , The principal towns were strongly garrisoned, and many of the Kurd beys were
  15. Company in Iraq, was established in the city of Suleiman in 1999 by Iraqi, kurd , businessman Farouk Raoul Asia cell began its first commercial operations in
  16. 1965) * ETA MRI – Son (" You Are the love of my life" ) ... ..... madam, kurd , ( 1964) * Es'all Rocha (" Ask yourself")madam human car (1970) * Macaroni
  17. Evil, Poem,1994. #Serçavkanî Kurdistan, Literary Analysis,1998. #Wêneyên, kurd , ji arrival kurd nasên erupt (Kurdish Literature from European Kurdologist's
  18. Of the Gulf War. Malawi and Sierras were nicknamed" Lemon Kurd" and" Bean, kurd ," by Archer. In 1994 Archer helped campaign for Malawi for a seat on Wands worth
  19. To cry" ) (1964) * Await 'Agni (" I accustomed my eyes" ) (1957) madam, kurd , * Based Ana (" Away From You" ) ... .... madam basmati (1965) * Bet faker
  20. Product_id=460 Culture, Huner û Debit, Nûdem Publishers,423 pp.,1996. #Keça, kurd , zengê, Translation of a novel by Ceased Bender, from Turkish, Nûdem Publishers

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