Examples of the the word, overly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( overly ), is the 6886 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A forceful rebuttal to critics who considered her portrayal of Huntington, overly ,graphic and disturbing. (Charlotte was among them. ) Anne also sharply
  2. Adversarial procedure defenders argue that the inquisitorial court systems are, overly ,institutionalized and removed from the average citizen. The common law trial
  3. Modern scholars are sometimes critical of the Jungian approach to alchemy as, overly ,reflective of nineteenth century occultism. Magnum opus The Great Work of
  4. Neurologic lesions (including strokes),metabolic disturbances and abrupt or, overly ,rapid benzodiazepine withdrawal. It can be an adverse reaction to prescribed
  5. With those who believe that human and industrial activities should not be, overly ,regulated or restricted, such as some libertarians. Environmentalists often
  6. Provincial Council was elected. This system of 127 separate councils may seem, overly ,cumbersome, but Baghdad Province is home to approximately seven million people.
  7. The old name is very common and leads to confusion; second, the old name is, overly ,long or very difficult to spell or pronounce (especially with names of former
  8. A few new nouns like president were sufficient to avoid making the language, overly ,specific, a need for a neutral passive participle was felt in the verbs. For
  9. In the 1960s. The original concept was called PERT/COST, but it was considered, overly ,burdensome (not very adaptable) by contractors who were mandated to use it
  10. Take some time getting used to as certain wavelengths can" jump" out and be, overly ,represented. Additionally, computer software and cybernetic devices have been
  11. And *They had misjudged what was needed to bring peace in Iraq and had been, overly ,optimistic about the success with which social engineering of western values
  12. This limits the size of the shell code to the size of the buffer, which may be, overly ,restrictive. Dolls are located in high memory (above 0x01000000) and so have
  13. Authors as primarily a lack of public educational advertising, exacerbated by, overly ,lurid and sensationalized media coverage. Within feminist circles the
  14. Change over the next thirty years will be essential if China is to avoid an, overly ,turbulent transition to a democratic, middle-class-dominated polity. Some
  15. Outside world, particularly onto other people. For example, a patient who is, overly ,argumentative might instead perceive others as argumentative and himself as
  16. Poor baseline. Management or the customer may be upset with the planners as an, overly ,conservative baseline ties up available funds for other purposes, and the
  17. English dictionaries note quaintrelle as a beautifully dressed woman (or, overly ,dressed),but do not include the favorable personality elements of grace and
  18. Criticized by H. W. Fowler),baggage, hit (a place),and the adverbs, overly ,and presently (" currently" ). Some of these, for example monkey wrench and
  19. American censors interpreted the values allegedly promoted in the picture as, overly ," feudal" and banned the work. (It would not be released until 1952,the year
  20. Your weight evenly distributed between your feet, and do not over do it (being, overly ,active can result in the waste of energy). Although the wind upsets the tone
  21. Scientists such as Henry Bates, Thomas Huxley, and even Darwin, who felt he was, overly ,credulous. Others, such as the physiologist William Benjamin Carpenter and
  22. Be reported in 2009,the U. S. Government's depiction of Abu Zubaydah was, overly ,inflated, and he was, as Justice Department Officials stated," the above ground
  23. Were regarded as well armored. Visibility was adequate, although hampered by an, overly ,complex windshield frame, and completely blocked to the rear in early models
  24. Pursuing sophisticated manual circuit design in order to deal with the, overly ,complex VAX architecture. The Alpha chips showed that manual circuit design
  25. And in the donors' agreements, as a threat to civil liberties, saying it is, overly ,broad and ambiguous. Court-awarded damages and attorney's fees In 2004
  26. Particularly in her novels. As part of her argument that women should not be, overly ,influenced by their feelings, Wollstonecraft emphasizes that they should not be
  27. And in much the same ways as traditional" window a/c" units (cooling an, overly ,hot room, cooling rooms in older homes without central a/c, providing a general
  28. The latter trait, and apologized publicly for his temper). To them, he was also, overly ,trusting, and easily manipulated by his wives and freedmen. But at the same
  29. Other pubs that are not eligible for the NI, due to reasons such as having been, overly ,modified, but are still considered historically important, or have particular
  30. Serial number. Controllers of the system because of their combination of an, overly ,complex mechanical design with a very low-cost internal flex circuit system.
  31. And had to remain single. The Grads' style focused on team play, without, overly , emphasizing skills of individual players. The first women's AAU All-America
  32. Lunched with the plebeians. They also paint him as bloodthirsty and cruel, overly ,fond of both gladiatorial combat and executions, and very quick to anger (
  33. To discard food items by the expiration date, because of overstock, being, overly , ripened,spoiled, cosmetically imperfect, or blemished. Offices, factories
  34. Many of the pieces of the theorem were proved using techniques that were, overly ,general. *Because the conclusion was unknown, the first generation proof
  35. An action described as stemming from either his leftist views or for views, overly ,sympathetic to Lithuania. Miłosz wrote all his poetry, fiction and essays in
  36. Produced ". Overall, critics lauded Throne Trigger for its" fantastic yet not, overly ,complex" story, simple but innovative gameplay, and high replay value afforded
  37. Additionally, the historians who wrote them are described as biased, either, overly , critical or praising of Caligula. Nonetheless, these lost primary sources
  38. The system relied on improvements of computer technology, avoided problems with, overly ,centralized command and control and risky, expensive development of large
  39. On the person's age. This may convey the sense that a person is boring or, overly ,fussy and be intended as an insult, mainly when used in the second or third
  40. And dhoti for bands like Lap and Hera. The generation that followed became, overly ,dependent on folk music. Talented 15-year-old percussionist Builder Singh
  41. Argues that gradual political reform as well as repression of those pushing for, overly ,rapid change over the next thirty years will be essential if China is to avoid
  42. Has hampered the usability of a customer relationship management system. An, overly ,complex computer system can result in an equally complex and non-friendly user
  43. Necessary, physicians who do not know when to prescribe antibiotics or else are, overly ,cautious for medical legal reasons. For example, a third of people believe that
  44. Brainstem. Prevention and treatment To prevent CPM via the most common cause, overly ,rapid correction of hyponatremia, the hyponatremia should be corrected at a
  45. Small number of witnesses, c ) the speaker has no integrity’d ) the speaker is, overly ,hesitant or bold, or e) the speaker is known to have motives for lying, then
  46. The elimination of what he termed" the single most hated thing on the show" –, overly ,long and embarrassing displays of emotion. The Academy has also had recent
  47. Statements, so he was cautious that the titles given to his work were not, overly ,descriptive or evocative. It is likely that some of today's more literal
  48. The Emperor's baptism in Jerusalem. Many scholars believe the Letter was, overly ,indulgent to the emperor in an effort to bring favor toward Jerusalem so that
  49. Agatha Christie's humorous self-caricature. Like Agatha Christie, she isn't, overly ,fond of the detective she is most famous for creating – in Ariadne's case the
  50. R. Hear took advantage of his Turing Award speech to criticize Ada for being, overly ,complex and hence unreliable, but subsequently seemed to recant in the foreword

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