Examples of the the word, procession , in a Sentence Context
The word ( procession ), is the 11933 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Sing, enable us who are on Earth, to glorify thee in purity of heart. This, procession ,reenacts the journey of the Myrrh bearers to the Tomb of Jesus" very early in
- Anglican and Lutheran Holy Eucharist, and more formal Roman Catholic Masses,a, procession ,begins the service in which a cross or crucifix is carried forward into the
- Mark the signing is held every year on the 6th of April and involves a street, procession ,and short piece of street theater. The Abbey fell into ruin after the
- Between the lighthearted" Alabama Song" and the imagery of the funeral, procession ,is confusing. This tension serves to distance the audience from the action
- Church, and proceed barefoot to meet the members of the house advancing in a, procession , After proceeding up the nave, he was to kneel and pray at the topmost step of
- David wanted to have his body submerged in the bathtub during the funeral, procession , This did not play out because the body had begun to putrefy. Instead, Marat’s
- Her. It was even suggested by Jan Drugs that cymbals which were played in, procession ,before her represented some pagan Lithuanian tradition. Her husband Casimir is
- Bronze. This bust was later taken to Saint, and carried through that city in a, procession ,to the Dominican church. Behind the bust walked Lap,Catherine's mother, who
- In the morning" (). After circling around the temple once or three times,the, procession ,halts in front of the closed doors. In the Greek practice the priest reads a
- Design Charts Weekly charts End of decade charts Certifications Chart, procession ,and succession Notes In card games, a burn card is a playing card dealt from
- Of Lanka between the Rakshasas and the bananas or monkeys ** the court and, procession ,of King Suryavarman II, the builder of Angkor Was ** the Battle of Kurukshetra
- In June 1098,and the subsequent siege led by Turbofan, Adhemar organized a, procession ,through the streets, and had the gates locked so that the Crusaders, many of
- Wellington's casket was decorated with banners which were made for his funeral, procession , Originally, there was one for Prussia, which was removed during World War I
- That rivaled the Olympic Games in popularity. During the festival,a, procession ,moved through Athens up to the Acropolis and into the Parthenon (Suggested to
- Way forwarder than a cul-de-sac for history painting. ” In his speech during the, procession , David“ explicitly emphasized the opposition between people and monarchy;
- And sacrifice a sheep in ritual. The Feast of St. Elijah is commemorated by a, procession ,to Mar Elias, a Greek Orthodox monastery north of Bethlehem. Government
- The images of demons veiled with a white covering. " So Martin halted the, procession ,by raising his pectoral cross:" Upon this, the miserable creatures might have
- Siege of Jerusalem, and reported that Appear instructed them to hold another, procession ,around the walls. This was done, and Jerusalem was taken by the Crusaders in
- Borders of my realm. When no invasion came, the nation rejoiced. Elizabeth's, procession ,to a thanksgiving service at St Paul's Cathedral rivaled that of her
- Band famously flouts this tradition by marching in the yearly commencement, procession , Undergraduate members, however,walk through the gates backwards, thereby
- Of Christ along the flower-decorated streets of the city. Although the solemn, procession ,is only held on one day, the events of the Festival of Senior Santa Crisco
- Allow the fish to make chewing motions against a chewing plate formed by a, procession ,of the skull. The pharyngeal teeth are species specific and are used by
- The Easter Vigil exist: Some churches read the Old Testament lessons before the, procession ,of the Paschal candle, and then read the gospel immediately after the Exulted.
- Sleeps much of the day, and seems to sleepwalk at night. When a funeral, procession ,passes by the two girls and Laura begins singing a hymn, Carmilla bursts out in
- Fetching the bride, although among the Israelites (unlike the Arabs) the, procession ,was a festive occasion, accompanied by music, dancing,and lights. However
- Might even precede a datable event (e.g. lines 1074-89 in Ion describe a, procession ,to Eleusis, which was probably written before the Spartans occupied it during
- Is placed behind the Holy Table (Altar). A large crucifix is taken in, procession ,to the center of the temple (church) during the Matins of Good Friday, where
- Led by Tristan the Cuba, who toured the streets of Rome in an extravagant, procession ,of animals from the colonies and wealth from the Indies that struck Europe. His
- And was drawn by horse. An estimated 800 mourners were in attendance of the, procession , Among those in attendance to the private ceremony were Missy Elliott
- In honor of Artemis, and the maiden officiating as priestess rides last in the, procession ,upon a car yoked to deer. It is, however,not until the next day that the
- Canal) in August; the 'Still Om gang' ( a silent Roman Catholic evening, procession ,held every March); Amsterdam Gay Pride; The Cannabis Cup; and the Upmarket. On
- I found Rome of clay, and leave her to you of marble. " An enormous funerary, procession ,of mourners traveled with Augustus' body from Nola to Rome, and on the day of
- Christ rising from the dead. Before the Mass begins at dawn, a festive, procession ,with the Blessed Sacrament carried beneath a canopy encircles the church. As
- The end of the second semester, the gates open outward for the Commencement Day, procession , A traditional superstition is that students who pass through the gates for a
- With those of others of his family in Turin. His remains were carried in a long, procession ,to St. Stephen's Cathedral, where the body was interred in the Kreuzkapelle.
- 1863 Executive Dictatorial Commission of three members * *In Paraguay, in a, procession ,of generally short-lived juntas, the last of the Consuls of the Republic in
- Very seriously. From the pompous graduation ceremony to the for-fun Cortège, procession , everything is based on long-standing traditions. * Chalmers Aerospace Club –
- Drama a significant role in the Christianization of the Poles. In her wedding, procession , she arrived to Poland with Christian clergymen, among them possibly Jordan
- Piling earth upon the altar steps. The festival begins with a most splendid, procession ,in honor of Artemis, and the maiden officiating as priestess rides last in the
- May. During the celebrations, Greek Orthodox Christians from the city march in, procession ,to the nearby town of Aleksander to baptize newborns in the waters around the
- Until the adoption of the Protestant faith. The Still Om gang—a silent, procession ,in civil attire—is today a remnant of the rich pilgrimage history. In the 16th
- Of the net) in Hydrous. *Mafia, a festival for Artemis in Pattie. The, procession ,started by setting the logs of wood around the altar, each of them sixteen
- Between the main church and convent nightly, ultimately culminating in the, procession , which is televised within the Azores and to the Portuguese diaspora. The
- From studying. After forty-five minutes or so of jokes and music,the, procession ,then moves out to the lawn in front of Hartley, Wallach and John Jay residence
- The bomb explosion killed or injured many bystanders and members of the Royal, procession , Alfonso and ENA had seven children: * Infant Alfonso PIO Cristina Eduardo
- Sepulcher in Jerusalem). Then the priest and congregation go in a Procession (, procession ,with the cross) around the temple (church building),holding lit candles
- Which offended Gorky. Some thousands of mourners followed the funeral, procession ,of a General Keller by mistake, to the accompaniment of a military band.
- Diaspora normally travel to Point Delgado to participate in an afternoon, procession ,behind the image of Christ along the flower-decorated streets of the city.
- Painting showing a king and queen with their attendants going in a royal, procession , There are colorful umbrellas over their heads and trees in the background.
- artist's resourcefulness in this picture fairly. The drawing is well done,the, procession ,is ingenious and appropriate ... his treatment combines a great deal of
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