Examples of the the word, stylish , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stylish ), is the 11937 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Number one" must-have" gadget, praising its robust graphical capabilities and, stylish ,exterior design while criticizing its limited selection of available games. In
  2. Houston was able to handle big adult contemporary ballads, effervescent, stylish , dance-pop,and slick urban contemporary soul with equal dexterity; the result
  3. Reason are often interpreted as 'cold' or 'aloof,' and is often called the ", stylish ," style or the Mani era. Spread of mannerism Mannerism centers in Italy were
  4. In Bourbaki. Another district notably famous for its student-crammed, stylish ,cafés is Theseus or Mission (), lying just west of Monastical. Mission is
  5. Necks of the well-to-do. During the 19th century and early 20th century, it was, stylish ,to stiffen the collars and sleeves of men's shirts and the ruffles of girls '
  6. Of Johnson Milton Walker, the project has transformed the Western Foyers into a, stylish ,and functional space providing patrons with additional amenities including new
  7. Knees pointing down, arches back, and throws backhand up behind the head for a, stylish ,vanity pose. *Air Rally - the rider hits the wake and allows their body to
  8. Ehrenstrasse, and Rudolfplatz is a little more on the eccentric and, stylish ,side. Bridges Several bridges cross the Rhine in Cologne. They are (from South
  9. Years of the Ballets Rushes were often considered too" intellectual ", too ", stylish ," and seldom had the unconditional success of the first few seasons, although
  10. Black, the firm is profiting. Fashion * In Western fashion, black is considered, stylish , sexy, elegant and powerful. * The colloquialism" X is the new black" is a
  11. Roadsters, and product planners envisioned a new line of GT cars that would be, stylish , innovative, fast,and relatively inexpensive through the use of
  12. Salary of 100 whalers. One of his grievances was that he had to exchange his, stylish ,Paris suits for a stiff uniform and pigtail. But he had full leisure for the
  13. Review of the original Broadway production, Clive Barnes wrote:" ... it is, stylish , innovative, it has some of the best lyrics I have ever encountered, and above
  14. Volkswagen had entered the super mini market in 1975 with the Volkswagen Polo,a, stylish ,and spacious three-door hatchback designed by Bert one. It was a strong seller
  15. Some of Peckinpah's greatest strengths in favor of pure imitation of his, stylish ,approach to cinematic violence. Peckinpah's greatest influence is upon the
  16. New concept version on the way. It's supposed to be all electric and much more, stylish ,than before. Audi A4 The next major model change came in 1995 when the Audi A4
  17. Foot down has become a viable option, not only for effectiveness but also for, stylish ,aesthetics. In Taekwondo, three types of multiple kick are distinguished:
  18. His skill and improve his solo play, and she prodded him into wearing more, stylish ,attire to make him look sharp and to better offset his growing girth. Little’s
  19. Armored Car Robbery (1950) and The Narrow Margin (1952). The cynical and, stylish ,perspective of classic film noir had a formative effect on the cyberpunk genre
  20. Used in the names of restaurants and the like; Chen Marie =" Marie's "; chic:, stylish ,; chignon: a hairstyle worn in a roll at the nape of the neck; cinema PUR: an
  21. In Shanghai. However, the Shanghaied styles have seen a recent revival as, stylish ,party dresses. The fashion industry has been rapidly revitalizing in the past
  22. Reprobates are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the seduction which made the, stylish ,old man named Rex Pebble into an adulterer and his companion, Spray Summers
  23. Theories of film noir is a cinematic term used primarily to describe, stylish ,Hollywood crime dramas, particularly those that emphasize cynical attitudes and
  24. Like the Bluebird" ) All the money is in the hands of Cora Hoover Hooper,the, stylish , ruthless mayoress and her cronies - Comptroller Scrub, Treasurer Cooley, and
  25. Of the South as it began and grew, with backgrounds of the main characters: the, stylish ,and highbrow French, the gentlemanly English, the forced-to-flee and
  26. Aesthetic value rather than its didactic or informative content; also, light, stylish , writings,usually on literary or intellectual subjects; when someone is
  27. Of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. He is remembered for his large and, stylish ,signature on the United States Declaration of Independence, so much so that the
  28. For Dove Styling, where her normal beehive hair was exchanged for a more, stylish ,look for a series of ads featuring several popular cartoon women. In October
  29. And her ghostly youthful counterpart moves towards her. Phyllis Rogers Stone,a, stylish ,and elegant woman, even more attractive now, trying to convince him (and
  30. Musical theater style, with breezy, popular songs, snappy,romantic banter, and, stylish , spectacle at the Gaiety,Daly's Theatre and other venues. These drew on the
  31. Lounges, hotels,clubs, etc. and a lot of fashion shops for a young and, stylish ,public and the Langstrasse in the districts 4 and 5 of the city. There are
  32. A succession of assistants. Steed's the most famous assistants were intelligent, stylish ,and assertive women: Cathy Gale (Honor Blackman),Emma Peel (Diana Ring)
  33. He becomes more influenced by his human companions, and so begins to resemble a, stylish , self-centered human. We later learn that, unlike his human companions, he has a
  34. His sister was the subject of much gossip and insinuation, was imitating his, stylish ,sibling. The linguistic variation of o for Au was characteristic of the Brian
  35. Indemnity (1944),based upon James M. Cain's novel of the same name. The, stylish , disturbing prototype noir screenplay was nominated for an Academy Award. His
  36. Varied subjects. The Bride Wore Black (1968),a brutal tale of revenge, is a, stylish ,homage to the films of Alfred Hitchcock (once again starring Jeanne Moreau).
  37. isn't it more popular? I don't know. " Name At the time Fudge was conceived, it was, stylish ,to give role-playing games acronyms for names (for instance, GURPS and TWERPS
  38. His attempt to create a" green" design movement focused on high-tech, stylish , and ecologically sound design. The Meridian Design home page, including
  39. TT wins in 1966 and 1967. Honda's race bikes were known for their" sleek &, stylish ,design" and exotic engine configurations, such as the 5-cylinder,22,000 rpm
  40. 28, 1962) is an American film and music video director. Known for his dark and, stylish ,thrillers, such as Seven (1995),The Game (1997),Fight Club (1999)
  41. Bread-box" style, whereas newer (2007-) buses feature Orion's new, more, stylish , body. Although most of the bus fleet has already been replaced, a number of
  42. Greater triumph than that first night. " Ainsworth was himself" debonair and, stylish ,", and Alexander, who played Mr. Jack Wort hing," demure ". The cast was: The
  43. That glorifies spirit-of-place and the abiding power of narrative. He crafts, stylish , mind-bending page-turners that contain profound moral truths–some beautiful
  44. Wool is spun and woven into beautiful woolen blankets known as falsies and into, stylish ,and durable rugs. The camel's leather is also utilized in making puppies
  45. The 464plus and 6128plus models were intended as" more sophisticated and, stylish ," replacements of the CPC464 and CPC6128. Based on the redesigned plus hardware
  46. Options such as foregone (inexpensive traditional hidden taverns),less, stylish ,restaurants, and bars and canteens offering an enticing range of dishes at
  47. Many Cyrillic letters (typically lowercase; uppercase only for handwritten or, stylish ,types) are very different from their upright roman types. In certain cases
  48. Yet. Portishead's music, seen as cutting edge in its film noir feel and, stylish , yet emotional appropriations of past sounds, was also widely imitated, causing
  49. Appear constantly in the English-language reviews; adjectives like" hip ",", stylish ,"," classy ", serve to describe the artwork, the concept, and the series
  50. Using the euro technology and are made in eye-catching bright colors and bold, stylish ,designs. The Pakistani Rupee was pegged to the Pound sterling until 1982,when

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