Examples of the the word, motivated , in a Sentence Context

The word ( motivated ), is the 11946 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The present book. Having had some personal cause for interest in ideologically, motivated ,attacks on biologically oriented behavioral scientists, I first took notice of
  2. Who failed to escape, their lives. This decree issued by the triumvirate was, motivated ,in part by a need to raise money to pay their troops' salaries for the
  3. Documented evidence for many countries (due to restrictive laws and censorship, motivated ,by politics or religion) except their presence in online BDSM communities and
  4. That no two people held the same motivations. He argues that while some were, motivated ,mainly by slavery, most were motivated by some mixture of politics, culture
  5. There are two opposing types of self-selection bias: (1) drinkers may be, motivated ,to stop drinking before they participate in AA (2) AA may attract the more
  6. Amateur boxing Throughout the 17th through 19th centuries, boxing bouts were, motivated ,by money, as the fighters competed for prize money, promoters controlled the
  7. First to push these studies further by isolating the penicillin, and by being, motivated ,enough to promote his discovery at a larger scale. Fleming also discovered very
  8. May be grouped according to those that are non- motivated , and those that are, motivated ,(Lévi-Strauss). Non- motivated functions of art The non- motivated purposes of
  9. The" cedars" of Lebanon, and the copper deposits of Pagan, was largely, motivated ,by the goal of securing control over these imports. One tablet reads" Sargon
  10. The Bundesgerichtshof (German Federal Court) ruled that sado-masochistically, motivated ,physical injuries are not per se indecent and thus subject to §228. Still, this
  11. Which banned all non-European migration to Australia. This policy was partly, motivated ,by 19th century theories about" racial purity" ( shared by most Australians
  12. In Old ham West and Roy ton (which had recently been the scene of racially, motivated ,rioting between white and Asian youths) where party leader Nick Griffin
  13. People, and the wish to represent it as such is only recent and politically, motivated , Solzhenitsyn's views on this matter are in line with those of several
  14. Apollo 17 astronauts, is The Blue Marble (right). These photographs have also, motivated ,some people toward environmentalism. Many astronauts and cosmonauts have
  15. At times, have mistakenly perceived criticism of its policies and actions to be, motivated ,by antisemitism. " France is home to the continent's largest Jewish
  16. Career Disraeli turned towards literature after his financial disaster, motivated ,in part by a desperate need for money, and brought out his first novel, Vivian
  17. Of biological nitrogen fixation. The scientific interest in this problem is, motivated ,by the unusual structure of the active site of the enzyme, which consists of an
  18. As presented in state-sponsored accounts, was an elaborate, politically, motivated , hoax. It promoted instead the Laughter Report, the Ball Report and the Rudolf
  19. Awareness-being" ). Traditionally, a Bodhisattva is anyone who, motivated ,by great compassion, has generated Bodhisattva, which is a spontaneous wish to
  20. Jumps (below 60 m / 200 ft) to be made, although most BASE jumpers are more, motivated ,to make higher jumps involving free fall. This method is similar to the
  21. Duration of emotional experience, temporal focus, specificity of threat, and, motivated , direction. Fear was defined as short-lived, present-focused,geared towards a
  22. Z\ne0.:: (f \, x \, y ) = (( f \, x ) \, y ): This notation can be, motivated ,by the currying isomorphism. Right-associative operations include the following
  23. He argues that while some were motivated mainly by slavery, most were, motivated ,by some mixture of politics, culture,nationalism, honor,or any other number
  24. Socialist economists have criticized the term as an ideologically, motivated ,attempt to cast what is in their view the fundamental problems of capitalism as
  25. Pointless, activity,and they can be very stubborn when they are not properly, motivated , For example, food rewards, or " baiting ", may work well for some individuals
  26. Arian Gothic missionaries at his court. The conversion is likely to have been, motivated ,mostly from political considerations, and intended to consolidate the migration
  27. With ideologies such as Marxism, communism and capitalism. Anarchists may be, motivated ,by humanism, divine authority, enlightened self-interest, veganism or any
  28. Without offering the embarrassment of direct donation. Though no doubt also, motivated ,by an affection towards Ruth, in marrying her he has to pay a cost in money and
  29. Overshadowing it all was darkness and revenge. The opera depicted politically, motivated ,murder, filial duty and love in conflict, tryannicide and finally eternal
  30. Of his time until he left on his religious quest, which is said to have been, motivated ,by existential concern for the human condition. At the time, many small
  31. To communicate ideas, such as in politically, spiritually,or philosophically, motivated ,art; to create a sense of beauty (see aesthetics); to explore the nature of
  32. Have an intent or goal directed toward another individual, this is a, motivated ,purpose. Illustrative arts, such as scientific illustration, are a form of art
  33. In Liberia and elsewhere in Africa. The army is relatively well-funded and, motivated ,by African standards, although undermanned for its force structure. The regular
  34. Be determined by society and reason. Schopenhauer believed that humans were, motivated ,only by their own basic desires, or Will sum Eben (Will to Live),which
  35. But for unknown reasons was turned away. He later claimed at trial that he was, motivated ,by a divine vision requiring him to notify her of an impending terrorist
  36. Y \Maputo x - y): Using right-associative notation for these operations can be, motivated ,by the Curry-Howard correspondence and by the currying isomorphism.
  37. On a number of BNP members who have had criminal convictions, some racially, motivated , The BBC's list is extensive. Some of the more notable convictions include: *
  38. Compatible with anarcho-capitalism. ) Some also argue that human beings are, motivated ,primarily by the fulfillment of their own needs and wants. Thus, to forcefully
  39. Would be a proper class. This is philosophically unsatisfying to some and has, motivated ,additional work in set theory and other methods of formalizing the foundations
  40. Be consequences of the coherence of a quantum state. In 1953,Brian Pipped, motivated ,by penetration experiments, proposed that this would modify the London
  41. Were innocent of the charges. DeVos stated he believed that the case had been, motivated ,by" political reasons ". RIAA lawsuit The Recording Industry Association of
  42. As a decoration or symbol. While these often have no specific utilitarian (, motivated ,) purpose, anthropologists know that they often serve a purpose at the level of
  43. And modernity, that in the past characterized the great works of architecture, motivated ,Wiemar. The viewer has an impression of looking at a glass box, softly landed
  44. As an alternative. Both are used in the detoxification of individuals who are, motivated ,to stop drinking, and are prescribed for a short period of time to reduce the
  45. Was used as an alternative to" genocide" to denote not just ethnically, motivated ,murder but also displacement, though critics charge there is no difference.
  46. Axiom” and a“ postulate” disappears. The postulates of Euclid are profitably, motivated ,by saying that they lead to a great wealth of geometric facts. The truth of
  47. 1867 (the Province of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick). Several factors, motivated ,this agitation, including the fear of annexation to the United States, the
  48. Siege. The capture of the French-controlled port of Mahé on India's west coast, motivated ,Mysore's ruler, Hyder Ali (who was already upset at other British actions
  49. Crow laws, using a mask of compliance to prevent becoming victims of racially, motivated ,violence. To maintain self-esteem and dignity, African Americans such as
  50. Hardware systems. The use of formal methods for software and hardware design is, motivated ,by the expectation that, as in other engineering disciplines, performing

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