Examples of the the word, intersect , in a Sentence Context
The word ( intersect ), is the 11935 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Surfaces. If the surfaces of two spheres intersect at more than one point, they, intersect , in a circle. The article trilateration shows this mathematically. A figure, Two
- With that circle; in most cases of practical interest, this means they, intersect ,at two points. Another figure, Surface of Sphere Intersecting a Circle (not a
- In contrast to its modern meaning, he used it to mean any line that does not, intersect ,the given curve. There are potentially three kinds of asymptotes: horizontal
- Formulations of many theorems. For example, any two different lines in RP2, intersect , in precisely one point, a statement that is not true in R2. More generally
- Up to similarity. If multiple symmetry axes are present, they will necessarily, intersect ,at a single point, and this is usually taken to be the center. Failing that a
- And Beta Centauri, the point where the above-mentioned line and this line, intersect ,marks the Southern Celestial Pole. The two stars of Alpha and Beta Centauri are
- In a Circle, is shown below. Two points where the surfaces of the spheres, intersect ,are clearly shown in the figure. The distance between these two points is the
- And yellow neighbors, but not both, since these two paths would necessarily, intersect , and the vertex where they intersect cannot be colored. Suppose it is the red
- Of A and A′ is defined as follows. The circles C (A, A′) and C (A′, A ), intersect ,in two distinct points; these points determine a unique line, and the center is
- And the largest number of dimensions in which two strings will generically, intersect ,(and, presumably,annihilate) is three. Therefore, one argues that the most
- Crossroads, the routes from Ankara to Izmir and from Istanbul to Antalya, intersect ,here and Anyone is a popular stopping-place on these journeys. There are a
- Direction of propagation through the Feynman diagram. World lines of particles, intersect ,at interaction vertices, and the Feynman diagram represents any force arising
- The third, sixth and ninth of these lines are marked with a cross where they, intersect ,with the vertical line. Roman abacus The normal method of calculation in
- S (precessing and mutating) instantaneous spin axis extended Northward to, intersect ,the celestial sphere. (Similarly for the South celestial pole. ) * The
- Brussels - Aalst - Ghent - Eek lo - Bruges - Os tend Secondary national roads, intersect ,these. National roads have an N plus 1,2 or 3 digits. National roads numbered
- While returning close to the throwing point. In competition the boomerang must, intersect ,an imaginary surface defined as an infinite vertical extrude of a large line
- Pythagorean theorem. As the tangent is at a right angle to the radius at the, intersect ,of the tangent with the circle L equals square root (( A-B)squared - (
- To Raúl Pompeii Street after the SA Frame Alvin Tunnel. Twenty-four streets, intersect ,all three major arteries, and seven other streets intersect some three
- From the center, the hyperbola approaches two lines, its asymptotes, which, intersect , at the hyperbola's center. A hyperbola approaches its asymptotes arbitrarily
- At a precise intersect ion of the four surfaces. If the surfaces of two spheres, intersect ,at more than one point, they intersect in a circle. The article trilateration
- 71 continues as far west as Brady, Texas,and Highway 290 continues west to, intersect ,Interstate 10 near Junction. Interstate 35 continues south through San Antonio
- Vertical asymptote, even though ƒ (0) = 5. The graph of this function does, intersect ,the vertical asymptote once, at (0,5). It is impossible for the graph of a
- Twenty-four streets intersect all three major arteries, and seven other streets, intersect ,some three, but not all. Notable events *On 26 April 1949,broke in two
- That the surface of the sphere corresponding to the fourth satellite will, intersect ,either of the two points of intersect ion of the first three, because any clock
- Of chromaticity coordinates. Following Kelly's observation that the isotherms, intersect ,in the purple region near (x 0.325,y 0.154),McCain proposed this cubic
- Since these two paths would necessarily intersect , and the vertex where they, intersect ,cannot be colored. Suppose it is the red and blue neighbors that are not
- Spheres are normally quite large, and thus the third sphere surface is likely to, intersect ,this large circle. It is very unlikely that the surface of the sphere
- Which is realistic, * globally invertible at all times, so that the body cannot, intersect ,itself, * orientation-preserving, as transformations which produce mirror
- More dimensions are based on the proposition that not more than three lines can, intersect ,at right angles in one point. This proposition cannot at all be shown from
- The axis of the pencil or principal ray, it can be said: the rays of the pencil, intersect , not in one point, but in two focal lines, which can be assumed to be at right
- Asymptotes of the hyperbola (red curves) are shown as blue dashed lines and, intersect ,at the center of the hyperbola, C. The two focal points are labeled F1 and F2
- In the GPS problem. It is likely that the surfaces of the three spheres, intersect , because the circle of intersect ion of the first two spheres is normally quite
- And adiabatic are distinct. As no two adiabatic intersect , no other adiabatic can, intersect ,the T = 0 isotherms. Consequently, no adiabatic process initiated at nonzero
- And bicycle promotion. At some point the two streams of traffic inevitably, intersect , often in a haphazard and congested fashion. Studies have demonstrated that
- That span multiple logic blocks. Whenever a vertical and a horizontal channel, intersect , there is a switch box. In this architecture, when a wire enters a switch box
- Asymptote once, at (0,5). It is impossible for the graph of a function to, intersect ,a vertical asymptote (or a vertical line in general) in more than one point.
- Happens occasionally on topics where moral issues and equal-treatment issues, intersect , " A February 2010 Quinnipiac University national poll shows 57 % of American
- Multiplicity at least two. For a conic, there are a pair of lines that do not, intersect ,the conic at any complex point: these are the two asymptotes of the conic. A
- Less than two right angles, the two straight lines, if produced indefinitely, intersect ,on that side on which are the angles less than the two right angles.:; Common
- Tfracarc (). Theorems *The chord theorem states that if two chords, and, intersect , at,then × = ×. *If a tangent from an external point meets the circle at and a
- Define a (j − 1)-dimensional element will correspond to j hyperplanes that, intersect ,to give a (n − j)-dimensional element. The dual of a honeycomb can be defined
- Sphere where the celestial equator (i.e. declination 0) and ecliptic, intersect , These points of intersect ion are called equinoctial points: classically, the
- Right angles, then on that side of the transversal, the two lines extended will, intersect ,(also called the parallel postulate). Archimedes (287-212 BC)
- Mass markets, the solution for this dilemma is based on the way sphere surfaces, intersect ,in the GPS problem. It is likely that the surfaces of the three spheres
- Vertices define an edge, and these will reciprocate to two adjacent faces which, intersect ,to define an edge of the dual. Notice that the exact form of the dual will
- Semisimple Lie algebra *Projective cone, the union of all lines that, intersect ,a projective subspace and an arbitrary subset of some other disjoint subspace
- S 0,although other isotherms and adiabatic are distinct. As no two adiabatic, intersect , no other adiabatic can intersect the T = 0 isotherms. Consequently, no adiabatic
- And these tangents are equal in length. *If a tangent at A and a tangent at B, intersect ,at the exterior point, then denoting the center as, the angles ∠ and ∠ are
- And the Iowa, Chicago and Eastern. Two national U. S. recreation trails, intersect ,in Davenport: the Mississippi River Trail and the American Discovery Trail.
- With the same center and parallel sides) of different aspect ratios, intersect ,in a rectangle whose aspect ratio is the geometric mean, and their hull (
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