Examples of the the word, invader , in a Sentence Context
The word ( invader ), is the 11951 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The province of Sindh. In 1739,Main Noor Mohammad Keillor challenged the, invader ,Nadir Shah but failed according to legend. To avenge the massacre of his allies
- Invasive species, including Zebra In 2008 there were concerns that the" newest, invader ,swarming in the Great Lakes ", which was the" bloody-red shrimp ", might harm
- Wallingford he was met by Stand, who now abandoned Edgar and submitted to the, invader , As the Normans closed in on London,Edgar's key supporters in the city began
- United Nations:" The right of self-defense—to repel aggression and to expel an, invader ,from one's territory and one's people whom he has occupied and taken
- S defense, and the singer's karate instinct took over as he ejected one, invader ,from the stage himself. Following the show, he became obsessed with the idea
- As under his rulership, the entirety of the Persian Empire fell to a foreign, invader , After killing Darius, Bessus took the regal name Artaxerxes V and began
- In Britain. Believing that the English people would not react well to a foreign, invader , he demanded in a letter to Rear-Admiral Arthur Herbert that the most eminent
- So far as saying" the government was identified... as a potential privacy, invader , " He writes," Discovery and invention have made it possible for the
- The Islamic lands of Central Asia are overrun by the armies of the Mongol, invader ,Genghis Khan (ca. 1155–1227),who lays waste to many civilizations and
- And with that hope there burns the flame of anger against the brutal, corrupt, invader , And still more fiercely burn the fires of hatred and contempt for the filthy
- Of his lover, Héloïse. Bishop Wind, a 12th-century English adventurer and, invader ,of the Scottish coast, was castrated. William Wallace, the Scottish resistance
- To enthusiastically American .... They humiliated themselves, giving in to the, invader ,as the slave bows to the powerful lord. " He was challenged to a duel by a
- English Catholics::" First, assuring of invasion: Sufficient strength in the, invader ,: Ports to arrive at appointed, with a strong party at every place to join with
- Is introduced into human tissues, the immune system has evolved to attack the, invader , The risk of stimulating the immune system in a way that reduces gene therapy
- Neutralize the antigen that is recognized as a foreign and potentially harmful, invader , These invader s can be molecules such as pollen or cells such as bacteria. The
- 12, 1892. The telegram read: s to shoot gunpowder on the, invader ,'s log barn shelter so that it could be set on fire from a distance. Name
- With his brothers, * his brother, Rhydderch app Weston (about 1015-1033) * the, invader , Gruff app Llewellyn, prince of Gwyneth (1055–1063) * Gruff app Rhydderch
- Styx anti-ship missiles, depth-charge projectors, and guns up to 130 mm. Any, invader ,penetrating the destroyer and frigate protection would have been swarmed by
- Resources that would have been used by the native species are now used by an, invader , This has an impact on the ecosystem and changes its composition of organisms
- Which had been unleashed against my defenceless nation, by the Fascist, invader , I spoke then both to and for the conscience of the world. My words went
- Italy in the summer of 307 with an even larger army. While negotiating with the, invader , Mauritius could repeat what he did to Severus: by the promise of large sums of
- Possession, from control. So the death of Joan brought me in contact with the, invader , the Ugly Spirit, and maneuvered me into a lifelong struggle, in which I have
- Show his people that he could defend his new kingdom decisively against every, invader , He departed London on the morning of 12 October, gathering what forces he
- Converted populations in the Malabar Coast since the 7th century, and the Arab, invader ,Muhammad Bin Basis had converted large swathes of Sindh to Islam at about the
- Of successfully defending without Spanish aid the viceroyalty from a foreign, invader ,during the 1806–1807 British invasions of the Rio de la Plate, triggered a
- Body intended to preserve internal order or defend the locality against an, invader , The latter developed into the militia, and was usually embodied by a royal
- Is more likely if an ecosystem is similar to the one in which the potential, invader ,evolved. Island ecosystems may be prone to invasion because their species are “
- By native species can be modeled as zero-sum systems, where any gain for the, invader ,is a loss for the native. However, such unilateral competitive superiority (
- Letters to Peter demanding they resolve the conflict by personal combat. The, invader ,accepted and Charles returned to France to arrange the duel. Both kings chose
- When there is no recourse to a superior by whom judgment can be made about an, invader , then he who slays a tyrant to liberate his fatherland is to be praised and
- Is a group or collection of individual groups, dedicated to opposing an, invader ,in an occupied country or the government of a sovereign state. It may seek to
- In this part of the world. They were subsequently replaced by another Islamic, invader ,in the form of Ba bur. The Mughal empire was founded by the Mongol leader Ba bur
- And influential noblemen across the country declared their support for the, invader , James at first attempted to resist William, but saw that his efforts would
- Non-nuclear Air Land Battle to try to buy time to either throw back the, invader ,or work out the issues at hand through diplomacy. Both sides, however,were
- In, cover or invade, with a possible sense in this name as" migrant" or ", invader ,". The name of the Philistines in their own language is not known; however, the
- To flee to the outer edges of the continent. Several centuries later, a new, invader ,appeared, the Meridians, and they in turn forced the Soloist southward. One
- Start their business there as the first immune response and phagocytize the, invader ,because of the foreign and activating surfaces. In that processes an
- Would label as terrorist groups only the resistance movements that oppose an, invader ,with violent acts that indiscriminately kill or harm civilians and
- And extinction of native species with increased populations of the, invader ,) is not the rule. Invasive species often coexist with native species for an
- Recognize the possibility of legitimate use of violence by civilians against an, invader ,in an occupied country. Other definitions would label as terrorist groups only
- That which they hold in Italian memory: In Italy the Goths was but a momentary, invader ,and ruler, while in Iberia the Goths supplies an important element in the
- And future king and founder of the Kingdom of Wessex * Cynic of Wessex, Saxon, invader , and future king of Wessex * Felix II (excluding Antipope Felix II),Pope of
- The faith they felt would infuse them with the strength necessary to resist the, invader , They found this in the teaching of the Protestant reformers such as Martin
- Great victory. The Richmond Examiner described it as a" stunning defeat to the, invader , a splendid victory to the defender of the sacred soil. " General Lee, normally
- Of Núria, founder of Western Christian monasticism * Cedric of Wessex, Saxon, invader , and future king and founder of the Kingdom of Wessex * Cynic of Wessex, Saxon
- Opponent invades, the first player can build a surrounding wall as the second (, invader ,) is forming a live group, thus exerting strong influence on a large area. )
- Tamerlane, when in 1382 the local monarch, Shah Shoji agreed to submit to the, invader , Among the important Iranian poets, mystics and philosophers born in Shiraz
- Were defeated; and immediately afterwards Sip para surrendered to the, invader , Laborious fled to Babylon, where he was pursued by Cobras, and on the 16th
- Had never before seen a Yankee soldier and expected the worse from the, invader ,.... 'Some cried, some cursed, some whined; and some overcome with fear, hid
- Inherited a precarious situation. He offered to negotiate in person with the, invader ,and attempted to have him killed in an ambush. The stratagem failed, and
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