Examples of the the word, paralegal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( paralegal ), is the 11949 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is involved in paralegal recognition/accreditation, the profession of, paralegal ,still basically refers to those people working under the direct supervision of
  2. Structure for their particular situations. A paralegal license allows a, paralegal ,to independently represent clients in provincial offenses court, summary
  3. Canada, paralegal s are licensed and regulated the same way that lawyers are. A, paralegal ,license allows for the paralegal to provide permitted legal services to the
  4. For the lawyers that they work under. Other traditional differences between a, paralegal ,and a lawyer (i.e. attorney) is that: # paralegal expertise/training tends
  5. Lawyer is responsible. " Under this definition, the legal responsibility for a, paralegal ,'s work rests directly and solely upon the lawyer. * From the National
  6. To enter the profession; in many places it may increase the likelihood of a, paralegal ,'s hire or promotion, and serves to identify a person as capable of work that
  7. Responsibility. " * From the United Kingdom's Institute of Paralegals:" A, paralegal ,is a non-lawyer who does legal work that previously would have been done by a
  8. Of business, paramedical,dental sciences, pharmacy,veterinary, youth care and, paralegal ,programs. Media Moncton's daily newspaper is the Times & Transcript, which has
  9. Series Drop Dead Diva on Lifetime Television, playing the role of Teri Lee,a, paralegal ,assistant. Early life CHO was born into a Korean family in San Francisco
  10. Or they can be grandfathered in under BPC 6450-56. United Kingdom The, paralegal ,profession is developing at a rapid rate in the UK. The Institute of Legal
  11. Enacted laws or bar rules which require any person referring to themselves as a, paralegal ,to be working under the supervision a licensed attorney. This would disqualify
  12. Oftentimes go on to pursue clerking. Education Notaries' clerks, a form of, paralegal , earn undergraduate law degrees with a specialization in legal assistance from
  13. Licenses for all lawyers in Ontario. The Law Society began issuing the first, paralegal ,licenses to grandparent applicants who fulfilled all the necessary licensing
  14. Quite a few of these people have also completed a regular or post-baccalaureate, paralegal ,certificate, or have completed some semesters of law school but have not been
  15. Procedural legal work as authorized by law, which work, in the absence of the, paralegal , would be performed by an attorney. Paralegals have knowledge of the law gained
  16. Definitions Various legal organizations offer official definitions of a, paralegal ,: these definitions typically have slight differences. Definitions offered by
  17. Those individuals working as" independent paralegal s" from using the title ", paralegal ,". Difference between paralegal s and notaries public In the United States, a
  18. And regulated the same way that lawyers are. A paralegal license allows for the, paralegal ,to provide permitted legal services to the public and appear before certain
  19. Began to be attacked. This caused the paralegal community to demand that the, paralegal ,profession in California be regulated. Now persons wishing to become paralegal s
  20. Is the docket used by the court to schedule the order of hearings or trials. A, paralegal ,or court officer may keep track of the cases by using docketing software.
  21. E-5) due to promotion point quotas. For a time, it was not uncommon to find, paralegal ,corporals assigned to the legal assistance branch of a post's staff judge
  22. While some paralegal s have completed a two-year course or bachelor's degree in, paralegal ,studies. Others have completed a bachelor's or even a master's degree in
  23. Notary Public and act as a Justice of the Peace. In the Province of Ontario,a, paralegal ,is an officer of the court (i.e. considered a formal part of the legal system
  24. Development (CPD) is the maintenance and enhancement of a lawyer or, paralegal ,'s professional knowledge, skills,attitudes and professionalism throughout the
  25. Individuals, the paralegal profession began to be attacked. This caused the, paralegal ,community to demand that the paralegal profession in California be regulated.
  26. By major organizations include: * From the Paralegal Society of Ontario:" A, paralegal ,is an individual qualified through education or experience licensed to provide
  27. Or barrister '. * From the American Bar Association:" A legal assistant or, paralegal ,is a person qualified by education, training or work experience who is employed
  28. While certification or registration is voluntary in most states, it prepares a, paralegal ,to enter the profession; in many places it may increase the likelihood of a
  29. Supervision of an attorney. " In 2001,NASA adopted the ABA's definition of a, paralegal ,or legal assistant as an addition to its definition. * From the American
  30. Advice on the best business structure for their particular situations. A, paralegal ,license allows a paralegal to independently represent clients in provincial
  31. Shuffle (Danny DeVito),a less-than-ethical former insurance assessor turned, paralegal ,who has failed the bar exam six times. Deck is resourceful in gathering
  32. In addition to the flurry of lawsuits filed against these individuals,the, paralegal ,profession began to be attacked. This caused the paralegal community to demand
  33. As the United States, where the local legal profession/judiciary is involved in, paralegal ,recognition/accreditation, the profession of paralegal still basically refers
  34. Must complete a program approved by the ABA, complete a 24 credit unit, paralegal ,program at an accredited institution, or they can be grandfathered in under BPC
  35. The lawyer's primary job is to consider, analyze and strategize, whereas a, paralegal ,'s primary responsibility is to carry out the tasks arising from that
  36. Legal Assistant examination, a comprehensive 2-day examination that awards the, paralegal ,the" CLA" or" Certified Legal Assistant" or" CP" Certified Paralegal "
  37. United States In the United States, there is no such thing as a licensed, paralegal ,; rather, paralegal s can be" registered,"" certificated," or certified.
  38. International Paralegal Management Association (IPA) " A legal assistant or, paralegal ,is a person qualified by education, training or work experience who is employed
  39. Lawyer is responsible. " Under this definition, the legal responsibility for a, paralegal ,'s work rests directly and solely upon the lawyer. " Difference between
  40. Production, neglecting the fact that this substance is actually plain water. A, paralegal ,working for the city found the http://www.dhmo.org/ demo. Org website and
  41. Of Ontario or the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. The role that a, paralegal ,has in the United States is similar to the role of a law clerk or legal
  42. Convention and event management, international tourism management and law and, paralegal ,studies; Bond University at Robin and Griffith University, incorporating the
  43. The Atlantic Business College offers a variety of business, paramedical and, paralegal ,programs. * The Atlantic Paramedic Academy, operated by Melanie EMS is a
  44. Or state notaries. AR 27-55 was later amended to confer the authority on such, paralegal ,specialists who are so designated by their respective staff judge advocate. It
  45. Individuals rather than by debtor themselves. However, having a preparer or, paralegal ,prepare the petition does not guarantee compliance with all applicable laws, or
  46. Lack of local legal profession/judiciary oversight means that the definition of, paralegal ,encompasses non-lawyers doing legal work, regardless of whom they do it for.
  47. College of Extended Learning offers the only American Bar Association-approved, paralegal ,studies program in San Francisco. *San Francisco State University was one of
  48. Sign pleadings (and other court documents) in a representative capacity. If a, paralegal ,attempts to do any of these acts, they will be in violation of the unauthorized
  49. Differences between a paralegal and a lawyer (i.e. attorney) is that: #, paralegal ,expertise/training tends to be niche, whereas a lawyer has a much broader
  50. Half-sister, Yolanda. She graduated from Pace College and became a certified, paralegal , Baltimore has two daughters, India and Gianni. She gave birth to her eldest

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