Examples of the the word, helm , in a Sentence Context
The word ( helm ), is the 11955 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Instead to direct one sketch—The Crimson Permanent Assurance. Under his, helm , though, the segment grew so ambitious and tangential that it was cut from the
- Troops remained to protect Belize from the Guatemalan threat. With Price at the, helm , the PUP won all elections until 1984. In that election, the first national
- As GM of the club on February 28,with former Angels GM Mike Port taking the, helm ,for the 2002 season. A week later, manager Joe Kerrigan was fired and was
- 14–10). The 1981 team was legendary coach Dan Stockwell's final year at the, helm ,; the team went undefeated. *Longmeadow's Boys team has produced 36
- Age when he was hired). The Colts finished 8-6 in Shula's first season at the, helm , good enough for only third place in the NFL's Western Conference, but they did
- It a metaphor for American capitalism, however,he eagerly agreed to take the, helm , There was disagreement between Paramount and Coppola on the issue of casting;
- Ronald A. Rittenmeyer, EDS Chairman, President,and CEO, remained at the, helm ,and reported to HP CEO Mark Hurd until his retirement. As of 23 September 2009
- Who has worked with Warner Bros. many times in the past, was wanted at the, helm ,of any eventual prequel or sequel. It was announced on August 18, 2011 that
- Well as the literal referent: Hrothgar ma elude, helm Scolding ...“ Hrothgar, helm ,(=protector, lord ) of the Scoldings, said ...” ( Beowulf 456). Notes
- The group in 1963,Blues Incorporated continued to record, with Corner at the, helm , until 1966. However, by that time its originally stellar line-up and crowd of
- Anatolia by the time Bayed I ascended to power in the same year, now at the, helm ,of a growing empire. Further growth was brought to a halt, as Bayed I had
- 1958 campaign under coach Ray" Scooter" McLean, whose lone year at the, helm ,resulted in a 1–10–1 mark, worst in Packer history. 1959–1967: The Lombardi era
- Or strictly defined) as well as the literal referent: Hrothgar ma elude, helm ,Scolding ...“ Hrothgar, helm (=protector, lord ) of the Scoldings, said ...
- Of Loyalist regiments) or Loyalist civil coronet (for others). When the, helm ,and crest are shown, they are usually accompanied by a mantling. This was
- He found Andromeda and slew Cetus by approaching invisible with Hades's, helm ,and slaying him. He set her free, and married her in spite of Andromeda having
- Rival purple-coalition, without the charismatic figure of PIM Forty at its, helm , it proved to be short-lived lasting only 87 days in power. Two events changed
- Once again, Metallica teamed up with producer Bob Rock, who had been at the, helm ,during the recording process for Metallica. The songwriting dispenses almost
- Under-19 squad, with his former fellow Filippo Gall replacing him at the, helm ,of the Primavera squad. He retired from coaching and was replaced by Roberto
- Which is a social Democratic Party. The Nationalist Party is currently at the, helm ,of the government, the Prime Minister being Lawrence Gonzo. The Labour Party
- Of the better Serie A teams. The 2003/2004 season, the last with Deanery at the, helm , saw Chief finish in ninth place. The 2004/2005 season is remembered as one of
- By the time he stepped down in 1988 he had completed 13 years at the production, helm , Nicknamed the" godfather" by the tabloid press, he was renowned for his
- C. ChievoVerona ". In 1992,President Luigi Campbell, who had returned to the, helm ,of the club two years before, died of a heart attack, and his son Luca
- Far less than a Captain Courageous, requiring Ron Hubbard's hand at both the, helm ,and the charts. " Specimens and photographs collected by the expedition are
- The final will intact, but replaced Janie and Robert's role at the financial, helm ,of Experience Hendrix with an independent trustee. On October 5,2011, the U. S.
- Were coordinating the Dallas project, their associate Henry Cobb had taken the, helm ,for a commission in Boston. John Hancock Insurance chairman Robert Slater hired
- Of NTR, with the INC party returning to power with Marry Henna Reddy at the, helm , He was replaced by Canadian Reddy in 1990,who was replaced by Koala Vijaya
- To Division Two. Promotion and relegation (1995–2000) Jordan remained at the, helm ,for two seasons after City's relegation, but left in June 1997 after failing
- Wrote. " James Branch Cabell chose one of the more interesting. Standing at the, helm ,of the single most successful literary career of any fantasist of the twentieth
- Carolina (with seat in Split). Vlad Mack, who had succeeded Radio at the, helm ,of HSS and who continued to call for greater autonomy for Croatia, was
- Ceiling missed Agrippina, it crushed her attendant who was outside by the, helm , News of Agrippina's survival reached Nero, so he sent three assassins to stab
- Terror ". However, some versions would say that Alberio was the one holding a, helm , named as the Tankage, which has the power to make the user invisible. It may
- Offense, led by a resurgent Michael Pick,24–14 with rookie Joe Webb at the, helm , The Vikings finished the season with a 20–13 loss against the Detroit Lions.
- Resurrection has come! " And set about securing their release. Bergman took the, helm ,of Mother Earth in 1907,while Goldman toured the country to raise funds to
- Was replaced by fan favorite Tony Perez, but he lasted only 44 games at the, helm , replaced by Davey Johnson. With Johnson steering the team, the Reds made
- But he dropped out of the project and rumors were that Brett Rather would, helm ,the film. Since Rather has not formally committed to the new project, the
- Bell Labs authorized a full research program in late 1938 with Kibitz at the, helm , Their Complex Number Calculator, completed January 8,1940,was able to
- Consisting of a shield on which the arms are displayed, a crest displayed on a, helm ,above the shield, supporters on either side and a motto displayed on a scroll
- In December 1952,Zukor was approached by Sid Left, who proposed the director, helm ,a musical remake of the 1937 film A Star is Born with his then-wife Judy
- Place at the Spiegelgasse 1 in the Niederdorf. Zurich Dada, with Tiara at the, helm , published the art and literature review Dada beginning in July 1917,with five
- Sequel. It was announced on August 18, 2011 that Ridley Scott was to be at the, helm ,of a new Blade Runner movie, either a sequel or a prequel, with filming to
- To obey her orders. When the Persians besieged Kandahar, Nur Japan was at the, helm ,of affairs. She ordered Prince Hurrah to march for Kandahar, but the latter
- Johnson. Beginning of a downturn (1998–99) 1998 season With Miller at the, helm , the Orioles found themselves not only out of the playoffs, but also with a
- At the emblazoner's discretion. Clergy often refrain from displaying a, helm ,or crest in their heraldic achievements. Members of the clergy may display
- To Captain Joe Hazelwood, he was below decks, sleeping off his bender. At the, helm , the third mate never would have collided with Bligh Reef had he looked at his
- Mountainside, New Jersey. At the time of his sudden death after 34 years at the, helm ,of Analog,Campbell's quirky personality and eccentric editorial demands had
- Explicitly answering the question. Director Steven Spielberg was approached to, helm ,the first film, but dropped out. The press has repeatedly claimed that Rowling
- Nor have the ability to use it correctly. In 1929 Lionel Robbins assumed the, helm ,of the London School of Economics (LSE). Eager to promote alternatives to
- Gain access to the inner circles of the Soviet regime. During his years at the, helm ,of the Georgian GPU, Beria effectively destroyed the intelligence networks
- Between Yılmaz's SNAP and the True Path Party, now with Tans Miller at the, helm , In 1997,the military, citing his government's support for religious policies
- Dead, and only one body is found, that of the captain tied to the ship's, helm , The captain's log is recovered and tells of strange events that had taken
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