Examples of the the word, worldly , in a Sentence Context
The word ( worldly ), is the 11942 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The four essentials (puruṣārtha) of Kama (sensual pleasures),Martha (, worldly ,gain),dharma, and Marsha (liberation from reincarnation or rebirth). Marsha
- O Abu Bakr, you and your believing brothers need not worry about it because, worldly ,hardships that you face shall make amends for your sins. " As it appears in
- Characterized him as a political propagandist, a good courtier, the shrewd and, worldly ,adviser of the Emperor Constantine, the great publicist of the first Christian
- More than" a clothes-wearing man ". Honor de Balzac introduced the perfectly, worldly ,and unmoved Henri de Marsay in La file aux year d'or (1835),a part of La
- Or sacrificed to transform into sky, earth,animal or plant life, and other, worldly ,features. These myths tend to emphasize creative forces as animistic in nature
- Charity, piety,restraint, meekness,and submission; evil seen as, worldly , cruel, selfish,wealthy, and aggressive. Nietzsche sees slave-morality born
- In a monastery where monks may be inspired to sobriety and detachment from, worldly ,things while they eat. The Orthodox believe that after the Final Judgment: *
- Of the soul to be free, thus for the soul, the dharma IA paralaukika, beyond, worldly , However, the nature of the body is to seek self-preservation and be engaged in
- Upon reception of the consolamentum, the new Perfects surrendered his or her, worldly ,goods to the community, vested himself in a simple black or blue robe with cord
- Dictates of will; here we contemplate perfection of form without any kind of, worldly ,agenda, and thus any intrusion of utility or politics would ruin the point of
- And prayer, Orthodox Christians cut down on all entertainment and non-essential, worldly ,activities, gradually eliminating them until Great and Holy Friday, the most
- A political and national life was no longer possible. In the absence of a, worldly ,foundation it became necessary to build a spiritual one and Ezekiel performed
- Of Jesus and instead be lured into unquestioning adoption and assimilation of, worldly , national or cultural values - imperialism, nationalism,and civil religion
- And forthright girl, slightly older than the teen herself, offers her, worldly ,but crass advice. Desiree Armed is a prominent and glamorous actress who is
- Had been changing the color of their robe to purple. Later new symbols of, worldly ,and/or spiritual power, like the orb became an essential part of the imperial
- By ring and staff" ); the result was that bishops owed allegiance in, worldly ,matters both to the pope and to the king, for they were obligated to affirm the
- Chinese religion),with ancestor worship becoming commonplace and a more, worldly ,orientation coming to the fore. A Hundred Schools of Thought In around 500 BCE
- Ruin. With their growth in wealth and dignity the Clinic foundations became as, worldly ,in life and as relaxed in discipline as their predecessors, and a fresh reform
- Antoninus ", possibly Antoninus Pius, who would consult Rabbi Judah on various, worldly ,and spiritual matters. After the longest reign since Augustus (surpassing
- Is to be rid of water and become pure fire: the dry soul is the best, and it is, worldly ,pleasures make the soul" moist ". He was known as the" weeping philosopher "
- Of Basel. The establishment of the church as an institution recognized by, worldly ,rulers is also visible in legal history. In the early 7th century Cactus
- Saying that Muhammad had told him that the Prophets of God do not possess any, worldly ,possessions and on this basis he refused to give her the piece of land. Some
- From the world, had by Chaucer's time become increasingly entangled in, worldly ,matters. Monasteries frequently controlled huge tracts of land on which they
- Loyalty to learning and virtue, a deep recognition of the spiritual power of, worldly ,deprivation and the religious state, and a highly developed governmental
- Usually associated with the sadhus (" holy men" ), ascetics who withdraw from, worldly ,ties. Celibacy, termed brahmacharya in Vedic scripture, is the fourth of the
- Because it expresses the joy felt at being delivered from slavery and, worldly ,miseries. Anthony Halibut, author of The Gospel Sound, states that the "
- This is close to impossible while undertaking the normal responsibilities of, worldly ,life. Those who wish to do this therefore separate themselves from the world
- Six years his elder and an invalid, she could not believe that the vigorous and, worldly ,Robert Browning really loved her as much as he professed to. After a private
- Given one of His Slaves the choice of receiving the splendor and luxury of the, worldly ,life whatever he likes or to accept the good which is with Allah. So he has
- Of the individual man in society. It was a time when individual expression and, worldly ,experience became two of the main themes of Renaissance art. The movement owed
- Held to be the ignorant drive toward earthly Utopians and superficiality of a, worldly ,Jewish spirit: While all other religions endeavor to explain to the people by
- In the Church. This kind of life is often seen as incompatible with any kind of, worldly ,activity including that which is normally regarded as virtuous. Social work
- To asceticism, voluntary poverty, daily immersion, and abstinence from, worldly ,pleasures, including (for some groups) marriage. Many but related
- He said could not be achieved through either idleness or preoccupation with, worldly ,pleasures. Contentment would be gained, he said, through moderation and a
- i.e. transcendent heavenly power and abstention from direct rule in, worldly ,matters, did not share the fate of other celestial gods in Indo-European
- Living in a house that is on fire. People take this world as reality pursuing, worldly ,projects and pleasures without realizing that the house is on fire and will
- That had no parallel in previous architecture. The other Baroque innovation in, worldly ,interiors was the state apartment, a processional sequence of increasingly rich
- Of Allah to whom He has given the option to choose either the splendor of this, worldly ,life or the good which is with Him, while he says" our fathers and mothers be
- In this view, the primary agenda of the book is to expose as impostors the, worldly ,powers that seek to oppose the ways of God and God's Kingdom. The chief
- In strength, health,appetite, loudness of voice, eloquence,self-satisfaction, worldly ,dominance, endurance,presence of mind, and knowledge of human nature ".
- Mathias's production establishes the show as a minor miracle of astringent, worldly ,wisdom and one that is haunted by less earthy intimations. " The review went on
- Even further. They tried to find enlightenment through deprivation of, worldly ,goods, including food, practising self-mortification. After nearly starving
- More widely interpreted the offer of obedience and submission to the proclaimed, worldly ,king () in matters not contrary to conscience. #The endorsement by the popes
- From Plato down had worked out, and to which it had subordinated all scientific, worldly ,knowledge, is taken over by Clement, deepened in meaning, and connected not
- Armed forces on the ground that they believe Christians should be neutral in, worldly ,conflicts. Evading the draft Historically, there has been resistance to
- Suri (10th c. ) terms the" ordinary" and" special" dharma lacking (", worldly ,") and pralaukika (" extra- worldly " ) respectively: | | | A
- As indecorous. The King, however,was madly in love with his beautiful and, worldly ,bride and granted her every whim, even though her behavior baffled and vexed
- And experienced a few years of what some biographers have called his ", worldly ,period" ( 1648–54). His father died in 1651 and left his inheritance to
- Controversy within the Christian community, from " complaints that she was too, worldly ,and too sexy" to a" barrage of condemnation" following her divorce and
- Evil acts, under the temporary dominance of the gun of FAMAS, and cause, worldly ,sufferings. The Basic and Tamarac Guns of Maya are considered especially
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