Examples of the the word, finely , in a Sentence Context
The word ( finely ), is the 11944 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Be varied. Overall, adjusting all the convergence/purity magnets allows a, finely ,tuned slight electron beam deflection and/or lateral offset to be applied
- Device. In scanning electron microscopes, the image is produced by mastering a, finely ,focused electron beam, as in a TV set, across the studied sample. The
- Sized rubber stopper with a hole cut into it is equally acceptable, or to, finely ,sand and buff the end of the pipe to create a comfortable mouthpiece. Modern
- Cement, and colored cements are sold as" blended hydraulic cements ". Very, finely ,ground cements are made from mixtures of cement with sand or with slag or other
- The old citadel has survived to the present day. There are, however,many, finely ,preserved remains of Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine architecture, the most
- Building the chaguda-x or traditional bentwood hats. Aleut seamstresses created, finely ,stitched waterproof parkas from seal gut, and some women still master the skill
- For the dyeing of cellulose acetate, and are water insoluble. The dyes are, finely ,ground in the presence of a dispersing agent and sold as a paste, or
- Or color centers) that are homogeneously distributed, and by precipitation of, finely ,dispersed particles (such as in phototropic glasses). Ordinary soda-lime
- Exposure; other tests have not caused a positive reaction. Like most metals, finely ,divided gallium loses its luster and powdered gallium appears gray. Thus, when
- Surface area for a given mass of particles. For example, in the Haber process, finely ,divided iron serves as a catalyst for the synthesis of ammonia from nitrogen
- And resistant to attack by boiling hydrofluoric or hydrochloric acid. When, finely ,divided, it is attacked slowly by hot concentrated hydrogen peroxide, hot
- To look like it does today, the universe would have to have started from very, finely ,tuned, or " special" initial conditions at the Big Bang. Inflation attempts to
- Among the most plunderable portables from the Etruscan tombs of Etruria are the, finely ,engraved gemstones set in patterned gold to form circular or ovoid pieces
- Graveolens (L.) C. B. Clarke. Growth, with slender stems and alternate, finely ,divided, softly delicate leaves long. The ultimate leaf divisions are broad
- Animal sculptor Antoine-Louis Bare. The teacher's attention to detail — his, finely ,rendered musculature of animals in motion — significantly influenced Rodin. In
- Mint in appearance, with greyish-green leaves; the flowers are white, finely ,spotted with purple. It has been introduced to many countries, including the
- Tiredness, ineffectiveness,a tactical switch, or time wasting at the end of a, finely ,poised game. In standard adult matches, a player who has been substituted may
- With saw marks visible in several places. This is in contrast with the, finely ,finished and decorated sarcophagi found in other pyramids of the same period.
- The font of a type common in Cornwall is of the twelfth century: large and, finely ,carved. Other churches The Chapel of St Thomas Becket is a ruin of a 14th
- Smaller than a given size through, and the brewer is free to choose how, finely ,to filter the beer. The sheets are placed into the filtering frame, sterilized
- These are sometimes performed in conjunction with knockout experiments to more, finely ,establish the function of the desired gene. The process is much the same as
- Appeared: Alonzo Church, Stephen Kleenex and J. B. Rosser's calculus a, finely ,honed definition of" general recursion" from the work of Gödel acting on
- Citadel and was constructed during the late 14th and early 15th centuries. The, finely ,carved walnut member (pulpit) is of particular interest. * Hack Bay ram Mosque
- S growing concerns about human rights, the Australian Democrats added, finely ,detailed policies on animal welfare and species preservation. The material is
- Governor of Judah, as the Lord’s chosen leader. The language here is not as, finely ,wrought as in some other books of the minor prophets, yet the intent seems
- Are very slow. They are accelerated by increasing the reaction temperature and, finely ,dividing the reactant to increase the contacting surface area. Photochemical
- Instant coffee that is consumed cold. * Greek coffee, made by boiling, finely ,ground coffee beans, and is served thick and strong, and often sweetened. It is
- Ridged pattern in the kick zone to provide grip. A waxless ski is inferior to a, finely ,tuned waxed ski, but does not require the sometimes time-consuming and
- To Immaturity and London Music in 1888-1889. Thematically organized and, finely ,introduced. Excellent introduction to the scope of Shaw's prose. * Shaw on
- Called coaching, which involves heating and grinding the chocolate solids very, finely ,to ensure that the liquid is evenly blended. This enabled Milton Hershey to
- CRTs workable. These active compensation circuits use the deflection yoke to, finely ,adjust beam deflection according to the beam target location. The same
- mm, leaves. The flowers are dark pink, with a purple central spike, produced on, finely ,hairy stems. The fruit is a small pale pink berry, with a refreshing sharp
- Pantzarosalata: beetroot salad with olive oil and vinegar. * with olive oil, finely ,sliced onions, mayonnaise,lemon juice or vinegar. * cheese; the word "
- Requirements rather than by capital adequacy methods, since they can be more, finely ,tuned and regionally varied. Banking supervision and other activities In some
- Stuffed with rice or cheese and herbs. * Lachanosalata: cabbage salad. Very, finely ,shredded cabbage with salt, olive oil, lemon juice/vinegar dressing. * Marines
- Cl2 + 2 Barium metal is also obtained by the reduction of barium oxide with, finely ,divided aluminum at temperatures between 1100 and 1200 °C:: 4 Bad + 2 Al →
- Excavated by Spiegelman in 1854,who found that it covered a large vault of, finely ,cut marble blocks approached by a flat-roofed passage of the same stone from
- Into helium by spontaneous nuclear catalysis when hydrogen was absorbed by, finely ,divided palladium at room temperature. However, the authors later retracted
- Of the True Cross. Collard greens (ጎመን women) are boiled, dried and then, finely ,chopped and served with butter, chili and spices. Jewish A Jewish is an act
- Overall sound variety for acoustic guitars. The guitar top, or soundboard, is a, finely ,crafted and engineered element often made of spruce, red cedar or mahogany.
- Air is safe, since the most dangerous fallout has the consistency of sand or, finely ,ground pumice. Such large particles are not easily ingested into the soft
- wasn't the setting that made Capp's strip such a huge success. It was Capp's, finely ,tuned sense of the absurd, his ability to milk an outrageous situation for
- Books. Graham Stanton evaluates the opening of the Gospel of Luke as" the most, finely ,composed sentence in the whole of post-Classical Greek literature. " Authorship
- Photographic film or paper (grainy) *"Fine-grained ", designating a more, finely ,differentiated form of a technical or abstract system, in contrast to "
- Aluminum is one of the few metals that retain full silvery reflectance in, finely ,powdered form, making it an important component of silver-colored paints.
- Some modern breweries prefer the use of filter frames which allow a more, finely ,ground grist. Most modern breweries use a continuous spare, collecting the
- With sand or with slag or other Poznan type minerals that are extremely, finely ,ground together. Such cements can have the same physical characteristics as
- And a place of worship. In Homer's language, objects which are mandala are, finely ,crafted. They are mostly objects of armor, but fine bowls and furnishings are
- Sixteen. Better powder had been developed by this time as well. Instead of the, finely ,ground powder used by the first bombards, powder was replaced by a" corned "
- Determinant of the overall sound quality. The guitar top, or soundboard, is a, finely ,crafted and engineered element made of tone woods such as spruce and red cedar.
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