Examples of the the word, polygamy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( polygamy ), is the 11945 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The LDS Church under Brigham Young is perhaps best known for its practice of, polygamy , Most historians have documented that polygamy among Latter Day Saints was
  2. Dialogues, in one of which his adversaries maintained that he had justified, polygamy ,under color of a pretended refutation. His dialogues on divorce and against
  3. Polygamy. In modern times, members of the Mormon religion do not practice, polygamy , However, if a Mormon man becomes widowed, he can be sealed to another woman
  4. e. g., the church has long excommunicated any members caught practicing, polygamy , Church organization and structure Name and legal entities The church teaches
  5. A campaign to convince the American public that Mormon leaders had abandoned, polygamy ,and intended to stay out of politics. Despite being admitted to the United
  6. Plural marriages within the church, and the church tolerated some degree of, polygamy ,into at least the 1930s. However, eventually the church adopted a policy of
  7. Between one man and one woman (thereby prohibiting same-sex marriage and, polygamy ,) and laws placing restrictions on the practice of abortion. While many
  8. They also range over questions of aesthetic judgement, love,marriage and, polygamy , and the demographics of Ancient Greece and Rome, to name just a few of the
  9. Two" Official Declarations" at the book's conclusion, the first renouncing, polygamy ,in 1890,and the second in 1978 announcing the opening of priesthood ordination
  10. The church adopted a policy of excommunicating its members found practicing, polygamy ,and today seeks to actively distance itself from Mormon fundamentalist groups
  11. At the time and was pilloried in Eastern newspapers along with the practice of, polygamy , The concept was frequently criticized by many Mormons and eventually
  12. A Democrat. Roberts, however,was denied a seat there because he was practicing, polygamy , In 1903,the Utah legislature selected Reed Shoot, also an LDS general
  13. Polygamy and the United States" Mormon question" For several decades, polygamy ,was preached as God's law. Brigham Young, the Prophet of the church at that
  14. Between Mormons and other Americans, largely as a result of church teachings on, polygamy ,and theocracy. The Utah Mormon War ensued from 1857 to 1858,which resulted in
  15. Utah's progressive stand on women's rights, and the church's stand on, polygamy , In 1890,after the church officially renounced polygamy , U. S. suffrage
  16. That Jews encountered when living under Persian rule; Jews rejected, polygamy ,during the Middle Ages, influenced by their Christian neighbors). According to
  17. 1877,he was followed by other powerful members, who continued the practice of, polygamy ,despite opposition by the United States Congress. After tensions with the U. S.
  18. v. United States. After Reynolds, Congress became even more aggressive against, polygamy , and passed the Edmund's Act in 1882. The Edmund's Act prohibited not just bigamy
  19. Christ of Latter-day Saints cites David as one directed by God to practice, polygamy , but who sinned in committing adultery with Bathsheba and having Uriah killed.
  20. American society. In 1854 the Republican Party referred in its platform to, polygamy ,and slavery as the" twin relics of barbarism. " In 1862,the U. S. Congress
  21. Came to a head in 1890,the church officially abandoned the public practice of, polygamy ,in the United States, and eventually stopped performing official polygamous
  22. Improved after 1904,when church president Joseph F. Smith again disavowed, polygamy ,before the United States Congress and issued a" Second Manifesto" calling for
  23. Adultery with Bathsheba and having Uriah killed. The LDS doctrine is that, polygamy ,is only allowed as directed by the Lord, otherwise it is a grievous sin. Since
  24. Their church positions. Probably due to the LDS Church's change in attitude to, polygamy ,in 1890,these sections were not included in future English editions of the
  25. To actively distance itself from“ fundamentalist” groups still practicing, polygamy , During the 20th century, the church grew substantially and became an
  26. And had difficulty reclaiming property that had been confiscated during, polygamy ,raids. Meanwhile, there was a national recession beginning in 1893. By the late
  27. Living in such unions. This is sanctioned by law, which automatically permits, polygamy ,unless spouses specify that this is unacceptable upon marriage. Although
  28. To actively distance itself from“ fundamentalist” groups still practicing, polygamy , Modern times During the 20th century, the church grew substantially and became
  29. Adherents to some other Latter Day Saint denominations believe that, polygamy ,originated under Brigham Young's leadership of the church. In 1853,Young made
  30. A modern era beginning around the turn of the 20th century as the practice of, polygamy ,was discontinued. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints traces its
  31. The church adopted a policy of excommunicating its members found practicing, polygamy ,and today seeks to actively distance itself from“ fundamentalist” groups
  32. And allowed him to vote. However, the hearings raised controversy whether, polygamy ,had actually been abandoned as claimed in the 1890 Manifesto, and whether the
  33. Was not a valid defense to prosecutions for violating state laws against, polygamy , Conflict between Mormons and the U. S. government escalated to the point that
  34. The church adopted a policy of excommunicating its members found practicing, polygamy ,and today seeks to actively distance itself from“ fundamentalist” groups
  35. Status of women in the country. 40,000 women attended, calling for a ban on, polygamy ,and the introduction of divorce law (divorce being a purely religious
  36. Best known for its practice of polygamy . Most historians have documented that, polygamy ,among Latter Day Saints was taught and practiced by Joseph Smith,Young's
  37. Dissolve existing plural marriages, and did not entirely stop the practice of, polygamy , relations with the United States markedly improved after 1890,such that Utah
  38. He also publicized the previously-secret practice of plural marriage, a form of, polygamy , By 1857,tensions had again escalated between Mormons and other Americans
  39. It is a grievous sin. Since 1898 the LDS church has prohibited the practice of, polygamy ,by its members. Historicity of David See The Bible and history and dating the
  40. The Edmund's–Tucker Act because of the church's practice (now abandoned) of, polygamy , The Edmunds-Tucker Act was repealed in 1978. The church has continued to
  41. The church's stand on polygamy . In 1890,after the church officially renounced, polygamy , U. S. suffrage leaders began to embrace Utah's feminism more directly, and in
  42. Offspring that they raise. Other mating systems, including polygyny, polyandry, polygamy , polyandry, and promiscuity, also occur. Most displays are rather simple and
  43. Edited by dissident Mormon William Law, issued a scathing criticism of, polygamy ,and Navies theocratic government, including a call for church reform based on
  44. Had quite a few wives, as did many other church leaders. This early practice of, polygamy ,caused conflict between church members and the wider American society. In 1854
  45. Reproduction These are generally monogamous birds, though some evidence of, polygamy ,has been noted. Both parents will incubate a brood for 23–24 days, and the
  46. In a dire financial condition. It was recovering from the U. S. crackdown on, polygamy , and had difficulty reclaiming property that had been confiscated during
  47. De tribes Impostors, as well as with having carried his alleged approval of, polygamy ,into practice. It was reserved for his biographer Karl Beneath to justify him
  48. However, the church began to re-establish its institutions. Post-Manifesto, polygamy ,and the Second Manifesto The 1890 Manifesto did not, itself,eliminate the
  49. Substantially and became an international organization. Distancing itself from, polygamy , the church began engaging, first with mainstream American culture, and then
  50. To actively distance itself from Mormon fundamentalist groups still practicing, polygamy , In modern times, members of the Mormon religion do not practice polygamy .

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