Examples of the the word, solemn , in a Sentence Context
The word ( solemn ), is the 11936 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Taken place, the march proceeds from the cemetery to a gathering place, and the, solemn ,music is replaced by loud, upbeat,raucous music and dancing where onlookers
- Tourists in Ajmer are Urs. The URS, acommomerative celebration is held in the, solemn ,memory of Khan Muin-nddin Christi, a highly respected Sufi saint fondly
- Help freedom ring across the globe, unto all the peoples thereof. That is our, solemn ,obligation, and we will not fail. " *The Coat of Arms of Colin Powell was
- It's not a Beethoven Symphony, you know … It's a humorous piece, nothing, solemn , about it. It's not intended to draw tears. If it pleases symphony audiences as
- Bishops (of which the Bishop of Rome is an essential part) to exercise in a, solemn ,manner its supreme and full power over the whole Church. It holds that" there
- Chasuble. The Ceremonial Episcoporum recommends, but does not impose, that in, solemn ,celebrations a bishop should also wear a Dalmatia, which can always be white
- Activities of the Order. In the year 2000,there were 5,171 Dominican friars in, solemn ,vows,917 student brothers, and 237 novices. By the year 2010 there were 5,906
- In late December 290 or January 291. The meeting was undertaken with a sense of, solemn ,pageantry. The Emperors spent most of their time in public appearances. It has
- Jim Henson produced two iconic fantasy films in the 80s,that being the, solemn ,and grave The Dark Crystal and the more whimsical and lofty Labyrinth (film).
- More common than native" Благодаря ", it is inappropriate in very official or, solemn ,contexts) *Чао (Chao) – Bye; from Italian (the informal counterpart of
- Party in Syracuse. In 317 BC he returned with an army of mercenaries under a, solemn ,oath to observe the democratic constitution which was then set up. Having
- Take a stricter view of the nature of marriage. They consider marriage a, solemn ,covenant between wife, husband and God. Most view sexual relations as
- Stir you had followed the matter hotly, and caused justice to be ministered in, solemn ,fashion to the terror of others ... ". Fall of Somerset The sequence of events
- Magna may be worn, but only within the bishop's own diocese and on especially, solemn ,occasions. The mite, zuchetto, and stole are generally worn by bishops when
- Were dominated by the Vedic priesthood administering domestic rituals/rites and, solemn ,sacrifices. The Brahmans, Aranyakas and some older Upanishads (such as
- Her. Hera's mother was Rhea and her father, Cronus. Portrayed as majestic and, solemn , often enthroned, and crowned with the poles (a high cylindrical crown worn by
- His description of the Doge’s close relationship with the saint, through the “, solemn ,pomp” with which he attends mass at the saint’s chapel, attaches him to the
- On the screenplay with Kubrick and satirist Terry Southern. Red Alert was more, solemn ,than its film version, and it did not include the character of Dr. Strange love
- By her lustful desires to sin. When she entered the convent, Agnes made a, solemn ,oath to God; to break this oath would be a terrible sin. The second character
- One censor had to be a plebeian. Despite this, no plebeian censor performed the, solemn ,purification of the people (the" lust rum "; Livy Periscope 13) until 280 BC.
- Other countries as well as this, to say that such an assembly, so decent and, solemn , could not be collected anywhere but in New England. " Trends in most of the
- In early seasons, the song was performed by Campbell and Tape (both with, solemn ,looks on their faces),in the vein of folk songs like" Oh! Susanna" and "
- Catholic Magisterium According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, an Allocation is a, solemn ,form of address or speech from the throne employed by the Pope on certain
- Image of Christ along the flower-decorated streets of the city. Although the, solemn ,procession is only held on one day, the events of the Festival of Senior Santa
- That is relevant to the said question. In law, an answer was originally a, solemn ,assertion in opposition to someone or something, and thus generally any
- In which the land is rendered as stark and dead. Friedrich's winter scenes are, solemn ,and still—according to the art historian Hermann Been ken, Friedrich painted
- Which recalls the nation's past history, for the purpose of presenting a, solemn ,warning to the present generation. Then follows a series of eight visions ()
- On making the act of painting itself dramatically visible - as well as the, solemn ,acceptance of the flat rectangle as an almost ritual prerequisite for serious
- Performed their various duties and taken the five-yearly census, the lust rum,a, solemn ,purification of the people, followed. When the censors entered upon their
- Manuscripts burnt up along with the churches that housed them. And a, solemn ,diploma from Christ Church, Canterbury dated 873 is so poorly constructed and
- Vassals – and the availability of the best duchy in France. Presenting a, solemn ,and dignified manner to the grieving Aquitanian messengers, upon their
- Is a Sacred Mystery of the Church, only Orthodox Christians may receive it. The, solemn ,form of Eastern Christian anointing requires the ministry of seven priests. A
- Because the superior holds the place of Christ in their community). This, solemn ,commitment tends to be referred to as the" Benedictine vow" and is the
- Saint on whose day they received the sacrament of Holy Baptism. It is the most, solemn ,day of the year for all Serbs of the Orthodox faith and has played a role of
- The big stop at the center of the charity hall are dancing dwarfs. Buddha: The, solemn ,Buddha standing above is contrasted with the moving urchins below. Under the
- Could not be kept out of the political sphere; they swore oaths of loyalty,", solemn ,declarations of patriotic allegiance, and affirmations of the political
- Artists to portray winter landscapes as stark and dead. His winter scenes are, solemn ,and still—according to the art historian Hermann Been ken, Friedrich painted
- 1803,saying," The assembly conducted through the whole in a very orderly and, solemn ,manner, so much so, as to occasion an observing gentleman acquainted with other
- A dog. The dog was Hecate's regular sacrificial animal, and was often eaten in, solemn ,sacrament. " The sacrifice of dogs to Hecate is attested for Thrace, Samothrace
- Recollects his awakening of Brunhilde and dies. His body is carried away in a, solemn ,funeral procession (Siegfried's funeral march) that forms the interlude as
- French renaissance social dance. Among the dances described were the, solemn ,base dance, the livelier range, pavane, and the Gallardo which Shakespeare
- Additional stress on their lives; only a couple of news clips and a narrator's, solemn ,voice deal with the actual problems. Apollo 13,a film based on Lost Moon, Jim
- In their respective districts. Because the members of these bodies were under, solemn ,oath to act in accordance with the law and their own good consciences, they
- Will show you a great many who have become worse through following it .... The, solemn ,prayers of the Church are abolished, but now there are very many who never pray
- After they drift back off, the aging and severe Madame Armed and her, solemn ,granddaughter, Fredrika,enter. Madame Armed tells the child that the summer
- Councils The doctrine of the infallibility of ecumenical councils states that, solemn ,definitions of ecumenical councils, approved by the Pope, which concern faith
- Of Macedonia, Andriscus, claimed to be the son of Perseus. Abjuration is the, solemn ,repudiation, abandonment,or renunciation by or upon oath, often the
- Reputation; indeed, he cultivated it. " I think the American people want a, solemn ,ass as a President," he once told Ethel Barrymore," and I think I will go
- Which were customarily performed by enormous choruses of amateur singers on, solemn ,occasions. Since the Early Music Revival many of the forty-two operas he wrote
- Towards humane execution In early New England, public executions were a very, solemn ,and sorrowful occasion, sometimes attended by large crowds, who also listened
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