Examples of the the word, remembrance , in a Sentence Context
The word ( remembrance ), is the 11948 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And the KGB. No Russian equivalent of the KGB archive is available. Legacy and, remembrance ,; Places * In Moscow, there is Sakharov Prospect, Sakharov Museum, and Sakharov
- After the words of institution (This is my Body. This is my blood ... in, remembrance ,of me. ); while its final element, the Prayer of Oblation, ( with its reference
- Also, on Memorial Day it is common to fly the flag at half staff, until noon, in, remembrance , of those who lost their lives fighting in U. S. wars. Flag etiquette The United
- They name after all four members of the party, but refer to only as Quincy in, remembrance ,of their American friend. Background Between 1879 and 1898,Stoker was a
- Also call on the Federal Government, August 5 as a possible national day of, remembrance ,for the victims of the expulsion of. Check Criticism The large Polish daily
- Cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in, remembrance , of me '. " Gospels The synoptic gospels, first Mark, and then Matthew and Luke
- Thanks, he broke it, and said," This is my body which is for you. Do this in, remembrance ,of me. " () The Lord's Supper (Κυριακὸν δεῖπνον) derives from 1 Corinthians
- To remember the death of Christ (and not the resurrection, as only the, remembrance ,of the death was observed by early Christians),and they do so on a yearly
- Of New South Wales, Sir Henry Parks, had it restored. An annual service of, remembrance ,is held here around Phillip's birthdate by the Britain-Australia Society to
- This bread to the souls of all those who partake of it; that they may eat in, remembrance ,of the body of thy Son, and witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that
- Congregational worship, which usually takes place on Sunday, centres on the, remembrance ,of the death and celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ by the taking
- NATO airstrikes. The names of Yugoslav casualties were recorded in a" book of, remembrance ,". Of military equipment, NATO destroyed around 50 Yugoslav aircraft including
- Institute. His obituary was written by Vint Cerf and published as RFC 2468 in, remembrance ,of Posted and his work. Career Posted attended UCLA where he earned his B. S. (
- Over Vaux-sur-Somme in France. *1922 – The first Aggie Muster is held as a, remembrance ,for fellow Texas A&M graduates who had died in the previous year. *1941 –
- Claim to the Forest of Essex:: My very good Lord, I hope it is not out of your, remembrance ,how long sit hence I have been a suitor to her Majesty that she would give me
- In the Ásatrú religion, Egil Skallagrimsson's Day (December 9) is a day of, remembrance ,for the Viking hero. * Nobel Prizes awarded (December 10) on the anniversary
- Of the Emperor's proclamation on January 18th would be established as day of, remembrance , Emperor Wilhelm I declined this:" This was also the day of the first Prussian
- Thanks, he broke it, and said,'This is my body which is for you. Do this in, remembrance ,of me. ' In the same way also the cup, after supper, saying,'This cup is the
- Backup crew flew Apollo 12,a fourth star was added to their mission patch in, remembrance ,of him. Support crew Flight directors Mission parameters LM - CSM docking EVA
- Which is in the king's dale: for he said, I have no son to keep my name in, remembrance ,: and he called the pillar after his own name: and it is called unto this day
- Meaning" clumsy. ";:" memory aid "; an object or memorandum to assist in, remembrance , or a diplomatic paper proposing the major points of discussion;:" go! " Or "
- Etc. was combined with the words of Edward's second book,'Take eat in, remembrance , ' Etc. The instruction to the congregation to kneel at the Communion was
- Through to the next Daytona 500 in honor of Earnhardt (and, after 9/11,in, remembrance ,of those who perished that day). For the first three weeks after Earnhardt's
- The following Monday. You Hazikaron — Memorial Day You Hazikaron is the day of, remembrance ,in honor of Israeli veterans and fallen soldiers of the Wars of Israel. The
- The dam closed on November 25, 1963 and March 31, 1969,days of mourning in, remembrance ,of Presidents Kennedy and Eisenhower. In 1995,a new visitor's center was
- Douglass wrote of Grant that African Americans" will ever cherish a grateful, remembrance ,of his name, fame and great services. " In 1872,Douglass became the first
- Of remembering God (Zika). In a Sufi practice known as Zika Allah (lit., remembrance ,of God),the Sufi repeats and contemplates on the name Allah or other divine
- The three middle blessings include biblical verses attesting to sovereignty, remembrance ,and the scholar, which is sounded 100 times during the service. Yom Kippur is
- By Garfield boasts that if he is squished, he will get a holiday in his, remembrance , The next panel shows a classroom of spiders in which a teacher asks the
- Soon after Confucius' death, Qufu, his hometown became a place of devotion and, remembrance , It is still a major destination for cultural tourism, and many people visit
- A city of sun worshipers and that people in Asia would build gardens in, remembrance ,of the lost Eden. In the tradition Coleridge relies on, the Tartar worship the
- Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror (June 1932). " People of the Dark" is a, remembrance ,story of" past lives ", and in its first-person narrative the protagonist
- To Australia in the 18th and 19th centuries used coins to leave messages of, remembrance ,to loved ones left behind in Britain. The coins were defaced, smoothed and
- Into the 10th Dimension. * Novacon 36 Program Book (2006). A fictional, remembrance ,of Ken MacLeod (the guest of honor for the convention). He was a
- And died. Dunstan's final words are reported to have been," He hath made a, remembrance ,of his wonderful works, being a merciful and gracious Lord: He hath given food
- Actions of Pairs and his comrades, and a number of parades held annually in, remembrance ,of the Rising, the Irish government discontinued its annual parade in Dublin in
- Andrea, a Greek historian of the early third century BCE, wrote that Moses" in, remembrance ,of the exile of his people, instituted for them a misanthropic and inhospitable
- Of our Lord Jesus Christ ...' were replaced with the words 'Take, eat,in, remembrance ,that Christ died for thee. ' Etc. The Peace, at which in the early Church the
- Conscious of nothing at all, neither do they any more have wages, because the, remembrance ,of them has been forgotten. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that death is the
- Several coins that are colored, the first of which was in commemoration of, remembrance ,day. The subject was a colored poppy on the reverse of a 25 cent piece. For a
- To the members of Acadia University killed during the First World War A book of, remembrance ,in Manning Chapel, Acadia University was unveiled on 1 March 1998 through the
- As recorded in several books of the New Testament, that his followers do in, remembrance ,of Him as when he gave his disciples bread, saying," This is my body ", and
- Of silence. Throughout the United States, radio stations played her music in, remembrance , In December 2002,a collection of previously unreleased material was released
- In Europe session to demonstrate their objections to a resolution for a, remembrance ,day for the victims of both Nazism and Stalinism. In a Kremlin video blog
- As American Catholics we do not know of anyone who more deserves our grateful, remembrance ,than the great and noble man – the pious, zealous,faithful Catholic, the
- This water to the souls of all those who drink of it, that they may do it in, remembrance ,of the blood of thy Son, which was shed for them; that they may witness unto
- Have a tree planted over their grave as a contribution to the environment and a, remembrance , Humanist funeral Non-religious funerals are legal within the UK. The British
- Texas around 1901–1902. These observations coincide more or less with the, remembrance ,of Jelly Roll Morton, who declared having heard blues for the first time in New
- England, Europe ) – April 23 *Armenian Genocide Day Armenian Genocide, remembrance ,day – April 24 *ANZAC Day (Australia and New Zealand) – April 25 *Resistance
- The elements thereof, as sacramental; rather, it is considered to be an act of, remembrance ,of Christ's atonement, and a time of renewal of personal commitment. Since
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