Examples of the the word, monumental , in a Sentence Context

The word ( monumental ), is the 11934 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Widely copied, and its antiquities carried off to far corners of the world. Its, monumental ,ruins have inspired the imaginations of travelers and writers for centuries. A
  2. Contains the oldest monumental structures in the world. For example,the, monumental ,structures at Nobel Type were built by hunters and gatherers a thousand years
  3. Necropolis in 1396. The mosque has two minarets. Inside the mosque there are 192, monumental , wall inscriptions written by the famous calligraphers of that period. There is
  4. Conservatives hold fast to traditional ways of thinking even in the face of, monumental ,change. They believe strongly in traditional values and traditional politics
  5. Christians, that of the fish seems to have ranked first in importance. From, monumental ,sources such as tombs it is known that the symbolic fish was familiar to
  6. 70 degrees. The reasons for this peculiarity appear to be both religious and, monumental , From the religious perspective, a steep stairway can be interpreted as a "
  7. By an invasion force from Champ. Thereafter, he began a massive program of, monumental ,construction, paradigmatic for which was the state temple called the Bacon. The
  8. Waterloo are not included. There was at the top of the Arc from 1882 to 1886,a, monumental ,sculpture of Alexandre Algiers," Le triumph de la Revolution" ( the
  9. Vast critique of the history of Western philosophy, which he saw broadly as a, monumental ,battle between Reason and Faith, Athens and Jerusalem, secular and religious
  10. 1956 saw a record that will probably never be beaten: off-spinner Jim Laker's, monumental ,effort at Old Trafford when he bowled 68 of 191 overs to take 19 out of 20
  11. Central Anatolian Region. Antiquity Eastern Anatolia contains the oldest, monumental ,structures in the world. For example, the monumental structures at Nobel Type
  12. River, and several mausoleums. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, little, monumental , architecture was created, but distinctive residences were built in Baku and
  13. Years after the end of the Old Kingdom from about 2181 to 2055 BC. Very little, monumental ,evidence survives from this period, especially from the early part of it. The
  14. Be interpreted as a" stairway to heaven," the realm of the gods. " From the, monumental ,point of view," according to Angkor-scholar Maurice Glaze," the advantage is
  15. Picture, but apart from Pictish stones and the Insular high crosses, large, monumental , sculpture,even with decorative carving, is very rare; possibly it was
  16. At the British Museum, which include its largest exhibition space (Room 4,for, monumental ,sculpture),can display only 4 % of its Egyptian holdings. The second-floor
  17. Near Stirling, Scotland. The statue, which was the work of Tom Church,a, monumental ,mason from Breaching, included the word" Brave heart" on Wallace's shield. The
  18. Is a Swiss architect. Later years In 1958 Giacometti was asked to create a, monumental ,sculpture for the Chase Manhattan Bank building in New York, which was
  19. And stability, thereby stimulating a resurgence of art, literature,and, monumental ,building projects. Amenhotep II and his 11th Dynasty successors ruled from
  20. Is being edited for publication by G. Maltsiniotis, later led to another of his, monumental ,works, Les Derivates. Written in 1991,this latter opus of about 2000 pages
  21. Europe. Their effective use is still debated: some scholars considered them as, monumental ,tombs, others as Houses of the Giants, other as fortresses, ovens for metal
  22. Bronze continues into modern times as one of the materials of choice for, monumental ,statuary. Musical instruments Bronze is the most popular metal for top-quality
  23. Floor. Starting here the Karl-Marx-Allee heads east, an avenue lined by, monumental ,residential buildings, designed in the Socialist Classicism Style of the Joseph
  24. And a small model of a cenotaph for Horatio Nelson, besides a great variety of, monumental ,relieves such as the Style Tahini in the Chapel of the Academia Tahini in
  25. More than 300 years, and used for paving setts, kerb and building stones, and, monumental , and other ornamental pieces. Aberdeen granite was used to build the terraces of
  26. And void. In interiors, Baroque movement around and through a void informed, monumental ,staircases that had no parallel in previous architecture. The other Baroque
  27. Systems, characteristic art styles (which may pertain to specific cultures), monumental , architecture,mathematics, science,sophisticated metallurgy, politics,and
  28. Celebrated the 200th anniversary of the French Revolution, notably with a, monumental ,show on the Champs-Élysées in Paris, directed by French designer Jean-Paul
  29. Secretly and feverishly work upon the most subversive of all his writings,the, monumental ,The Gulag Archipelago. The seizing of his novel manuscript first made him
  30. EGA and SGA The bulk of Grothendieck's published work is collected in the, monumental , and yet incomplete, Éléments de geometric Angelique (EGA) and Seminary de
  31. Underwent a dramatic transformation between AD 600 and 700 that established new, monumental ,standards for civic architecture and greatly increased the resident population.
  32. In a presence chamber or throne room or a state bedroom. The sequence of, monumental ,stairs followed by a state apartment was copied in smaller scale everywhere in
  33. Moody cave-like artwork. Black and White #1 (1959) is one of Alston's more ", monumental ," works. Gray, white and black come together to fight for space on an abstract
  34. In the deft and varied handling of orchestral colors. La Folio was the most, monumental ,set of orchestral variations before Brahms' Variations on a Theme by Haydn.
  35. Cities. Viktor Hartmann, a Russian architect, even sketched a design of a, monumental ,gate (planned, never built) to commemorate the event. Modest Mussorgsky later
  36. D. Du Tort, E. E. van Wooden, J. D. Estelle, H. C. M. Fourier, and BB Meet. This, monumental ,work established Afrikaans as, that is" a pure and proper language" for
  37. Surveying and construction techniques that facilitated the building of, monumental ,pyramids, temples,and obelisks; a system of mathematics, a practical and
  38. Is derived from Herodotus (2.161ff) and can only be imperfectly verified by, monumental ,evidence. According to the Greek historian, he was of common origins. A revolt
  39. By the ancient writers. At the beginning of Greek literature stand the two, monumental ,works of Homer, the Iliad and the Odyssey. The Greeks invented the epic and
  40. But also in other sciences, notably in Theoretical Physics. In particular,the, monumental ,work of Isaac Newton is essentially based on Euclid's axioms, augmented by a
  41. The late 1930s,Benjamin used Baudelaire as a starting point and focus for his, monumental ,attempt at a materialist assessment of 19th century culture, Das Passagenwerk.
  42. De chamber. He was succeeded by his nephew Claus de Werve. He restored the, monumental ,scale and naturalism of the classical era to figural sculpture. His later work
  43. Enormous amount of new information about that culture. Evidence For details of, monumental ,evidence the articles on Crete, Mycenae,Turns, Troad, Cyprus,etc., must be
  44. Seen in hunter-gatherer cultures. So, too,are arts such as epic literature and, monumental ,architecture, as well as codified legal systems. When farmers became capable of
  45. The previous knowledge with his own copious contributions to the field in his, monumental ,work" The Theory of Sound ". Also in the 19th century, Wheatstone,Ohm, and
  46. Icings and Calibrates. In 437 BC, Mnesicles started building the Propylaea, monumental ,gates with columns of Enteric marble, partly built upon the old propylaea of
  47. Clemenceau (1911). Aesthetic Rodin was a naturalist, less concerned with, monumental ,expression than with character and emotion. Departing with centuries of
  48. Were princes of the Empire and ruled Bamberg, overseeing the construction of, monumental ,buildings. In 1248 and 1260 the see obtained large portions of the estates of
  49. New nation-state. Archaeological remains The entrance to the Acropolis was a, monumental ,gateway called the Propylaea. To the south of the entrance is the tiny Temple
  50. 1997 to 2001,has written that al-Qaeda and Bin Laden were" a product of a, monumental ,miscalculation by western security agencies ", and that" al-Qaida, literally "

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