Examples of the the word, pudding , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Will not leave any such pudding uneaten, and she will not eat any other type of, pudding , That a given pudding is custard is both a necessary and a sufficient condition
  2. Might not eat any and all custard pudding s she is given. #" If and only if the, pudding ,is a custard will Madison eat it. " Or" Madison will eat the pudding if and
  3. Pudding if it is a custard. " (equivalent to" Only if Madison will eat the, pudding , is it a custard. ") #: This states only that Madison will eat custard pudding
  4. As the electrons were embedded in the positive charge like plums in a plum, pudding ,(although in Thomson's model they were not stationary). Thomson's
  5. The pudding is a custard, then Madison will eat it. " Or" Madison will eat the, pudding ,if it is a custard. " (equivalent to" Only if Madison will eat the pudding
  6. Desserts, give the drinks an added subtle flavor, as well as texture. Aloe, egg, pudding , sago, and taro balls can also be found in most tea houses, to complete the
  7. Pudding only if it is a custard. " (equivalent to" If Madison will eat the, pudding , then it is a custard. ") #: This states that the only pudding Madison will
  8. That the pudding is a custard is a sufficient condition for Madison to eat the, pudding , #" Only if the pudding is a custard, will Madison eat it. " Or" Madison will
  9. Which requires Madison to eat any available custard. In this case, that a given, pudding ,is a custard is a necessary condition for Madison to be eating it. It is not a
  10. Is a sufficient condition for Madison to eat the pudding . #" Only if the, pudding ,is a custard, will Madison eat it. " Or" Madison will eat the pudding only if
  11. Character. Dessert In some areas Black Cake, a derivative of English Christmas, pudding ,may be served, especially on special occasions. In the Cayman Islands, Rum Cake
  12. Particles and the concentrated distribution of positive charge of the plum, pudding ,model, the experimenters expected all the alpha particles to pass through the
  13. Field (yellow),it was deflected. Discovery of the nucleus Thomson's plum, pudding ,model was disproved in 1909 by one of his former students, Ernest Rutherford
  14. Atoms are tightly condensed into a nucleus, and it became clear that the plum, pudding ,model could not explain atomic behavior. About this time, Niels Bohr stepped
  15. Pudding, is it a custard. ") #: This states only that Madison will eat custard, pudding , It does not, however,preclude the possibility that Madison might also have
  16. Not tell us. All we know for certain is that she will eat any and all custard, pudding ,that she happens upon. That the pudding is a custard is a sufficient condition
  17. That she will eat any and all custard pudding that she happens upon. That the, pudding ,is a custard is a sufficient condition for Madison to eat the pudding . #" Only
  18. UK and some other Commonwealth countries, including India. In England, the term, pudding ,is usually used among the Upper and Upper-middle classes, with dessert only
  19. If the pudding is a custard will Madison eat it. " Or" Madison will eat the, pudding ,if and only if it is a custard. " #: This, however,makes it quite clear that
  20. But served with a thick gravy from which it derives its name Poutine, meaning ", pudding ,". Served over white rice, the stewed beef is smothered in gravy. List of Cajun
  21. Bread and cider. Special desserts are also prepared, such as Christmas, pudding , mince pies and fruit cake. In Poland and other parts of Eastern Europe and
  22. Pašticada (cooked marinated beef),brunet (fish stew),rotate (custard, pudding ,) and brittle (sweet fried pastry). Northern and eastern parts of the country
  23. Also include sky, cured ram scrota, cured shark, singed sheep heads, and black, pudding , One of the most traditional dishes is Karl, which consists of beheaded
  24. Rhabarbergrütze" ( rhubarb pudding ) and" Grunge Brute" ( gooseberry fruit, pudding ,) are variations of the" Rote Brute ". A similar dish, Obstkaltschale, may
  25. The region. A popular dessert in northern Germany is" Rote Brute ", red fruit, pudding , which is made with black and red currants, raspberries and sometimes
  26. Beef, lamb or chicken, served with assorted boiled vegetables, Yorkshire, pudding , and gravy. Sausages are commonly eaten, either as dangers and mash or toad in
  27. Nous, la Legion. English Chorus Here you are, some blood pudding , some blood, pudding , some blood pudding for the Alsatians, Swiss and Lorraine For the Belgians
  28. A casing rather than an actual stomach. Haggis is a kind of sausage, or savory, pudding ,cooked in a casing of sheep's intestine, as many sausages are. As the 2001
  29. Really its first inventor. " Distinction from" if" and" only if" #" If the, pudding ,is a custard, then Madison will eat it. " Or" Madison will eat the pudding if
  30. Oublie is EU Nous, la Legion. English Chorus Here you are, some blood, pudding , some blood pudding , some blood pudding for the Alsatians, Swiss and Lorraine
  31. Eat all and only those pudding s that are custard. She will not leave any such, pudding ,uneaten, and she will not eat any other type of pudding . That a given pudding
  32. This course in U. S., Canada,Australia, New Zealand and Ireland, while sweet, pudding ,or afters may be alternative terms used in the UK and some other Commonwealth
  33. If the pudding is a custard, will Madison eat it. " Or" Madison will eat the, pudding ,only if it is a custard. " (equivalent to" If Madison will eat the pudding
  34. Pudding uneaten, and she will not eat any other type of pudding . That a given, pudding ,is custard is both a necessary and a sufficient condition for Madison to eat
  35. Substance, and between the electron's discovery and 1909,this" plum, pudding ,model" was the most widely-accepted explanation of atomic structure. Shortly
  36. Rote Brute (Low Saxon Rode Grunt, related to Danish ridged, a type of summer, pudding ,made mostly from berries and usually served with cream, like Danish ridged med
  37. Coconut, kiwi,and jack fruit. Other popular non-fruit flavors include taro, pudding , chocolate, coffee,mocha, barley,sesame, almond,ginger, lavender,rose
  38. Discussed further in the article on canonical commutation relations. The plum, pudding ,model of the atom by J. J. Thomson, who discovered the electron in 1897,was
  39. Buffet style accompanied by the Southern traditional dessert dishes. Banana, pudding , peaches with cottage cheese and soft serve ice cream are three of the 'after
  40. Charges, like negatively-charged" plums" surrounded by positively-charged ", pudding ,". The electrons (as we know them today) were thought to be positioned
  41. Were distributed in a uniform sea of positive charge; this was the plum, pudding ,model as the electrons were embedded in the positive charge like plums in a
  42. Typical dishes characterizing this region, which also include pumpkin or potato, pudding ,stuffed with meat. Many of the sweets produced in this region, such as quince
  43. Model was compared (though not by Thomson) to a British dessert called plum, pudding , hence the name. Thomson's paper was published in the March 1904 edition of
  44. Involves a fried or grilled meal generally consisting of bacon, egg,sausage, pudding , and fried tomato. Apart from the significant influence by European and
  45. Pie, mince pies, spotted dick, scones,Eccles cakes, custard and sticky toffee, pudding , Common drinks include tea, whose popularity was increased by Catherine of
  46. English Chorus Here you are, some blood pudding , some blood pudding , some blood, pudding ,for the Alsatians, Swiss and Lorraine For the Belgians,There's none left (2x
  47. Served with vanilla sauce, milk or whipped cream. " Rhabarbergrütze" ( rhubarb, pudding ,) and" Grunge Brute" ( gooseberry fruit pudding ) are variations of the "
  48. Preclude the possibility that Madison might also have occasion to eat bread, pudding , Maybe she will, maybe she will not—the sentence does not tell us. All we know
  49. Peas stewed with meat. **local cream kayak eaten with honey, with a bread, pudding ,Elmer heyday, or with pumpkin simmered in syrup. Best eaten at the famous
  50. Will eat the pudding , then it is a custard. ") #: This states that the only, pudding ,Madison will eat is a custard. It does not, however,preclude the possibility

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