Examples of the the word, intoxicate , in a Sentence Context
The word ( intoxicate ), is the 11952 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Prejudices of the Mar tenses, while the very mountain thunderstorms failed to, intoxicate ,him as they had before. " When a friend looks for him in 1763,his relatives
- S cheek;: And she had drain'd the sorrows of the bowl: eV'n till she reel'd, intoxicate ,of soul! (lines 1–14) Coleridge's uncertainty of Kosciusko's state after
- Number of several hundred. Each time they are about to engage in conflict, they, intoxicate , themselves with wine, and then one man with lance in hand will meet ten
- Coming up with a clever stress test for a patient's liver, using alcohol to, intoxicate ,the patient, which impresses House to keep him, much to Amber's dismay. Of all
- They seek help from fragrant flowers: Set in coiffures after a bath, : To, intoxicate ,and delight their lovers. Of these verses (4-9 of Grisham canto) the Mysore
- Of the PowerPoint Drink, an alcohol from the 30th century that could severally, intoxicate ,humans, with aliens being unaffected by it. Being immune to the effects of the
- Of 5,000 m² (9 floors). TRJ also publishes free magazines Tower, bounce,and, intoxicate ,directly and through its subsidiary NMNL. In addition to being the leading CD
- Those illusion making machines, the stock agencies, and thus submerge and, intoxicate ,the public with photographs? Doesn't the current approach to news lead us to a
- Alcohol is in the game as one of his abilities involves leaving beer flasks to, intoxicate ,the guards. In the 1991 film adaptation Robin Hood, Friar Tuck (played by Jeff
- Called Giant Leaf Frog, in shamanic hunting practices. The substance is said to, intoxicate ,the Indians who ingest it, causing them to temporarily improve their sensorial
- Inspiration. Thus, Pope is explaining how if you only learn a little it can ", intoxicate ," you in such a way that makes you feel as though you know a great deal.
- For being stingy about money and contracts. The drinks served at his bar can, intoxicate ,the unwary almost immediately. Buck's drink of choice is the" ion sucker "
- Of her marriage. She fed cheese to the head of the oppressors in order to, intoxicate ,him and cut his head, and they all fled. ” Alternative spellings In Hebrew, the
- Worship, asserting that" Christianity wants to destroy, shatter,stun, intoxicate , " From the Soul of Artists and Writers Nietzsche uses this section to denounce
- At one point that the only explanation of NandadulalBabu still managing to, intoxicate ,himself with Tarantula extract is that he devours those roaming on his
- Widespread panic, and sherry (which can be squirted into cups and used to ", intoxicate ," teachers by splashing it on them with correct timing). Suicide It is
- Allowed in very small quantities (loosely defined as a quantity which does not, intoxicate ,a person) under the Sunni Hawaii Madras, for specific purposes (such as
- Luna people of the Panama-Colombia border region, and elsewhere it is used to, intoxicate ,fish which then can be easily caught. Spiked Pepper, often called" match "
- Light, roses,beautiful women, perfumes and music delightfully and rapidly, intoxicate ,the senses on the Parisian boulevards; in the enchanting streets lined, like
- Some have immunomodulatory effects, and some can directly adhere to and, intoxicate ,host cells. While release of vesicles has been demonstrated as a general
- Is stripped of its sheaths;: # to arouse in him an enthusiasm so intense as to, intoxicate ,and anesthetize him, that he may not feel and resent the agony of this
- Housing Commissions, etc., are dominated by our people. But do not let victory, intoxicate ,yourselves. Be careful, cautious,because no one except yourselves will protect
- So much did the hope of winning the quinze-et-le-va and the trente-et-le-va, intoxicate ,them. " The Edge The play in Basset resulted in, basically,a lottery. A player
- A sober Sweeney and Johnny Red to help. Together, they devise a plan to, intoxicate ,the extremist group members with pancakes laced with the very drugs Double D
- Quickly to keep the shrimp still alive, usually dunked into sake in order to, intoxicate ,the shrimp. The person eating the shrimp would usually dip the live shrimp into
- Patrons. It must ensure that it does not serve alcohol which would apparently, intoxicate ,or increase the patron's intoxication. As well, it must take positive steps to
- contestant's own risk as a rite of passage, although the contestants do not, intoxicate ,themselves. Rites of passage involving pain tolerance have been documented from
- As a mime, Tofu Hermit uses Comoros to sell tofu laced with strong sake to, intoxicate ,many civilians to destroy their bonds. While Tofu Hermit uses his tofu to take
- Dinoflagellates produce red tides which can devastate fish populations and, intoxicate ,oyster harvests. Apicomplexans are some of the most successful specific
- It was alleged that he brought landowners to his inn, who would become, intoxicate ,and sign away their property in payment of debts. By 1821 he also brought 28
- But with deliberately cliched and slapdash lyrics such as:" Your looks, intoxicate ,me/ Even though your folks hate me/ There's no-one like you, Elenore, really "
- Thing;: Drink deep, or taste not the Zairian spring:: There shallow drafts, intoxicate ,the brain, : And drinking largely sobers us again.: Fir'd at first sight with
- Her, so she resists forcing the truth out of people, only using her presence to, intoxicate ,the prisoners into honesty. While doing this unwanted but necessary duty, she
- Presenting her with a diamond ring. Heartbroken, Tim walks over to the bar to, intoxicate ,himself. Faith refuses the proposal by shutting the ring box, which Tim does
- Smart's mental state, that Johnson was her" friend who feared an apple should, intoxicate ,him ". She made it clear who she was referring to when she wrote in Thracian
- Thing;: Drink deep, or taste not the Zairian spring:: There shallow drafts, intoxicate ,the brain, : And drinking largely sobers us again. — Essay on Criticism, Part
- We prevent all others from the worse than murderous traffic in liquors that can, intoxicate , " Freedom's Hill Church" In October 1847,a Wesleyan Methodist Minister
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