Examples of the the word, antidepressant , in a Sentence Context
The word ( antidepressant ), is the 11943 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Are the subject of many studies and competing claims. Many drugs produce an, antidepressant ,effect, but restrictions on their use have caused controversy and off-label
- Studies suggest that most patients fail to achieve remission on a given, antidepressant , and augmentation strategies used in clinical practice include the use of
- United States; in the Netherlands, the suicide rate was 50 % up after a fall in, antidepressant ,prescriptions. Jon Parading, a critic of this study, says that the US" 2004
- Symptoms. An extract of the herb St John's Wort is commonly used as an, antidepressant , although it is labeled as a dietary supplement in some countries. The term
- To switch to an antidepressant in the same class, then to a different class of, antidepressant , A 2006 meta-analysis review found wide variation in the findings of prior
- Due to the medication or as part of the depression itself (i.e. efficacious, antidepressant ,effect can cause those that are severely depressed, to the point of severe
- Oxidase inhibitor Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (Maoist) may be used if other, antidepressant ,medications are ineffective. Maoist work by blocking the enzyme monoamine
- Alkaloids act only on MAO-A, in a reversible way similar to moclobemide (an, antidepressant ,that does not require dietary restrictions). Psychotic experiments and the
- Studies indicate that suicidal ideation is a relatively common at the start of, antidepressant ,therapy, and it may be especially common in younger patients such as
- Six to eight weeks of treatment with an antidepressant , to switch to an, antidepressant ,in the same class, then to a different class of antidepressant . A 2006
- In a high rate of relapse. A recent meta-analysis of 31 placebo-controlled, antidepressant ,trials, mostly limited to studies covering a period of one year, found that 18
- Individual had already tried, the less likely they were to benefit from a new, antidepressant ,trial. Thus, the clinical response to the new drug might be a placebo effect
- Although it is labeled as a dietary supplement in some countries. The term, antidepressant ,is sometimes applied to any therapy (e.g., psychotherapy,electroconvulsive
- Of the six antidepressant s prescribed most widely between 1987-99. Overall, antidepressant ,pills worked 18 % better than placebos, a statistically significant difference
- Tricyclic antidepressant s are the oldest class of, antidepressant ,drugs. Tricyclics block the reuptake of certain neurotransmitters such as
- Guidelines advise four to five months of continuation treatment on an, antidepressant ,following the resolution of symptoms. For patients with a history of depressive
- At other centers. Several plants in the Sylvia genus have been studied for, antidepressant ,properties, although most of the research conducted so far has only been from
- Psychiatrists found that the increase is due to the decline in prescriptions of, antidepressant ,drugs like Prozac to young people since 2003,leaving more cases of serious
- Symptoms a year later. A few nutrients have been studied directly for their, antidepressant ,properties, both to treat and prevent depression, as well as related conditions
- Electroconvulsive therapy is planned; and a combination of antipsychotic and, antidepressant ,medications or electroconvulsive therapy should be used for psychotic
- Of serious depression untreated. A December 2006 study found that a decrease in, antidepressant ,prescriptions to minors of just a few percentage points coincided with a 14
- Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (Saris) are a newer form of, antidepressant ,that work on both norepinephrine and 5-HT. They typically have similar side
- Cause this to varying degrees, especially at high doses. REM Sleeps All major, antidepressant ,drugs, except trimipramine, mirtazapine and trazodone suppress REM sleep, and
- With Major Depressive Disorder indicates that, if preferred by the patient, antidepressant ,medications may be provided as an initial primary treatment for mild major
- Review of the use of antidepressant s for childhood depression *A review of all, antidepressant ,trials submitted to the U. S. FDA of 12 anti-depressants, published and
- Herbal St. John's Wort is by far the most widely-used and well-studied herbal, antidepressant , A number of other herbs have been used traditionally to treat depression and
- Proposed changes to the labels on, antidepressant ,drugs in December 2006 to warn people of this danger. The FDA states that Pail
- For Treating Depressive Disorders with Antidepressants advise remaining on an, antidepressant ,for at least six months and as long as five years or indefinitely. Whether or
- Guidelines advise adding a different kind of pharmaceutical agent to the, antidepressant , Studies suggest that most patients fail to achieve remission on a given
- A period of one year, found that 18 % of patients who had responded to an, antidepressant ,relapsed while still taking it, compared to 41 % whose antidepressant was
- And teens and that in cases of pediatric cases of depressive disorder the, antidepressant ,drug to be used is Prozac. On September 6,2007,the Centers for Disease
- FDA warnings. " Subsequent follow-up studies have supported the hypothesis that, antidepressant ,drugs reduce suicide risk. However, the conclusion that societal suicide rate
- Five years or indefinitely. Whether someone relapses after stopping an, antidepressant ,does not appear to be related to the duration of prior treatment, however,and
- To an antidepressant relapsed while still taking it, compared to 41 % whose, antidepressant ,was switched for a placebo. The American Psychiatric Association guidelines
- Significant antidepressant effects, and so to establish a substance as an ", antidepressant ," in a clinical trial it is necessary to show superior efficacy to placebo. A
- Be provided as an initial primary treatment for mild major depressive disorder;, antidepressant ,medications should be provided for moderate to severe major depressive disorder
- London-Heathrow, Los Angeles and New York-JFK. Accidents and incidents An, antidepressant ,is a psychiatric medication used to alleviate mood disorders, such as major
- From limited ecologic analyses of isolated year-to-year fluctuations in, antidepressant ,prescriptions and suicides. One promising epidemiological approach involves
- Findings of prior studies; for patients who had failed to respond to an SSRI, antidepressant , between 12 % and 86 % showed a response to a new drug, with between 5 % and 39
- Tardive dyskinetic, and weight gain. Psychostimulants are sometimes added to an, antidepressant ,regimen if the patient suffers from Macedonia, hypersomnia and/or excessive
- And strategies Between 30 % and 50 % of individuals treated with a given, antidepressant ,do not show a response. Even where there has been a robust response
- Where no response is achieved following six to eight weeks of treatment with an, antidepressant , to switch to an antidepressant in the same class, then to a different class of
- The University of Colorado, and the University of New Mexico also found that, antidepressant ,drugs hardly have better effects than a placebo in those cases of mild or
- Derives from their suppressant effects on REM sleep. The three major classes of, antidepressant ,drugs, monoamine oxidase inhibitors (Maoist),tricyclic antidepressant s (TCAS
- Risk. However, the conclusion that societal suicide rate decreases are due to, antidepressant ,prescription is unsupported given the plethora of confounding variables. Sexual
- Traditional medicine, and has been found in single study in mice to have, antidepressant ,and antianxiety properties. Sylvia sclera, also known as Clark, is known to
- Drugs including anti-depressants is overlooked and evidence regarding, antidepressant ,efficacy is overstated. These voices critical of the use of anti-depressants
- Whether typical or atypical, may also be prescribed to augment an, antidepressant , to increase the blood concentration of another drug, or to relieve the
- To improve a clinically depressed mood. Inert placebos can have significant, antidepressant ,effects, and so to establish a substance as an" antidepressant " in a clinical
- Is common, with relapse rates 3 to 6 times higher in such cases. In addition, antidepressant ,drugs tend to lose efficacy over the course of treatment. A number of
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