Examples of the the word, evangelism , in a Sentence Context
The word ( evangelism ), is the 11929 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- T. Chick in order to make use of Halloween's popularity as an opportunity for, evangelism , Some consider Halloween to be completely incompatible with the Christian faith
- The Gospel cannot accurately and faithfully be explained, instead favoring, evangelism ,by example. Re affiliation Transferring from one Christian denomination to
- Hierarchal deference to the privileged class. “ Puritanism ... and the epidemic, evangelism ,of the mid-eighteenth century, had created challenges to the traditional
- Sunday Schools and participate in progressive Protestant-style para-church, evangelism , Unable to persuade the rest of the Amish, they separated and formed a number
- Interests, or wide sympathies. * inclusive, inviting and containing strong, evangelism , The term has been incorporated into the name of the largest Christian
- Committees are suggested but not required such as a missions' committee, or, evangelism , or worship committee. Term limits are set for some committees but not for all.
- Cults. The Christian countercult movement, with its emphasis on apologetics and, evangelism , does not constitute the totality of concerns which people have about cult
- Have become traditionalist priests). Some Jewish organizations have described, evangelism ,and missionary activity directed specifically at Jews as antisemitic.
- Spirituality mysticism, pop psychology, motivational speakers, success gospel, evangelism , and TV shows like American Idol and The Swan. Hedges criticizes the" moral
- To death in infancy are in John Sander's No Other Name, and include postmortem, evangelism , Peter's speech According to the Book of Acts in the New Testament, Peter
- Violence was done to Jews in the name of Jesus and his followers, and because, evangelism ,is still an active aspect of many church's activities, many religious Jews are
- Members. The BWA's goals include caring for the needy, leading in world, evangelism ,and defending human rights and religious freedom. Though it played a role in
- To students in 1965,Bob Jones, Jr., condemned Billy Graham's" ecumenical, evangelism ," as scriptural and" heretical," noting that Graham shared his platform
- In 1988,Falwell said that the Baker scandal had" strengthened broadcast, evangelism ,and made Christianity stronger, more mature and more committed ". Bakker's son
- Brethren, seeking to increase fellowship and to combine their efforts in, evangelism , publications, and other ministries. Worldwide Church of God The Worldwide
- Of this sort are no longer common, at certain times and in certain places, evangelism ,has veered into high-pressure coercion, in those instances causing significant
- Consider evangelical service in the Indies. He died in China after a decade of, evangelism ,in Southern India. Two Jesuit missionaries, Johann Grubber and Albert Orville
- In more than 600 languages. Biblical distributes resources for Scripture-based, evangelism ,and discipleship worldwide. It operates in 55 countries in six regions of the
- Prayer, evangelism and Bible study. Ecclesial are typically involved in, evangelism ,in the form of public lectures on Bible teaching, college-style seminars on
- Sr. and Bob Jones, Jr. believed that film could be an excellent medium for mass, evangelism , and in 1950,the university established Unusual Films within the School of
- The System," as well as resultant controversy. In 1974,it began a method of, evangelism ,called Flirty Fishing, sometimes using sex to show God's love and win converts
- In 1799. The 19th century saw the founding and expansion of social oriented, evangelism ,with societies such as the Church Pastoral Aid Society (CPA) in 1836
- Yang Theological Seminary. Korean Presbyterian denominations are active in, evangelism ,and many of its missionaries are being sent overseas, being the second biggest
- To reach the whole world. Adventists are cautious, however,to ensure that, evangelism ,does not impede or intrude on the basic rights of the individual. Religious
- A result, several Church documents have been written in order to encourage more, evangelism , Evangelic Nuntiandi is an apostolic exhortation issued on 8 December 1975 by
- The dead will be raised, and Christ will judge everyone in righteousness); and, evangelism ,and missions. Some historically significant Baptist doctrinal documents include
- By Jesus to" Therefore go and make disciples of all nations ". Historically, evangelism ,has on rare occasions led to forced conversion under threat of death or mass
- Holiness, meeting together for worship, faithful Christian service, and, evangelism , ( both personal and worldwide). Many, if not the majority, of Pentecostals are
- Be purified by the removal of the" tares ", fitting her for the final work of, evangelism , # After the purification of the church, the saints will return to the promised
- Was bringing an important new dimension to the movement with his approach to, evangelism , Several Baptist associations began disassociating congregations that refused
- Some modern Christian apologists consider Huxley the father of atheistic, evangelism , though he himself maintained that he was an agnostic, not an atheist. He was
- That prays for missionaries and attempts to stimulate campus interest in world, evangelism , During summers and Christmas breaks, approximately 150 students participate in
- Service ". Additional meetings are often organized for worship, prayer, evangelism , and Bible study. Ecclesial are typically involved in evangelism in the form of
- Los Angeles in 1929. Since then Adventists have been on the forefront of media, evangelism , and one program, It Is Written, founded by George Andean, was the first
- Evangelism. The 20th century saw the Church of England developing new forms of, evangelism ,such as the Alpha course in 1990 which was developed and propagated from Holy
- Baltic, and some Slavic languages. With the age of colonialism and Christian, evangelism , the Latin script was spread overseas, and applied to indigenous American
- No university degree, although the more likely reasons were his leanings toward, evangelism ,and tendency to socialize with Methodists. Newton continued his devotions, and
- Union in 1876 and Church Army in 1882 all carrying out a personal form of, evangelism , The 20th century saw the Church of England developing new forms of evangelism
- Other activities. There are ecclesially-accountable committees for co-ordinated, evangelism , youth and Sunday School work, military service issues, care of the elderly
- United Methodist Church seeks to create disciples for Christ through outreach, evangelism , and through seeking holiness through the process of sanctification. With a
- The common understanding of the faith and foster its common expression in, evangelism , witness, and service; * pledge themselves to living together under the Gospel
- Towns from Vancouver to San Diego. Moody aided in the work of cross-cultural, evangelism ,by promoting" The Wordless Book," a teaching tool that had been invented by
- Faith/welcome (John.1:14). Its point of determinism predates the age of, evangelism , which it holds is still valid in crystallizing predisposition into maturing
- Probably deriving this new meaning from the use of in, In the New Testament, evangelism ,meant the proclamation of God's saving activity in Jesus of Nazareth, or the
- The source (via Latinized" evangelism " ) of the terms" evangelist" and ", evangelism ," in English. The authors of the four canonical Christian gospels are known as
- South-America) given the subjugation of the indigenous people through, evangelism ,and encomiendas, the minor African descendant elements are found in the
- Debate was not so influential. By the mid-1950s,largely due to the ecumenical, evangelism ,of Billy Graham, the terms evangelicalism and fundamentalism began to refer to
- That was needed for this combustible situation to ignite was an example of, evangelism ,provided by the" new IBM" - a few employees who took" empowerment "
- In India of St. Thomas the Apostle in AD 52 (according to tradition) and his, evangelism ,among both the Brahmans of the Malabar Coast and the ancient Jewish community
- Saint Andrew is a reminder of the ministry of each person and the importance of, evangelism , and recalls the denomination's Scottish Presbyterian ancestry. After the 1968
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