Examples of the the word, lengthen , in a Sentence Context
The word ( lengthen ), is the 11927 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Distance of the moon. Thus, a totally eclipsed Moon occurring near apogee will, lengthen ,the duration of totality. The timing of total lunar eclipses are determined by
- And sunset sides changes the day's length. Going up into the mountains will, lengthen ,the day, while standing in a valley with hilltops on the east and the west can
- Difficult. Intrinsic muscles associated with the larynx *Cricothyroid muscles, lengthen ,and stretch the vocal folds. *Posterior cricoarytenoid muscles abduct and
- May therefore become correlated, tending to increase together. The more tails, lengthen , the more long tails are desired. Any slight initial imbalance between taste
- For all drivers. In particular, Braess paradox shows that adding a new road can, lengthen ,travel times for all drivers. In another model, for example used for routing
- A period of exile in France. In 2001 Cone organized and won a referendum to, lengthen ,the presidential term and in 2003 begun his third term after elections were
- Marked only by the definite article (singular the, plural NGA). Some nouns, lengthen ,a vowel in the plural, such as whine (woman); whine (women). Stative
- Only or high-pressure sodium for growing/flowering/blooming stage are used to, lengthen ,the day or to supplement natural sunshine if it is scarce. Metal halite emits
- A rosette growth habit),but when it gradually blooms, the stem and branches, lengthen ,and produce many flower heads that look like those of dandelions, but smaller.
- Are packaged in plastic bags, with nitrogen gas blown in prior to sealing to, lengthen ,shelf life, and provide protection against crushing. Flavored chips In an idea
- Twisted, first separately then together. Cotton or wool threads may be used to, lengthen ,hair. The plaited hair may hang loose or be gathered together and bound with
- However, if desired, the controversial surgery of limb- lengthen ing will, lengthen ,the legs and arms of someone with achondroplasia. Usually, the best results
- For the first time, many are believed to reduce pedal pressure, and thus, lengthen ,braking distances, contributing to a higher level of accidents than the
- Was supported by a number of figures at the Conservatory, who encouraged him to, lengthen ,the script and add in more dialogue, something that he reluctantly agreed to do
- Dioxide into their environment to help growth (enrichment),add lights to, lengthen ,the day, or control vegetative growth, etc. Charity Use A number of hydroponics
- Sessions. However, subsequent research has shown that flap damping can actually, lengthen ,convergence times in some cases, and can cause interruptions in connectivity
- Gymnasts, dancers,and martial artists perform stretching exercises to, lengthen ,their ligaments, making their joints more supple. The term" double-jointed "
- Lengthens rapidly to an average of about 4 in. (10 cm),but can continue to, lengthen ,in response to pressure. As the woman becomes fully aroused, the vagina tents (
- A player's finger or thumb rests. A player extends their finger or thumb to, lengthen ,a slide, and retracts their finger to return the slide to its original position
- Of office of elected Roman magistrates, a pontiff Maximus would have reason to, lengthen ,a year in which he or his allies were in power, or shorten a year in which his
- Is frequently solved by loading the antenna with an inductance to artificially, lengthen ,the electrical length. Elements can also be artificially shortened with a
- At Grossed & Dunlap preferred" Nan Drew" of these options, but decided to, lengthen ," Nan" to" Nancy ". Stripteaser accordingly began writing plot outlines and
- Systems. This becomes increasingly important as large-capacity drives, lengthen ,the time needed to recover from the failure of a single drive. Single-parity
- The problem of overcrowding on some routes because Tons will be unable to, lengthen ,their trains or acquire new ones if they need the Roscoe to co-operate in their
- With a calendar year, this power was prone to abuse: a Pontiff could, lengthen ,a year in which he or one of his political allies was in office, or refuse to
- A year in which he or one of his political allies was in office, or refuse to, lengthen ,one in which his opponents were in power. If too many intercalations were
- Consequences; a segment is not a page with variable length or a simple way to, lengthen ,the address space. Segmentation that can provide a single-level memory model in
- Of the Earth's rotation is not occurring fast enough for the rotation to, lengthen ,to a month before other effects make this irrelevant: About 2.1 billion years
- Throughout the life span. REM sleep episodes and the dreams that accompany them, lengthen ,progressively across the night, with the first episode being shortest, of
- Motor neuron syndrome, for muscles with an impaired ability to effectively, lengthen , Muscles affected by the Upper Motor Neuron Syndrome frequently are limited by
- In organic synthesis, cyanide is a C-1 synth on; i.e., it can be used to, lengthen ,a carbon chain by one, while retaining the ability to be.: RX + CNN → RCN + X
- Earth in the widely accepted scientific cosmology. A drill, Gardner says, would, lengthen , as it traveled away from the cavern and eventually pass through the" point at
- Why dislocated joints must be set as quickly as possible: if the ligaments, lengthen ,too much, then the joint will be weakened, becoming prone to future
- All laws. The king may also suspend or dissolve parliament, and shorten or, lengthen ,the term of session. A veto by the king may be overridden by a two-thirds vote
- The advantage of fairness and predictability. However, they tend to greatly, lengthen ,campaigns, and make dissolving the legislature (parliamentary system) more
- Player minor tuning adjustments, by slightly pulling out one of the sections to, lengthen ,the instrument. The French innovations were taken to London by Pierre Brendan
- In Ring world, celebrating his birthday, teleports across time-zones to ", lengthen ," his birthday multiple times (particularly notable since the first edition
- For physical therapists worldwide. The goal of therapy is to relax and, lengthen ,the pelvic floor muscles, rather than to tighten and/or strengthen them as is
- Cruciate ligaments occur in pairs. Ligaments are viscoelastic. They gradually, lengthen ,when under tension, and return to their original shape when the tension is
- Mentioned by Bennet is the time of the winter solstice, when the days begin to, lengthen ,again as the physical sun makes its reappearance, along with the fact that
- Years (short ordinary) besides the four natural year lengths. But how can we, lengthen ,year 1 if it is already a long ordinary year of 355 days or shorten year 2 if
- Tin, gold,and silver are much less prone to oxidation than copper, which may, lengthen ,wire life, and makes soldering easier. Tinning is also used to provide
- Definition of 1 June. From the astronomical perspective, days continue to, lengthen ,from equinox to solstice and summer days progressively shorten after the
- Effects of dementia and ataxia. One medication, Zonisamide, has been shown to, lengthen ,the life of those with the disease. This medication helps control and decrease
- The sun will rise and set further toward the North and the daylight hours will, lengthen ,The converse is observed in the Southern Hemisphere, but the sun rises to the
- The availability of insect food for chicks. Conversely, warmer springs may, lengthen ,the breeding season and result in more chicks, and the opportunity to use nest
- A major expansion project to add to the north end of the current runway and, lengthen ,the taxiway in 2007. The primary purpose of the project was to increase its
- Longer two, termed tentacles, are actively involved in capturing prey; they can, lengthen ,rapidly (in as little as 15 milliseconds surrounded by circular and radial
- Neighboring sound. If the nasal was absorbed by a stressed vowel, it would also, lengthen ,the vowel. These nasalization also occurred in the other Germanic languages
- Contributed about 0.5 % to the German war effort but did not significantly, lengthen ,the war. Over the course of the war, Switzerland interned 300,000 refugees.
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