Examples of the the word, convinced , in a Sentence Context

The word ( convinced ), is the 12727 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Return to his Midwestern roots and challenging Spalding's integrity, Hulbert, convinced ,Spalding to sign a contract to play for the White Stockings (now known as the
  2. Acceptance speech he wrote," during all the years until 1961,not only was I, convinced ,I should never see a single line of mine in print in my lifetime, but,also, I
  3. How are you grandma? " More indicative of his playful nature, his experiments, convinced ,onlookers that they saw a" talking dog. " However, these initial forays into
  4. And the Celts. A mission by Vitus, and Attila's continued westward advance, convinced ,the Visigoth king Theodoric I (Theodoric) to ally with the Romans. The
  5. Very same type of lung cancer, Vladimir Sharon, sound designer in Stalker, is, convinced , that they were all poisoned when shooting the film near a chemical plant.
  6. S life story, rather than her texts, for inspiration; her unorthodox lifestyle, convinced ,them to try new" experiments in living ", as Virginia Woolf termed it in her
  7. Building of so large a fleet seems to imply that the Athenians where themselves, convinced ,that a supreme effort was necessary. It may be noted, in confirmation of this
  8. Which have taken place including the discoveries of atomic science, I am, convinced ,that it is in the best interest of the Shia Muslim Ismail Community that I
  9. Imperial throne. Radius was also dominated by his wife Amelia Eudora, who, convinced , her husband to dismiss Europium, who was holding the consulate, at the height
  10. Shares) of Apple at the pre-IPO price of $10 a share. Jobs was immediately, convinced ,that all future computers would use a graphical user interface (GUI),and
  11. Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) board member Benny C. Schmidt, Sr., convinced ,the hospital to test laetrile so that he could assure others of its
  12. So Kurosawa turned to another famous American fan, Steven Spielberg, who, convinced , Warner Bros. to buy the international rights to the completed film. This made
  13. Changes. Roy Andrew Miller's 1971 book Japanese and the Other Altaic Languages, convinced ,most Activists that Japanese also belonged to Altaic. Since then, the standard
  14. Penicillin would not be important in treating infection. Fleming also became, convinced ,that penicillin would not last long enough in the human body (in vivo) to
  15. Discovered the plan, only the influence of his mother Galley Placid, convinced ,him to exile, rather than kill, Honoria. He also wrote to Attila strenuously
  16. Each other during recording sessions, the sound of the girls' voices, convinced ,the songwriters to model their 'group' on the like of FOR acts Blue Mink
  17. For FOR. The engineers at Marshall Space Flight Center took longer to become, convinced ,of its merits, but their conversion was announced by Werner von Braun at a
  18. Was connected to a natural reality. For the rest of his life, he remained, convinced ,that at least some séance phenomena were genuine, no matter how many
  19. In May 1856. Natural selection and Darwin By February 1858,Wallace had been, convinced ,by his biogeographical research in the Malay Archipelago of the reality of
  20. Rudolf VBA and Alfred Settler, who escaped on April 7,1944,and which finally, convinced ,Allied leaders of the truth about Auschwitz. Details from the Vrba-Wetzler
  21. And rebuilt after the 1755 earthquake. Legacy King Manuel I of Portugal was, convinced ,too late of Albuquerque's loyalty, and endeavored to atone for the
  22. Lifestyle of a man. The animals, though cold, starving,and overworked, remain, convinced , through psychological conditioning that they are better off than they were when
  23. He granted when he learned that they were in agreement on the issue. Ansgar was, convinced ,he was commanded by heaven to undertake this mission, and was influenced by a
  24. Used questionable statistics. Always suspicious of authority, Wallace became, convinced ,that reductions in the incidence of smallpox that had been attributed to
  25. A servant, Hushai, to infiltrate Absalom's court and subvert it. Hussein, convinced ,Absalom to ignore Ahithophel's advice to attack his father while he was on the
  26. De Novamagia refers to Albert us' encounter with the Blessed Virgin Mary, who, convinced , him to enter Holy Orders. In 1223 (or 1221) he became a member of the
  27. Task that took more than a decade, but by 1857,the Royal Asiatic Society was, convinced ,that reliable reading of cuneiform texts was possible. Astrology has since
  28. Of 1786 in Massachusetts. Calling themselves" Federalists," the nationalists, convinced ,Congress to call the Philadelphia Convention in 1787. It adopted a new
  29. Of Immanuel Kant, and the existential philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard, convinced ,many later philosophers to abandon these attempts, regarding it impossible to
  30. Child. He often raved about Communists, foreigners,and Bugs Moran, whom he was, convinced ,was plotting to kill him from his Ohio prison cell. On January 21, 1947,Capone
  31. Against the Russians, which was a part of the Great Northern War. In 1710, he, convinced ,the Ottoman Sultan Ahmed III to declare war against Russia, and the Ottoman
  32. Apollo helped Admetus win Alcestis, the daughter of King Elias and later, convinced ,the Fates to let Admetus live past his time, if another took his place. But
  33. S for the computer and attached keyboard. After selling a few kits, MCP became, convinced ,there was a much bigger market for an improved model sold as a completed
  34. Born witness to this effect in the presence of the said Espinoza, they became, convinced ,of the truth of the matter; and after all of this has been investigated in the
  35. And in the suffering today imposed on 30 million people there. Do those, convinced ,pacifists hear the moans coming from there? " The Holodomor Solzhenitsyn has
  36. Was (having wings made him distinctive). Her two sisters, jealous of Psyche, convinced ,her that her husband was a monster, and she should strike him with a dagger. So
  37. Expropriation of gentry estates. His observation of with peasant individualism, convinced ,him that Poland should combine voluntary collectivism and individual possession
  38. For the expedition, Alexios was approached by the Donkeys faction at court, who, convinced , him to join a conspiracy against Lifeforms III. The mother of Alexios, Anna
  39. About the island picking up trifles of unconsidered evidence, which gradually, convinced ,him that greater things would eventually be found. He obtained enough to enable
  40. Work De Divination (I,50,112),Cicero states that Anaximander, convinced ,the inhabitants of Lace daemon to abandon their city and spend the night in the
  41. Also performed solo numbers from respective albums, but the lukewarm reception, convinced ,the foursome to shelve plans for working together for the time being, and each
  42. Years later he said he was writing nursery rhymes, his agent and publisher were, convinced ,he should write another detective story; and after another two years he was
  43. Actor Emilio" El Indio" Fernández. Reluctant at first, Fernández was finally, convinced ,to pose nude to create what today is known as the" Oscar ". Then, sculptor
  44. Frank Borman, who was at the White House as a NASA liaison during Apollo 11, convinced , Nixon to keep his words brief, out of respect of the lunar landing being
  45. Make some good Basis and Butt-head episodes. " Later, a Lady Gaga video, convinced ,Van Löffler of the tenability of a Basis and Butt-head revival:" I felt like
  46. Summoned both Charles and Do to his presence at Worms. Charles’s advisers, convinced ,him not to go, and he sent a representative in his place. Do, on the other
  47. Play so impressed the theater director Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko that he, convinced ,his colleague Constantin Stanislavsky to direct it for the innovative Moscow
  48. Of an Italian film company, who had seen and admired the movie and, convinced ,Data to submit it. On September 10, 1951,Fashion was awarded the festival's
  49. Felt a regional rivalry would be critical for the success of the new league, convinced ,Adams to join and found his team in Houston. Hunt next secured an agreement
  50. Of the modernization of" primeval" societies. Later in life he became more, convinced ,that" modern civilization" was actually inferior or the same in morality than

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