Examples of the the word, envoy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( envoy ), is the 12721 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. If the Dutch were intimidated. On 9 September (Gregorian calendar) the French, envoy ,Jean Antoine de Mesmes, the Comte d'Av aux, handed two letters from the French
  2. Oath of allegiance to the Tsar: the treaty was almost broken when the Muscovite, envoy ,refused to reciprocate with an oath from the ruler to his subjects, as was the
  3. shah's ambassador to Dimapur visited Albuquerque inviting him to send back an, envoy ,to Persia. Miguel Ferreira was sent via Hormuz to Tabriz, were he had several
  4. 1873 had taken over the lands of the khan, or ruler, of Shiva. Her Ali sent an, envoy ,seeking British advice and support. The previous year the British had signed an
  5. William Penn was sent to The Hague, but William opposed repeal. William's, envoy ,Ever hard van Weed Divert visited England between February and May 1687
  6. Embassy arrived only in 1520 to Ethiopia where he joined long sought Portuguese, envoy ,Pro the Civil. There he remained six years, returning to Lisbon in 1526-27
  7. Married to Emperor Nine King Bu, supposed to be Bureau, sent an, envoy ,to the emperor of Liu Song, a minor Chinese dynasty, in 478. The ambassador
  8. b. 1791) *1891 – Albert Pike, American Confederate Brigadier General, envoy , author, attorney,and Freemason (b. 1809) *1902 – Esther Morris, suffragist
  9. For the Portuguese king. A few days later, the king of Hormuz was met by an, envoy ,demanding the payment of tribute to shah Ismail I from Persia. He was sent back
  10. Avoid fighting Argentina as well, Chilean President Anibal Pinto authorized his, envoy , Diego Barros Arena to hand over as much territory as was needed to avoid
  11. Summoned by the Tanzanian Foreign Ministry over the incident, and the junior, envoy ,was later recalled. *On January 27, 2011,in Lahore, Pakistan,an American
  12. States imposed trade restrictions on the Batista administration and sent an, envoy ,which attempted to persuade Batista to leave the country voluntarily. Among the
  13. In fact the Habsburg Emperor was represented by an Austrian 'presidential, envoy ,'). Domestic policy The horrific and despicable events of the French
  14. The official announcement on state TV and radio just hours after UN special, envoy ,Ibrahim Bambara ended his second visit to Burma. The NLD confirmed that it had
  15. Priest was used as envoy was due to the duke's rude manners: the previous, envoy , the bishop of Parma, had quit because the duke had wiped his buttocks in front
  16. 1527,Knight had difficulty in obtaining access to him. In the end,Henry's, envoy ,had to return without accomplishing much. Henry now had no choice but to put
  17. These often being mentioned by the messenger as a threat of siege. A Roman, envoy ,was urinated on as he was leaving the city of Barnum. The oath of the envoy :
  18. Habsburg Emperor of Austria was represented by an Austrian" presidential, envoy ,". After the ill-fated revolution of 1848,Frankfurt was the seat of the first
  19. In October 1976. It was written in the Paridhi First (1606–1607) that the, envoy ,of the Mongol ruler Hulu Khan was presented with a dazzling pyrotechnics
  20. To whom the duke of Parma had sent him. That a low-ranking priest was used as, envoy ,was due to the duke's rude manners: the previous envoy , the bishop of Parma
  21. Background A subplot in the book is Peter Wimsey's role as an informal, envoy ,of the British Foreign Ministry, called upon to help defuse international
  22. Earring that Enjoy had sent her. In 1563,Elizabeth told an imperial, envoy ,:" If I follow the inclination of my nature, it is this: beggar-woman and
  23. Nazi officers eager to hear their exploits. The captain learns from an, envoy ,of the German consulate that his request for Werner and the chief engineer to
  24. In the past a diplomatic mission headed by a lower-ranking official (an, envoy ,or minister resident) was known as a legation. Since the ranks of envoy and
  25. 2003 * February 12 - The Philippines expelled an Iraqi diplomat, accusing the, envoy ,of having ties to the Abu SAAF terrorist group. Second Secretary Hus ham
  26. The sole ruler of the Byzantine Empire. * 607 – Ono no Smoke is dispatched as, envoy ,to the Sui court in China (Traditional Japanese date: July 3,607). * 902 –
  27. Unsuccessful, as no wedding occurred. In 1378,Richard II sent Chaucer as an, envoy ,(secret dispatch) to the Viscount and to Sir John Hawk wood, English
  28. But against the strategic potential of Russia ", Dmitry Robin,Russia's NATO, envoy , said. Exporting Democracy In United States history, critics have charged that
  29. Persecution and nationalistic fervor against Haitians. In October 2007,a U. N., envoy ,found that racism against blacks in general, and Haitians in particular, is
  30. Married Adolf Fredrik, King of Sweden He was the godfather of the Prussian, envoy ,Friedrich Wilhelm von Telemeter. Titles from birth * His Serene Highness The
  31. Homeland, close to the prison of Gog and Magog. On the other hand,the, envoy ,'s account of Mongol customs is fairly accurate, and his statements about
  32. Living in the court of the Emperor Theodore I Mascaras of Nicaea, but their, envoy ,was arrested and Andrew could overcome the conspiracy. In 1211,he granted the
  33. Envoy was urinated on as he was leaving the city of Barnum. The oath of the, envoy ,:" This stain will be washed away with blood! " Was fulfilled during the Second
  34. Heading south to Corinth. Athens sued for peace and Alexander received the, envoy ,and pardoned anyone involved with the uprising. At Corinth, where occurred the
  35. Chile, Pope John Paul II agreed to mediate between the two nations. The Pope's, envoy , Antonio Seymore, successfully averted war and proposed a new definitive
  36. For their missions and staff: a Vatican mission is headed by a nuncio (Latin ", envoy ,") and consequently known as an apostolic miniature. Under the rule of Mammal
  37. Car-bomb attack on United Nations headquarters in Iraq kills the agency's top, envoy ,Sergio Vieira de Mello and 21 other employees. * 2003 – A Hamas planned suicide
  38. An envoy or minister resident) was known as a legation. Since the ranks of, envoy ,and minister resident are effectively obsolete, the designation of legation is
  39. And the court of the King of Siam Ramathibodi II, returning with a Siamese, envoy ,bearing gifts and letters to Albuquerque and the king of Portugal. Expedition
  40. To Insane Prison (where she had been detained in 2003),but meetings with UN, envoy ,Ibrahim Bambara near her Rangoon home on 30 September and 2 October established
  41. Next day. The U. S. Secretary of State Cordell Hull congratulated the Finnish, envoy ,on 3 October 1941 for the liberation of Karelia but warned Finland not to enter
  42. Australians, and European tourists as well. Criticism Muslim *The Libyan, envoy ,accused the group of inhumanity and violating the tenets of Islam by holding
  43. Was fulfilled during the Second Punic War. The arrest and ill-treatment of the, envoy ,of Raja Cola by the king of Kulasekhara dynasty (Second CERAS),which
  44. The results from the UN facilitation have been mixed; Rizal Ismail, UN special, envoy ,to Burma, met with Sung San Sub FYI. Ismail resigned from his post the
  45. South-west of Lake Baikal — Andrew found Guy Khan dead, poisoned,as the, envoy ,supposed, by Batu Khan's agents. The regent-mother Off Amish (the" Camus
  46. To Ahmad Shah as the 'King of Kings '. This fear led in 1798 to a British, envoy ,being sent to the Persian court in part to instigate the Persians in their
  47. And others wrote of his return to the Congo, and subsequent taking of a native, envoy ,to Portugal. The four pillars set up by Can on his two voyages have all been
  48. In town for three days a year, he was further allowed to choose a permanent, envoy ,from eight councilmen proposed to him by the town, and received an annual
  49. Largest Islamic body, told the Philippine government he was prepared to send an, envoy ,to help save the hostages and issued a statement condemning the rebels. " The
  50. Son, Thomas Chaucer, had an illustrious career, as chief butler to four kings, envoy ,to France, and Speaker of the House of Commons. Thomas' daughter, Alice

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