Examples of the the word, biz , in a Sentence Context

The word ( biz ), is the 12725 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Producer, the miracle worker who went from penniless refugee to show, biz ,legend, and made possible The African Queen, On the waterfront, the bridge over
  2. Creation of the official domain, several alternate roots continued to resolve., biz ,domains to Pacific Root's servers rather than Neulevel's. Therefore, some
  3. Fest and Technogenic the technical. NIT Pilchard also organizes Biz arcade the, biz ,fest for the budding entrepreneurs of India and Thunder march, the rock fest.
  4. Combined information, humour and entertainment. In 1979, he plunged into show, biz ,full time as a member of The Frantic comedy troupe. For the next 8 years they
  5. Of generic top-level domain names between registrars (. Com, Net, Org, ., biz , Info). Com and. Net domain names only began requiring the EPP key from
  6. The Ecstasy Of Rita Joe) * Jack Wasserman, columnist (society, show, biz , politics) Others * Mahavira Miyazaki, osteopath,coroner and" bush doctor "
  7. One to give URI Zohar, Tuvia Tapir, myself and many others first chance in show, biz , Along the years we have done many TV hit shows together such as Sachem OTA
  8. Comedy Andy Kaufman created a character called Tony Clifton. A parody of show, biz ,entitlement and excess, Clifton is untalented, lazy (often not bothering to
  9. NCAA Division III Individual National Championship. Business Development TC3., biz ,is the College's business development and training center. TC3. Biz works with
  10. 2003) (winning song of the Eurovision Song Contest 2003) *"Ask Olmec, biz ,Uluru" ( Love Doesn't Die, We Do) (2005) *"Stalk killer Sheri" ( City
  11. And editor of Hatboxes in Tel Aviv in 1939,and authored: * Fun Dolphin, biz ,Yerushalayim (autobiography) in 2 volumes (in Yiddish, NYC in 1933; in
  12. Consisted of seven new golds: arts, firm,info, nom, rec,shop, and web. Later, biz , info, museum,and name covered most of these old proposals. During the 32nd
  13. Manufacture of mass media entertainment. In the popular parlance, the term show, biz ,in particular connotes the commercially popular performing arts, especially
  14. Attack on the warez scene. There were also busts in June 2006,with one US., biz ,site being busted, and several colocated servers being seized. Hong Kong
  15. Efforts in that direction in the hope that I might someday get into the comics, biz , " Approximately once a month, as a teenager, Wein and his friend Mary Wolfman
  16. To: WWW. Lebed. Biz/disclaimer. Htm Jonathan Lebed Lobed., biz ,Staff Lobed was profiled in an episode of the 2001 BBC futurism
  17. Has led to the commercial failure of several alternative DNS root providers. A, biz ,TLD created by Pacific Root was in operation before ICANN approved the official
  18. Entertainment history, being shown live on Puerto Rican television. Sea, a show, biz ,magazine, produced a wedding album about the event. Later years In 1990 Mariano
  19. And overly melodramatic. Even in 1929,the creaky stereotypes of backstage show, biz ,were something less than fresh. Most believe that the primary reason for its
  20. Personal pronouns in the nominative case are Ben (1s),sen (2s),o (3s), biz , ( 1pl),six (2pl,or formal/polite 2s),and ONDAR (3pl). They are declined
  21. Sharon Stone and finds out what it means to be the less famous member of a show, biz ,couple; and the season finale" End of the Season" in which Larry gets engaged
  22. Service Provider run by Kevin, is a real-life ISP available at WWW. Harelink., biz , Starting in November 2010,a Kevin & Kelli Phone/iPod/iPad application was
  23. Registrar statistics. Totals included. Com, Net, Org, Info, ., biz , and. Us. It cites http://www.domaintools.com/internet-statistics/" daily
  24. Says this phrase when he changes his stand on a subject. " Benin hard the, biz ,mi victim? " (Did we drink the gasoline, as if there was any?) He explains
  25. That he would no longer be doing his radio show. He stated that he is a" show, biz ,wimp" and decided to stop doing the show, so he could spend more time with his
  26. A series of short articles about Fauré's music on AdventuresInMusic., biz ,* http://hdl.handle.net/1802/1718 Oeuvres completes pour argue / J. S. Bach:
  27. The entertainment industry (also informally known as show business or show, biz ,) consists of many sub-industries devoted to entertainment.
  28. With the show, but it turns out he was OK with it," Judge told Billboard., biz , " We tried other bands (logos) but nothing worked as well (as the originals
  29. The idea. If you're the type who reads the tea leaves of the manga publishing, biz , you kinda sensed that things weren't quite the same as they used to be. " On
  30. Gospel artist Bill Gather from the Southern gospel end of Christian show, biz ,(who shall remain nameless) took" The Tune ", kept the tempo and the flavor
  31. Gökten indigo sandman kitapların dogmalarıyla Asia BIR tutmamalıdır., biz , ilhamlarımızı gotten ve gaiter devil, doğrudan dogma harmattan alms
  32. And. Com. The other TLDs such as. net, Org and to a lesser extent. Info and., biz ,have progressively smaller shares of these national markets. Over one year
  33. Created by Pacific Root was in operation before ICANN approved the official., biz ,domain, operated by Level. For some time after the creation of the official
  34. A character in the A-Team series Show business, sometimes shortened to show, biz , is a vernacular term for all aspects of entertainment. The word applies to all
  35. Traffic on the Internet, manages the authoritative directories for the. Us and., biz ,Internet domains, and acts as the worldwide" registry gateway" for China's.
  36. The PSP ". The site has since been taken down. In an interview with next-gen., biz , Sony admitted that the idea was" poorly executed ". In 2003,Sony Computer
  37. Share of the market with the remainder spread over. Com/. Net/. Org/. Info/., biz , As a result of this, Eu has had an uphill battle to gain a significant share
  38. Domains Around late 2000 when ICANN discussed and finally introduced aero, biz , coop, info,museum, name,and pro TLDs, site owners argued that a similar TLD
  39. Uncut (11/03,p. 130) - 4 stars out of 5 -" An album that forced the music, biz ,to take rap seriously. " Rolling Stone (12/11/03,p. 126) -" The pioneering
  40. Autobiography," Renegade" which he describes as his life experiences in" the, biz ," and the countless people he has met on his journey including" ... Phil
  41. TC3. Biz is the College's business development and training center. TC3., biz ,works with regional businesses and organizations to design and develop training
  42. An Interview with Recording Artist Barbara Nissan" on AdventuresInMusic., biz , 2008 *http://www.brightlightsfilm.com/62/62gambler.html" Finding Unlikely
  43. Domain name registries, such as:. Ke, Ac, Aero, Ag, Asia, At, Au, Be, ., biz , Br, Bz, Ca, Cat, cc, Ch, Cl, Cn, Co, Cz, Com, Coop, Cx, Cz, Es
  44. Letting Bennett's song — and fame — eclipse his own. " He said,'That's show, biz ,; you've got to get used to it,'" said Nick Plummer, a friend of Mr. Barber
  45. Appeared until 1980,when Beneath surprised fans, critics and the whole music, biz ,with a very unconventional move: two albums in less than a month: FFA! FFA! (
  46. Matt * Backstage 2003-2006 - News and information about the world of show, biz , Features the latest from TV, movies,music, fashion,nightlife and more hosted
  47. Mainlanders mispronounced the state's name as How-Wah-Yah, leading to show, biz ,jokes about the 50th state of" How Are Ya? ") Titled Musical Moments with Sol
  48. The film was" self-indulgent and largely negative," and that" great show, biz ,moments and wonderful dancing are eventually buried in pretensions "; he also
  49. Trainer, Herb Genendelis, for a workout regimen that has kept her in" show, biz ,shape ". She appeared on stage as a cast member in Cinderella at the Regent
  50. Gossip, news about the stars, and all the happenings from the world of show, biz , Hosted by Elena Fotopoulou, airs Saturday and Sunday at

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