Examples of the the word, jumper , in a Sentence Context
The word ( jumper ), is the 12724 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- In case of a tie, fewer failed attempts at that height are better: i.e.,the, jumper ,who makes a height on his/her first attempt is place ahead of someone who
- From a 150 m (500 foot) object is about 5.6 seconds from the ground if the, jumper ,remains in free fall. On a BASE jump, the parachute must open at about half the
- Roberto Mires, Argentine racing driver * 1924 – John Winter, Australian high, jumper ,(d. 2007) * 1924 – Francisco Signal José, Filipino novelist, Philippine
- Called a PCA (Pilot Chute Assist). Legal issues The legal issues that a BASE, jumper ,must consider concern permissions to use the object from which the jump is
- Count was kept, sorted according to which of the bridge's 128 lamp posts the, jumper ,was nearest when he or she jumped. By 2005,this count exceeded 1,200 and new
- Incorporated into the left sleeve of the jumper , the only ever variation to the, jumper ,'s design. The 'Clash for Cancer' match against Melbourne has become an annual
- Of the high jump may actually be more important than the take-off. If a high, jumper ,runs with bad timing or without enough aggression, clearing a high bar becomes
- IPO Markovic, Croatian tennis player * 1979 – Prior Peter, Slovenian ski, jumper ,* 1980 – Lucian But, Romanian-born Canadian boxer * 1980 – Christian Paulsen
- Lee, Indonesia-born American poet * 1957 – Christine Monterey, Belgian high, jumper ,* 1957 – Paul-Jan Baker, Netherland cricketer *1958 – Anthony Muñoz, American
- However, club officials assured members there was no desire to wear the clash, jumper ,and everything possible would be done to avoid ever wearing the alternate
- Aid greatly in the last four to five steps of the J-approach, allowing the, jumper ,to run on his or her curve at a fast speed without slipping. Some high jump
- 2,000 feet),having been in free-fall for at least 300 m (1,000 feet),the, jumper ,is falling at approximately 55 m/s (190 km/h,120 mph),and is approximately
- American radio personality * 1963 – Eddie" the Eagle" Edwards, English ski, jumper ,* 1963 – Carrie Hamilton, American actress (d. 2002) *1965 – Johnny Rennin
- Jump platform, which stretches out the parachute and suspension lines as the, jumper ,falls, before separating and allowing the parachute to inflate. This method
- The Wimbledon semi-final in the same year. Also, Kyriakos Ioannis a Cypriot high, jumper ,achieved a jump of 2.35 m at the 11th RAAF World Championships in Athletics
- Jumping today Upon completing a jump from all the four object categories,a, jumper ,may choose to apply for a" BASE number ", which are awarded sequentially. BASE
- Is given the highest rating on the Schmidt Sting Pain Index. The sting of Jack, jumper ,ants can be fatal, and an antivenom has been developed. Fire ants, Solenopsis
- Jumper is tumbling, there is a high risk of entanglement or malfunction. The, jumper ,may also not be facing the right direction. Such an off-heading opening is not
- Commission laid down the requirement that all clubs must produce an alternative, jumper ,for use in matches where jumper s are considered to clash. According to the AFL
- Bemused by the request, arguing that clubs that" clash" with the Essendon, jumper ,have had many Guernseys of varying designs, consequently moving them
- Finland has been the most successful country in ski jumping, with former ski, jumper ,Matt Kane being arguably the best ever in that sport. Most notably, he won
- They also argue that in some cases, these clubs had a completely different, jumper ,with different colors and that the AFL was simply bowing down to pressure from
- He double-footed the landing on two occasions. Botany was known primarily as a, jumper ,early in his career and he, along with several other skaters, helped push the
- Lucas Adobe, South African footballer * 1972 – Dimitrios Roots, Greek high, jumper ,* 1972 – Paul Lo Ducey, American baseball player *1973 – J. Scott Campbell
- Their curve. As well as the approach, high jump shoes also help and support the, jumper ,'s takeoff. The RAAF regulations specify a maximum sole thickness for both high
- Deal included Samsung having naming rights on the front and back of the club, jumper ,and signage. Although the amount was only confirmed by the club as a very
- Anne Curtis, Filipino actress and model * 1985 – Andes Jacobsen, Norwegian ski, jumper ,* 1986 – Ricardo Rodriguez, American wrestler and ring announcer *1988 –
- Open, the device becomes the slave device. This setting is usually chosen by a, jumper ,setting on the drive called" cable select ", usually marked CS, which is
- First athletics medal on world level. Another famous Botswana athlete is high, jumper ,Label Kgosiemang, three times African champion. The card game bridge has a
- And EISA easily defeated MCA in industry support. EISA replaced the tedious, jumper ,configuration common with ISA cards with software-based configuration. Every
- Named after Dick Reynolds. He appears as a red mosquito in an Essendon, jumper ,and wears a red and black scarf. He is the mascot for Essendon in AFL mascot
- Shorts rather than red shorts. In 2008,they were not forced to wear the clash, jumper ,against St Kinda, but wore it against Richmond in Round 16,again with white
- Tonga, French tennis player *1989 – Parakeet Papahristou, Greek triple, jumper ,* 1990 – Nazi Yang Kim, South Korean diplomat Deaths * 326 – Alexander of
- Only fixed object from which they ever jump. On 21 October 2006,veteran BASE, jumper ,Brian Lee Schubert of Alta Coma, California was killed jumping from the New
- Valerie Brummel took over the event for the next four years. The elegant Soviet, jumper ,radically sped up his approach run, took the record up to, and won the Olympic
- Guayama, Japanese volleyball player * 1979 – Dimity Vassilis, Russian ski, jumper ,* 1979 – Craig Wing, Australian Rugby League Player *1981 – Pablo Canavosio
- Slower airspeed than typical skydives (due to the limited altitude),a BASE, jumper ,rarely achieves terminal velocity. Because higher airspeed enable jumper s more
- Or other such charges pressed against them. Other people accompanying the, jumper , such as ground crew, may also face charges. In some jurisdictions it may be
- S approach. A slower run requires about 8 strides. However, a faster high, jumper ,might need about 13 strides. A greater run speed allows a greater part of the
- scissors technique. In the latter, the bar was approached diagonally, and the, jumper ,threw first the inside leg and then the other over the bar in a scissoring
- Clash. According to the AFL, Essendon would be required to wear this alternate, jumper ,in designated away games against, and. Many Essendon supporters and
- Is Bernie" Gabby" Vegas, a caricature of a lion dressed in Brisbane Lions, jumper , sunglasses, wide lapels and flares, designed to resemble Elvis Presley. Song
- Letter indicates that it must be at the beginning of a syllable,e.g. j- in, jumper ,and ajar. A hyphen before the letter indicates that it cannot be at the
- This early phase of flight, so if a poor" launch" leads into a tumble,the, jumper ,may not be able to correct this before the opening. If the parachute is
- Able to correct this before the opening. If the parachute is deployed while the, jumper ,is tumbling, there is a high risk of entanglement or malfunction. The jumper
- Whether the colony will have single or multiple queens. The Australian jack, jumper ,ant (Armenia Missoula) has only a single pair of chromosomes (males have
- The ban, charging jumper s with" aerial delivery into a National Park ". One, jumper ,drowned in the Merced River while being chased by Park Rangers intent on
- Were suggested for the Clash Jumper – a Red Jumper with black EFC writing and a, jumper ,with an extra thick sash. At a Members Information Meeting at Mooney Valley
- Agreed to allow yellow armbands to be incorporated into the left sleeve of the, jumper , the only ever variation to the jumper 's design. The 'Clash for Cancer' match
- Primary partitions on each. The mode that a drive must use is often set by a, jumper ,setting on the drive itself, which must be manually set to master or slave. If
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