Examples of the the word, bedtime , in a Sentence Context
The word ( bedtime ), is the 12726 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Of three flower heads added to a cup of boiling water soothes and relaxes at, bedtime , Lavender oil (or extract of Lavender) heals acne when used diluted 1:10 with
- An annoyed Emily attributes the dream to some Japanese food he ate before, bedtime ,and tells Bob to go back to sleep before flicking off the light on her side of
- From breakfast to lunch, from lunch to dinner, from dinner to bedtime , and from, bedtime ,to rising. Also called" block urine. " *Fructose – a simple sugar (often
- Such as insomnia. The optimum time to exercise may be 4 to 8 hours before, bedtime , though exercise at any time of day is beneficial, with the possible exception
- Said" Tired out by a long day in the country, I was a awake way past, bedtime , My arms were numb from propping up my head. By turning from side to side, I
- Broadcast radio dance programs, university professor lectures, the weather, and, bedtime , stories. Edwin Armstrong Inventor Edwin Howard Armstrong is credited with
- On his route through the old town, while he is singing to alert citizens about, bedtime ,approaching. * http://www.vadehavscentret.dk/GBpages/indexgb.html Warden Sea
- The Ba bar the Elephant children's books when she told it to her children as a, bedtime ,story in 1931 * 10 - Little Eva (née Eva Narcissus Boyd),who sang the 1962
- Or progestin therapy. Progesterone may cause sedation so is best taken at, bedtime , Synthetic progestins may cause irritability and mood changes in some women.
- When she was six,Ullman's father died of a heart attack while reading her a, bedtime ,story. He was 50 years old. In an effort to cheer up her family, Tracey
- That the Black-Goat-with-a-Thousand-Young wouldn't dare use for its kids ', bedtime ,stories. " Edward M. Delay In The Outlaw Gods, a novella from the Mensch
- Of the names of the sea areas almost hypnotic, particularly during the, bedtime ,(for Britain) broadcast at 0048 UK time (GMT or BST depending on the time of
- Story,it's an epic story told to wide-eyed children who are up past their, bedtime , " Reception Mason & Dixon was one of the most acclaimed novels of the 1990s.
- Brother Eugene to party meetings. Ginsberg later said that his mother" made up, bedtime ,stories that all went something like: 'The good king rode forth from his castle
- And lived at" Mayfield ", now Berries Preparatory School, where he turned the, bedtime ,stories he told Alastair into his masterpiece. Alastair eventually committed
- There is some evidence showing that 3000 milligrams of glycine before, bedtime ,improves sleep quality. Commercial uses In the US, glycine is typically sold in
- For include: Management Lifestyle Patients should decrease fluid intake before, bedtime , moderate the consumption of alcohol and caffeine-containing products, and
- Mentally rehearsing that outcome awake, and then reminding themselves at, bedtime ,that they wish this alternate outcome should the nightmare recur. Research has
- Haw-Hawed Couple ", Lisa asks Homer to read her Angelica Button book to her for, bedtime , Homer, learning that the character Headmaster Grey stash will die (as
- Bride for his only child, a son. (The Princess Bride actually originated as a, bedtime ,story for Goldman's two daughters. ) He not only treats Jorgensen and the
- Under the name" Mr. Fantastic ". He later told his daughter, by way of a, bedtime ,story, that the reason he suggested they become adventurers and gave them such
- Title of the story comes from a poem, randomly selected by the house to read at, bedtime , also titled" There Will Come Soft Rains ". The theme of the poem is that
- 24 hours; usually from breakfast to lunch, from lunch to dinner, from dinner to, bedtime , and from bedtime to rising. Also called" block urine. " *Fructose – a simple
- Drug use * Treatment of psychosis in L-Dopa-treated patients (25 to 50 mg at, bedtime ,is often sufficient); this indication is currently approved in Switzerland *
- For poor sleep. For example, excessive exposure to bright light within hours of, bedtime ,or simply resisting the urge to fall asleep can trigger a" second wind,"
- Older Children (" We are but older children, dear,who fret to find our, bedtime ,near," Carroll. ) #Second volume: Never lands (" Of course, the Never lands
- Depression, usually specifically calls for the entire dose to be taken before, bedtime ,due to its sedative effects. The sedative effects may disappear after some time
- Christian Andersen was invited to call and tell the children stories before, bedtime , In 1848,King Christian VIII of Denmark died and his only son, Frederick
- Such as insomnia. The optimum time to exercise may be 4 to 8 hours before, bedtime , though exercise at any time of day is beneficial, with the possible exception
- Has been determined, the greater part or all of the daily dose may be given at, bedtime , This will ameliorate daytime sedation and orthostatic
- Cabin written by Beecher's sister Harriet Beecher Stowe as a regular source of, bedtime ,stories for their sons and daughters. In her 1914 autobiography My Own Story,"
- Insomnia. There is some evidence showing that 3 grams of L-Glycine before, bedtime ,improves sleep quality. Almorexant was an origin antagonist undergoing clinical
- Rehearsals and solicited the resident authors to let him read scripts until, bedtime , He first tried his hand at playwriting here, at the age of 12,though his
- Greek Apodeipnon, lit. " After-supper" ) – After the evening meal prior to, bedtime , * Midnight Office – Usually served only in monasteries. * Matins (Greek
- House director Adam Shank man, about a stressed hotel maintenance worker whose, bedtime ,stories he reads to his niece and nephew begin to come true. This marked
- Jones would be heard off-camera whispering" And now it's time for Misty's, bedtime ,stories ". A lighted candle would be sitting on the night stand beside her bed
- Or agony by the skit's end. * Misty's Bedtime Stories: This skit featured, bedtime ,stories delivered by Misty Rowe, one of the more popular cast-members. Grandpa
- Lung (1983,ISBN 0-207-14830-9) * http://nla.gov.au/anbd.bib-an2125603 The, bedtime ,Lung / Michael Lung * http://nla.gov.au/anbd.bib-an9071482 A bunch of pose
- And a son. Unwind later stated Unwise had its roots in enlivening the, bedtime ,stories which he told his children. In 1940,Unwind got a job at the BBC working
- Used allegory in his work. In" Nature ", for example, death is depicted as, bedtime ,for a cranky child. Many of the metaphors he used in his poetry as well as
- Story (which has led to a modern expression for a person who desires an early, bedtime , 'after midnight, I turn into a pumpkin' ) might derive from the 1st century
- Beneficial, with the possible exception of heavy exercise taken shortly before, bedtime , which may disturb sleep. However, there is insufficient evidence to draw
- And she decided to take revenge. She bribed Dayananda's cook to poison him. At, bedtime , the cook brought him a glass of milk containing poison and powdered glass.
- Beneficial, with the possible exception of heavy exercise taken shortly before, bedtime , which may disturb sleep. There is, in any case, insufficient evidence to draw
- The text is a poem, written in simple masculine rhyme, describing a bunny's, bedtime ,ritual of saying" goodnight" to various objects in the bunny's bedroom: the
- Hurd. It was first published in 1947,and is a highly acclaimed example of a, bedtime ,story. It is about a child saying goodnight to everything around:" Goodnight
- The patients had to follow a somewhat monastic daily schedule including early, bedtime ,(21:00),physical training and active gardening work. His theory of life was
- Used as a depressant of the central nervous system, and was formerly used as a, bedtime ,sedative. *Anesthetic; Its use in general anesthesia is favored by some due to
- Hollow of the tombstone with holy water or to pour libations of milk on it. At, bedtime , the supper is left on the table for the souls. In Bolivia, many people believe
- Of Peter Pan with a mix of new and old characters, told as a Victorian, bedtime ,story, much like the classic tale. It was praised by Ain't It Cool News, and
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