Examples of the the word, pj , in a Sentence Context

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  1. The cell corresponding to a site hi if and only if dist (q, hi ) > dist (q, pj ,) for each pop with hi ≠ pj . Where dist (p, q ) is the euclidean distance
  2. Numbers:: \sum_^ (p_ - 1) \dot p_i\# p_\# - 1 where p_i\# \prod_^ p_j, and, pj , jth prime,p0# p0 = 1. Steven Van And (born November 22, 1950) is an
  3. Joined forces for Big Brother skateboard magazine and donned pink and blue, pj ,'s and used skateboard trucks as slides for Dobro and lap steel guitars. The
  4. K\rang, respectively,where n1+ ... +NK N, and,thus, the coefficients, pj ,NJ /N. For a pure ensemble, where all N particles are in state \text style |
  5. Š, l + j > LA, n + j > NJ, t + j > St, d + j > ZD) and epenthesis (BJ > BLT, pj ,> ply, mj > ml, vj > VLF): border" 1" cell padding" 10 "
  6. Of the objects A1,..., An if and only if there are projection morphisms, pj ,: B → AJ and injection morphisms IJ: AJ → B, such that (i1 o p1) + ··· + (in
  7. Motion case one would have \mathcal=\math/ (2mk_T),A or A and xi, pj ,I, j. The equation of motion DX/DT p/m for x is exact, there is no fluctuating
  8. Of systems,i.e. large number of copies of the system in question, where, pj , is the proportion of the ensemble being in the state \text style | \psi_j \rang.
  9. Of raters who assigned the with subject to the with category. First calculate, pj , the proportion of all assignments which were to the with category:
  10. Co-authored with other Russian writershttp://old.aif.ru/konsult/index.php?, pj ,25&id_razd 1567&jjj=6. As of September 2011,Bakunin was reported to be working
  11. Bj may be pronounced (followed by a palatal glide) and pj may be pronounced., pj ,may also sometimes be pronounced, which may alternatively be written PT
  12. Capture all the information about a mixture; in particular, the coefficients, pj ,and the gets PJ are not recoverable from the operator ρ without additional
  13. That each of the pure states \text style | \psi_j\rang occurs with probability, pj , Then the corresponding density operator is:: \rho = \sum_j p_j | \psi_j \rang
  14. Ćepanica etc. More archaic Čakavian rotation affecting labial sounds (, pj ,> ply, vj > VLF) is found in the text of the Prophecy of Arena but is
  15. Is pi, and the probability that the second originates from genotype j is, pj , The probability that these two genes originate from the orchard genotypes i
  16. And ẃ to indicate palatalized labials. These have been replaced by BJ, mj, pj ,and we. Sorbian orthography also includes two digraphs: The digraph ch follows
  17. Form: \rho = \sum_j p_j | \psi_j \rang \Lang \psi_j | where the coefficients, pj ,are non-negative and add up to one. This represents a statistical mixture of
  18. But each term of the last summation can either be 0 (if n /, pj ,mod 1 < 1/2) or 1 (if n / pj mod 1 ≥ 1/2) and all terms with j > logo (2n)
  19. Germinates: pp, tt, kk, ss, bb, dd,GG, mm,in, ll,RR, jj, ww * Consonant + j:, pj , TJ, kj, fj, j,he, zj, bj, dj, gj, mj, nj, lj, rj It allowed the following
  20. Of the Stone Age. In 2007,Attolux played Primavera Sound Festival, joined, pj , harvey for a tour of Russia, and in December 2007,Perished (band) invited
  21. P^*_k are equal (because they depend on λ only). By using the constraint PJ, pj ,= 1,we find: PA*_k = \franc. Hence, the uniform distribution is the
  22. Positive radii RI has the property that, for each i and j, ri + RJ ≥ d (pi, pj ,), then there is a point q of the metric space that is within distance RI of
  23. They have this common form:: :Inequality Index = \Sigma_j p_j f (r_j),where, pj ,weights the units by their population share (necessary in a cross-country
  24. P_3 \operator name d p_2+p_2\operator name d p_3. In particular, if the variables, pj ,are all functions of t, as in the previous section, then: \operator name d M =
  25. Indices have this common form:: \math rm = \Sigma_j \, p_j \, f (r_j)\, where, pj , weights the units by their population share, and f (RJ) is a function of the
  26. Site hi if and only if dist (q, hi ) > dist (q, pj ) for each pop with hi ≠, pj , Where dist (p, q ) is the euclidean distance between two points p and q.
  27. Variable that the payer does not yet have knowledge of, that has probability, pj ,of being in state j. If the payer is to choose i without knowing the value of j
  28. A set of n items, with each item 1 \LEQ j \LEQ n having an associated profit, pj ,and weight we. The objective is to pick some items, with maximal total
  29. Primes, then φ (n) (p1 - 1) (p2 - 1) … (pk - 1). If no pi divides any (, pj ,- 1),then n and φ (n) have no common (prime) divisor, and n is cyclic.
  30. Zealand,78 pj of petroleum products imported (most of it crude),and 61.6, pj , consumed. The difference is exported or used for international travel (
  31. And new books. The Toronto-based collective Punching Out (Jeff Shanty, pj ,Villa, Mick Black) made important contributions to the theoretical
  32. Fixed processing times on m identical machines. The processing time of job j is, pj , Further, each job has a release time RJ, before which the job is unknown to
  33. Pi (x),and y is an element of the product with all coordinates zero except, pj ,(y) (with i ≠ j),then XY = 0 in the product ring. Posthumanism or
  34. Alpha (\dot)\overlie by the Horowitz Quaternary \alpha = m + NI +, pj ,+ OK restricted to the subspace of \math spanned by i, j,k, which is given
  35. Of due dates (DJ),and a range of times it takes to complete the tasks (, pj ,), then at any moment (t) you should do the task that has the smallest
  36. In a variety of ways. Bj may be pronounced (followed by a palatal glide) and, pj ,may be pronounced. Pj may also sometimes be pronounced, which may alternatively
  37. Such that every induced projection (the composite PCs: A → AJ of a projection, pj ,: IAI → AJ with the subalgebra inclusion s: A → IAI) is subjective. A direct
  38. Parameter pi is given by \Sigma_ and the covariance between parameters pi and, pj ,is given by \Sigma_. Standard deviation is the square root of variance. These
  39. If the gets in the mixture are orthonormal then the original probabilities, pj ,are recoverable as the eigenvalues of the density matrix. In operator language
  40. Genitive plural of 5th and 6th declension nouns (in the examples above, p →, pj ,and t → š, but see the next section for full details). Exceptions to this
  41. March 2010 quarter,28.7 petajoules of crude were produced in New Zealand,78, pj , of petroleum products imported (most of it crude),and 61.6 pj consumed. The
  42. Pn) is the identity morphism of B, pj o IJ is the identity morphism of AJ, and, pj , o ik is the zero morphism from AK to AJ whenever j and k are distinct. This
  43. For the competition. This also plays into the different dress up days, such as, pj ,day, crazy hair day, mismatch day, spirit day, and theme day. The class with
  44. Integers. For example, if μ is the partition 3 2 + 1 of n 3 then the pairs (, pj , QC) are (0,0),(0,1),(1,0),and the space Do is spanned by:
  45. B, such that (i1 o p1) + ··· + (in o PN) is the identity morphism of B, pj ,o IJ is the identity morphism of AJ, and pj oik is the zero morphism from AK
  46. A partition p covers a partition q if and only if pi QI + 1,pk OK − 1, pj , qj for all j ≠ i, k and either (1) k i + 1 or (2) QI = OK (Bylaws
  47. More general distributions can be defined by fixing some initial values of, pj ,and applying the recursion to define subsequent values. This can be of use in
  48. As a relation between infinitesimals. However, if the variables t and, pj ,are interpreted as functions, and M (t, p_1,\dots, p_n) is interpreted to
  49. Derivatives of: \Delta_\mu = \DET (x_icy_in)_ has dimension n!, where (, pj , QC) run through the n elements of the diagram of the partition μ, regarded as
  50. Final stem consonant in the genitive singular and throughout the plural (p →, pj ,in the example above, but see below for full details). Exceptions to this

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