Examples of the the word, practise , in a Sentence Context

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  1. If they wish to remain members of the Bar Council's Law Library. To, practise , under the Bar Council of Ireland's rules, a newly qualified barrister is
  2. It is a much older phenomenon. While individual Muslims, Christians,and Jews, practise , FGM,it is not a requirement of any religious observance. Judaism requires
  3. It to being included among the counsels of perfection. Chastity (the state and, practise , of sexual abstinence outside of marriage) is a central and pivotal concept in
  4. Of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints cites David as one directed by God to, practise , polygamy,but who sinned in committing adultery with Bathsheba and having Uriah
  5. Are made in slightly different thickness, width and length according to local, practise , ( in Bologna the authentic size of Tagliatelle alley Bolognese is officially
  6. Countryside was closed to the public while it was used by US troops for, practise , landings and maneuvers. In 2010,a fire seriously damaged numerous historical
  7. There has been some research into physiological changes in yogis and people who, practise , various techniques of meditation. Recent research with brain waves during
  8. The royal household. Therefore, Pope Gregory IX requested him to give up this, practise , Finally, Andrew was obliged to confirm the Golden Bull and supplement it with
  9. Regulation Barristers are regulated by the Bar for the jurisdiction where they, practise , and in some countries, by the Inn of Court to which they belong. In some
  10. The integrity of the human being. It is also regarded as fundamental to the, practise , of the Christian life because it involves an apprenticeship in self-mastery. By
  11. Of Edinburgh, and after graduating as M. D. in 1803 he settled down to, practise , in that city, where he soon attained a leading position. From 1816 he published
  12. An open highway safely at up to about 160 km/h (100 miles per hour),but, in,practice, they were difficult to control and steer above 80 km/h (50 mph). Investors
  13. Supposedly in agreement with its policies. The BNP claimed this was standard, practise , by political parties. The Archbishops of Canterbury and York said it would be
  14. Of England banned the practice of Alchemy without first receiving a license to, practise , it from the King. Alchemy was kept alive by men such as Nicolas Flame, who was
  15. Stingless bees are very diverse in behavior, but all are highly social. They, practise , mass provisioning, complex nest architecture, and perennial colonies. Honey
  16. They get into feuds with the heathen about it, and whenever their own parents, practise , it,they reproach them and come off to tell me at once. Whenever I hear of any
  17. Out turnips, visit homes to be rewarded with cakes, fruit and money. The, practise , of Goosing at Halloween in North America is first recorded in 1911,where a
  18. Female genital cutting because that is better received in the communities that, practise , it,who do not see themselves as engaging in mutilation; she writes that
  19. Affairs Grenades criticizes. Grenades also makes reference to the Palestinian, practise , of the Bridal Chamber, a ritualistic sacrament in which sexual union is seen as
  20. Air, though since Channel 4,external commissioning has become regular, practise , on the numerous stations that have launched since, as well as on the BBC and in
  21. The life of Jesus of Nazareth and with questions of ecclesiastical life and, practise , which they resolve in a monastic-ascetic way. Their literary character is not
  22. Rapidly reduced to that of a sorcerer who could be consulted to cast spells or, practise , healing magic and that his standing declined accordingly. According to the
  23. Hopkins (14th Century) ), but he returns 'to earth' and continues to, practise , the guard of the mind. The Uncreated Light that the Hesychast experiences is
  24. Are made in slightly different thickness, width and length according to local, practise , ( in Bologna the authentic size of Tagliatelle alley Bolognese is officially
  25. Main shipping port for Newfoundland. In 1775 Clinch moved to Newfoundland to, practise , in Buenavista. After 8 years he moved to Trinity, where he also preached the
  26. Why God performs any particular action, but whatever good or evil people may, practise , their efforts always result in the execution of God's will and judgments. The
  27. Signs" ( i.e., for example, pulse and tongue findings). In clinical, practise , the identified pattern usually involves a combination of affected entities (
  28. May be taxed and drudged, they are born for the stable, that is to say, to,practice, what they call professions. " Influence Baudelaire's influence on the
  29. In their recklessness that they claim to have in their power and be able to, practise , anything whatsoever that is ungodly (irreligious) and impious ... they say
  30. He was asked by Panama to succeed him. However, Gautama felt unsatisfied by the, practise , and moved on to become a student of Data Brahmaputra (Sir. Drama Brahmaputra).
  31. Financial officers and overseers of agricultural works. The same man may not, practise , two pursuits; nor change from one class into another, as to turn farmer from
  32. At first, he regarded his new life as a renunciation of his art, and fell out of, practise , : but after some time he resolved to study and learn by heart the works of Bach
  33. 347 or 348,contain instructions on the principal topics of Christian faith and, practise , in rather a popular than a scientific manner, full of a warm pastoral love and
  34. Farmers in number; these have the greatest freedom and the most spirit. They, practise , military pursuits only. Their weapons others forge for them, and again others
  35. Law requests in Article 55 that the Federal President not hold another office, practise , a profession or hold a membership in any corporation. In addition – a party is
  36. A preparatory manner as performed by solicitors in England),though some might, practise , before chambers judges. The situation is somewhat different in Quebec as a
  37. Prayer. The Hesychast is to bring his mind (Gr. nous) into his heart to, practise , both the Jesus Prayer and sobriety with his mind in his heart. The descent of
  38. Forhist" forest, wooded country ", assimilated to fores tam Silva (a common, practise , among Frankish scribes). Frankish *for hist is attested by Old High German
  39. To immerse themselves (" baptize themselves" ) totally in water but only to, practise , the partial immersion of dipping their hands in water or to pour water over
  40. Inns and are elevated to the degree of" Barrister ". However, before they can, practise , independently they must first undertake 12 months of papillae. The first six
  41. Take -ice while matching verbs take -is – for example, practice is a noun and, practise , is a verb; in addition, licence is a noun and license is a verb. (Note that
  42. Groups, often acting under a trance during religious ceremonies, this,practice, has seeped into western culture. Many extreme-jewellery shops now cater to
  43. Aid recipients to choose their food aid, buying it locally if they wish. This, practise , can stimulate developing economies and creates more robust food security "
  44. Sudra and Kshatriya castes and certain Eastern Indian and East Asian regions;, practise , animal sacrifice (Bali). Although most Hindus, including the majority of
  45. But despite the threat of torture or execution priests continued to, practise , their faith in secret. Succession Queen Elizabeth was unmarried, childless,and
  46. Intrinsic similarities, but that man is conditioned and influenced by study and, practise , Xunzi's opinion is that men originally just want what they instinctively want
  47. This mesmerism must be a fraud. " Mesmer left Paris and went back to Vienna to, practise , mesmerism. James Braid Following the French committee's findings, in his
  48. Morality, this rivalry is compromised and given perspective by the idiom ", practise , Confucianism on the outside, Taoism on the inside. " But its main motto is: "
  49. Precisely in order not to acquire a taste for it and thus become addicted. " In, practise , the segregation of women and the strong emphasis on virility can lead to
  50. In Egypt. Urologist Jean Foundry writes that women in countries that, practise , FGM call it one of the" three feminine sorrows ": the first sorrow is the

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