Examples of the the word, imperative , in a Sentence Context

The word ( imperative ), is the 5921 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Miserable consequences. As a result, it could be argued that there is a moral, imperative ,for an agent to inform himself as much as possible about a situation before
  2. Discussion of the formalization of an algorithm has assumed the premises of, imperative ,programming. This is the most common conception, and it attempts to describe a
  3. About a situation before judging the appropriate course of action. This, imperative , of course, is derived from consequential thinking: a better-informed agent is
  4. Imperative (да е играл, ) and the rarely used present pluperfect compound, imperative ,(да е бил играл, ). The conditional mood consists of five compound tenses
  5. Several important weaknesses in the French dispositions. Tactically, it was, imperative ,for Villeroy to occupy Davies on his right and Autre-Eglise on his left, but
  6. Is no way (or need) to define an" abstract variable" with the semantics of, imperative ,variables (namely, with fetch and store operations). Instead of storing
  7. As an argument, and returns the new state as part of the result. Unlike the ", imperative ," operations, these functions have no side effects. Therefore, the order in
  8. The crossing of the Jordan and conquest of the land, its distribution, and the, imperative ,need for obedience to the Law; Joshua's own immediate obedience is seen in his
  9. Degree of validity. ALGOL (short for Algorithmic Language) is a family of, imperative ,computer programming languages originally developed in the mid 1950s which
  10. To say that the operations are executed or applied, rather than evaluated. The, imperative ,style is often used when describing abstract algorithms. This is described by
  11. Landing noted, the language Algol was the first language to seamlessly combine, imperative ,effects with the (call-by-name) lambda calculus. Perhaps the most elegant
  12. And non-past); two voices (active and passive); and five moods (indicative, imperative , subjunctive, jussive and energetic). There are also two participles (active
  13. And David Gay) CPL (Basic Combined Programming Language) is a procedural, imperative , and structured computer programming language designed by Martin Richards of
  14. Challenge—the creation of a competitive economy while advancing the overriding, imperative ,of a just society. Some call this the ` third way '. The nomenclature is
  15. Fish, and a group of at least three is a good idea. However, it isn't, imperative , as they can be kept as a single specimen. As stated earlier, they can get to
  16. Was one * Ablative, movement towards somewhere: Rescue (( you) go there (, imperative ,)) Dialects There are about 25-30 dialectal variants of Aragonite, the
  17. Speaker in relation to the situation. They are mostly interrogative or slightly, imperative ,in nature. There is no change in the grammatical mood when these are used (
  18. Of the ADT that are not changed by the operations. Example: abstract stack (, imperative ,) As another example, an imperative definition of an abstract stack could
  19. Radiation emitted for example by the atomizer can be excluded, which is, imperative ,for LS AAS. Simple monochromators of the Lit trow or (better) the
  20. Of East Germany that the re-securing of the German communist frontier was, imperative , Construction begins,1961 On 15 June 1961,First Secretary of the Socialist
  21. To Carter's SAP, but unlike the case with Carter's SAP, the " must" is an, imperative , as shown by the following three possible elaborations of the SAP, each
  22. Compound imperative forms for all persons and numbers in the present compound, imperative ,(да играе, ),the present perfect compound imperative (да е играл, ) and the
  23. Auditing companies Computer science * ABC (programming language),an, imperative ,general-purpose programming language and programming environment developed at
  24. With other animals, plants,and natural forces. Therefore, it is morally, imperative ,to treat these agents with respect. In this world view, humans are considered a
  25. Definitions In the" imperative " view, which is closer to the philosophy of, imperative ,programming languages, an abstract data structure is conceived as an entity
  26. Shared by most other European languages – indicative (изявително, ), imperative , ( повелително),subjunctive (подчинително) and conditional (условно, ) – in
  27. Colloquial Basque, however,only uses indicative present, indicative past, and, imperative , Each verb that can be taken intransitively has a nor (absolutize) paradigm
  28. In contrast to call-by-reference, making it an undesirable feature in, imperative ,language design. For example, it is impossible in ALGOL 60 to develop a
  29. Also vary in voice and gender. There is only one simple tense in the, imperative ,mood – the present – and there are simple forms only for the second person
  30. Theoretical stance that the state lacks moral legitimacy without accepting the, imperative ,of revolution to eliminate it. A component especially of individualist
  31. Vice-versa. However, one can provide a functional style interface even in an, imperative ,language like C. For example: type def struct stack_Rep
  32. Definition styles. Imperative abstract data type definitions In the ", imperative ," view, which is closer to the philosophy of imperative programming languages
  33. Is used instead. As an interjection – Neva! –" don't! " (See section on, imperative ,mood). These particles can be combined with the vocative particles for greater
  34. Учи, sg., учете,pl.; играя 'to play ': играй, играйте. There are compound, imperative ,forms for all persons and numbers in the present compound imperative (да играе
  35. In three tenses in the conditional and potential moods, and in one tense in the, imperative , Colloquial Basque, however,only uses indicative present, indicative past, and
  36. Of a free government, and as an avowal of contemplated treason, which it is the, imperative ,duty of an indignant people sternly to rebuke and forever silence. Name "
  37. Masculine or feminine),tense (perfect or imperfect),mood (indicative, imperative , massive or infinitive) and voice (active, reflexive or passive). Aramaic
  38. Hooker's emphasis on the international nature of Anglican spirituality to an, imperative ,for social justice. In the 19th century, Anglican biblical scholarship began to
  39. Present indicative – e.g. ('I want to be' ), ( 'I will be here' ); in the, imperative , only бъда is used – ('be here' ); *бивам – slightly archaic, imperfective
  40. Just like the instructions of a computer, or the commands and procedures of an, imperative ,language. To underscore this view, it is customary to say that the operations
  41. The importance of positive action (helping injured beings). Yoga AHIMA is, imperative ,for practitioners of Patanjali’s" classical" Yoga (Raja Yoga). It is one of
  42. Were chaotic and difficult. With limited supplies, the cultivation of food was, imperative , but the soils around Sydney were poor, the climate was unfamiliar, and
  43. Standard conventions for defining them. A broad division may be drawn between ", imperative ," and" functional" definition styles. Imperative abstract data type
  44. In the present compound imperative (да играе, ),the present perfect compound, imperative ,(да е играл, ) and the rarely used present pluperfect compound imperative (да
  45. Entity-Relationship Modeling (ER Modeling). Implementation techniques include, imperative ,languages (object-oriented or procedural),functional languages, and logic
  46. Alternative to" American" is common. Ada is a structured, statically typed, imperative , wide-spectrum, and object-oriented high-level computer programming language
  47. The operations. Example: abstract stack ( imperative ) As another example,an, imperative ,definition of an abstract stack could specify that the state of a stack S can
  48. In all circumstances). They have lost the mood distinctions other than, imperative , but many have since gained new moods through the use of prefixes (most often
  49. For all persons; the simple past is Isis, the simple future is SOS, and the, imperative ,is ESE, among a few more forms. However, Ido also has an alternative irregular
  50. Conflicting coping strategies. End-gaining is usually carried out because an, imperative ,priority of impatience or frustration justifies it. Inhibition In the Alexander

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