Examples of the the word, hood , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hood ), is the 5923 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Front wheels set forward of the passenger cabin, a short, sloping aerodynamic, hood , front-wheel drive, transverse engine, flat load floor throughout with flexible
  2. Sake of peace, there should be understanding between East and West. " As the, hood ,was placed over his head, Ribbentrop added:" I wish peace to the world. "
  3. 1971 their family immigrated to the United States, settling in the Los Angeles, hood ,of Eagle Rock. In 1988 the two brothers teamed up with Lawrence Buggered (also
  4. Heads, always uneven in number, arranged in a fan. Each head has a flared, hood , in the manner of a cobra. Nāgas are frequently depicted in Agrarian lintels.
  5. By law. An abalone diver is normally equipped with a thick wetsuit, including a, hood , booties, and gloves, and usually also a mask, snorkel,weight belt, abalone
  6. The engine has been installed on the second car, the second car moves to the, hood ,assembly. At the same time, the third car moves to the engine assembly. When
  7. One car would be assembled at a time. If engine installation takes 20 minutes, hood ,installation takes 5 minutes, and wheel installation takes 10 minutes, then a
  8. Lung congestion and skin or eye damage, and should therefore be used in a fume, hood , Osmium tetroxide is rapidly reduced to relatively inert compounds by
  9. Improves its visibility when used in a darkened room or when shaded by a camera, hood , Color CRTs Color tubes use three different phosphors which emit red, green
  10. She flirts with the mechanic (Balthazar Getty). They begin to have sex on the, hood ,of a car, but Mallory is angered by his overtly sexual behavior, as well as
  11. Canada include" Gujarat" ( rock)," Nevus" ( headland)," NASA" ( hat, or, hood , )," Tupi" or" Type" in Kalaallisut (tent),and" Ajax" ( kayak).
  12. Updated 7 October 2011. Nuclear, biological,and chemical warfare mask and, hood ,Bioterrorism is terrorism involving the intentional release or dissemination of
  13. Market. The body shell of the NA was all-steel with a light-weight aluminum, hood , Overall dimensions were in length, in width, and in height. Without options
  14. Little from the kids in the riots. You hear some people being inarticulate in a, hood , but very few people were actually allowed to speak ". In the same interview
  15. In 1912,and patented in 1914. It was a simple device consisting of a cotton, hood ,with two hoses which hung down to the floor, allowing the wearer to breathe the
  16. And the respiratory tract, and these solutions should only be handled in a fume, hood , Saturated (" 0.880" ) solutions can develop a significant pressure inside a
  17. And named the country after the Portuguese word GAAO — a coat with sleeve and, hood ,resembling the shape of the Como river estuary. The coast became a center of
  18. And during the brewing process Sign prays to Freya and Garfield to Host (", hood ,"),a man she had met earlier (earlier in the saga revealed to be Odin in
  19. Riveted mail and plate coat birth Bagtar. File: Eastern riveted armor, hood , JPG|Mughal riveted mail hood kulak birth. Cerberus (), or Kerberos, ( Greek
  20. Is almost always the much more common (and much less complicated) clitoral, hood ,piercing. Enlargement may be intentional or unintentional. Those taking
  21. Outer lips (labia major) meet at the base of the pubic mound is the clitoral, hood ,(prepuce),which in full or part covers the head (clitoral glans).
  22. Of Comedy, After Hours, The Last Temptation of Christ (albeit hidden under a, hood ,), Casino,The Age of Innocence, Gangs of New York). Also, often contributes
  23. The passenger window broke out of the car. The hood pins severed and the, hood ,opened, slamming back against the windshield. As Earnhardt was nose first on
  24. On the arms and legs and a red stripe on the top of the lunar EVA sunshade ", hood ,",to allow easy identification of the commander while on the surface; on
  25. Installation crew works on the second car, the first car can be moved to the, hood ,station and fitted with a hood , then to the wheels station and be fitted with
  26. Pudendal cleft, which contains the labia minor, interlabial such, clitoral, hood , clitoral glans, frenulum clitorides, the Hart's Line, and the vulval
  27. Corners of the 61st floor are graced with eagles, replicas of the 1929 Chrysler, hood ,ornaments; on the 31st floor, the corner ornamentation are replicas of the 1929
  28. Episode of The Brady Bunch (" Kelly's Kids" ), and as a streetwise, hood ,in the short-lived Mischief crime drama. Nita Dee appeared at the tail end of
  29. Also practiced in Indonesia, but largely symbolically by pricking the clitoral, hood ,or clitoris until it bleeds. Several African countries have enacted legislation
  30. Ad Nexus" and adopted a habit consisting of a brown tunic, scapular,and, hood , The brethren elected a superior with the title of prior who was then
  31. Second car, the first car can be moved to the hood station and fitted with a, hood , then to the wheels station and be fitted with wheels. After the engine has
  32. Coat birth Bagtar. File: Eastern riveted armor hood . JPG|Mughal riveted mail, hood ,kulak birth. Cerberus (), or Kerberos, ( Greek form: Κέρβερος, ) The common
  33. Like the previous releases of, Snow Leopard focuses on" under the, hood ," changes, increasing the performance, efficiency,and stability of the
  34. Are identical, and with identical doctoral academic regalia (though the Sc. D., hood ,is gold to represent Science rather than Ph.D. blue). In an effort to
  35. Cutouts to allow access to the door handles through the panels, and also on the, hood ,between the windshield and top grille. In December 2004,Secretary of Defense
  36. Named the country after the Portuguese word GAAO, a coat with sleeve and, hood ,resembling the shape of the Como River estuary. The coast subsequently became a
  37. Seal or sea-lion guts, or the entrails of bear, walrus,and whales. It had a, hood ,that could be cinched as well as around the wrists, so water could not get in.
  38. As a woman nears orgasm, the clitoral glans moves inward under the clitoral, hood , and the labia minor (inner lips) become darker. As orgasm becomes imminent
  39. And shortening the stock by 18 cm (7 inches),and adding a front sight, hood ,similar to that of the Kar98K. These shortened Krag-Jøgensen's were known in
  40. Worship with them. The nāgas, or snakes, were given human from, except for the, hood ,of snake heads, which was put round their heads. There was a superstition that
  41. Broke off the car on impact. The passenger window broke out of the car. The, hood ,pins severed, and the hood opened, slamming back against the windshield. As
  42. Same color, with a scapular unattached to the body of the dress, and a black, hood , It was not permitted to them to wear any shirt save of serge. Their dress in
  43. When the third car’s engine has been mounted, it then can be moved to the, hood ,station; meanwhile, subsequent cars (if any) can be moved to the engine
  44. National colors) at the top. The road cars have a rectangular badge on the, hood ,(see picture above),and, optionally,the shield-shaped race logo on the
  45. That certain steps in the assembly line are to install the engine, install the, hood , and install the wheels (in that order, with arbitrary interstitial steps);
  46. Zeppelins stood for innovation and progress. The zeppelin was also used as a, hood ,ornament. The logo's ring symbolized the bicycle, and it's meaning to mankind.
  47. High so that NH3 can be readily handled in ordinary beakers, in a fume, hood ,(i.e., if it is already a liquid it will not boil readily). " Household
  48. File: Eastern riveted hood detail. JPG|Close up detail of Mughal riveted mail, hood ,kulak birth. File: Eastern riveted armor 1. JPG|Mughal riveted mail and plate
  49. Break the moose's legs, causing the body of the moose to fall onto the car's, hood ,and delivering the bulk of the animal's weight into the windshield, crushing
  50. Up of Mughal riveted mail and plate coat birth Bagtar. File: Eastern riveted, hood ,detail. JPG|Close up detail of Mughal riveted mail hood kulak birth. File:

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