Examples of the the word, humble , in a Sentence Context

The word ( humble ), is the 5925 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. His role as German pilot Bruno Satchel, an obsessively competitive officer from, humble ,beginnings who challenge the Prussian aristocracy during World War I in The
  2. Impressive gentleman's residence suggested by William Crossing rather than the, humble ,cottage which it actually is. An electromagnetic field (also EMF or EM field)
  3. Of NPR notes," Dylan's singing on Love and Theft shifts artfully between, humble ,and ironic ... 'I'm not quite as cool or forgiving as I sound,' he sings in
  4. The majority of his novels. His characters fall into a few distinct categories:, humble ,and self-effacing Christians (Prince Pushkin, Sonya Marmeladova, Alyosha
  5. Was a gardener, and he himself became first connected with the church in the, humble ,position of a bell ringer and verger in the Duo mo of Piacenza; he was twenty-one
  6. His Quarto pass fr ale nu vole (Four Steps in the Clouds),the story of a, humble ,employee, considered by many others as the first neorealism work. Neorealism
  7. Texts. Life Not much is known about the life of Ammonium Sacks. He had a, humble ,background, and appears to have earned a living as a porter at the docks of
  8. He has done for me in allowing his genius to shed some of its luster upon my, humble ,name. " Gilbert was knighted during the first repertory season. After Sullivan
  9. 3 August 2008) was a Russian and Soviet Her father had apparently risen from, humble ,beginnings, as something of a self-made man. Eventually, he acquired a large
  10. In Aleksandrov's 1940 musical Evenly Put (The Shining Path),Orlon plays a, humble ,servant girl who rises through the ranks of the Soviet industrial leadership
  11. Are the source of many popular stories, parables,and sermons, such as Jesus ', humble ,birth in Bethlehem, the Sermon on the Mount, the Beatitudes, the Last Supper
  12. Wit and cleverness won her a distinguished position in society, in spite of her, humble ,origin. Women of fashion copied her clothing, and a headdress she wore was
  13. Associated with the aristocracy, while its German equivalent retained the, humble ,meaning of" servant ". (To make the confusion even greater, where Knight
  14. Society of Victorian and Edwardian Britain, he was acutely sensitive about his, humble ,origins even after he achieved recognition. He nevertheless married the
  15. Wily dragon named Chrysophylax, and how Giles manages to use these to rise from, humble ,beginnings to rival the king of the land. It is cheerfully anachronistic and
  16. To obtain a position for him as customs inspector for the City of New York (a, humble ,but adequately paying appointment),and he held the post for 19 years. In a
  17. The time of Sargon. Sargon was claimed to be the son of La'IBM or Itti-Bel,a, humble ,gardener, and possibly a reproduce, prostitute,or priestess to Ishtar or
  18. Though it is possible that it predated him. Hippocratic medicine was, humble ,and passive. The therapeutic approach was based on" the healing power of
  19. More character-oriented or thematically complex. Often, they feature a hero of, humble ,origins and a clear distinction between good and evil set against each other in
  20. Painters were leaving the studio to paint in available light and focus only on, humble ,subjects and pure sensation. History painters like Antoine-Jean, Baron Grow
  21. And wine and speaking of them as his body and blood; instead it recounts his, humble ,act of washing the disciples' feet, the prophecy of the betrayal, which set in
  22. Given back to their poor, whereas pizza is imposed on the people of the Book to, humble ,them ... If in any one year they frequently come and go in Muslim countries
  23. Conservative statesman and literary figure. Starting from comparatively, humble ,origins, he served in government for three decades, twice as Prime Minister of
  24. Is today named O-uchiyama. The emperor's burial place would have been quite, humble ,in the period after UDA died. These tombs reached their present state as a
  25. That was what he found in Revelation. " It is very nice if you are poor and not, humble ,... to bring your enemies down to utter destruction, while you yourself rise up
  26. Efficiently). More than half the chapters describe how to be obedient and, humble , and what to do when a member of the community is not. About one-fourth
  27. Douglass once observed of Lincoln:" In his company, I was never reminded of my, humble ,origin, or of my unpopular color ". Gettysburg Address With the great Union
  28. Out" Christ's ambivalent work of humbling the exalted and exalting the, humble , " * A character (Drysdale)in the Morse TV film based on Colin Dexter's novel
  29. Is today named Kinugasa-yama. The emperor's burial place would have been quite, humble ,in the period after Kazan died. These tombs reached their present state as a
  30. A considerable amount of ash. Mudslides Due to heavy rainfalls some, humble ,neighborhoods built at the edge of steep valleys are frequently washed away and
  31. Form. The first part of Psalm 34 is directed toward Yahweh in complete and, humble ,gratitude (David does not even mention his own royal status); the second part
  32. Lord of the Manor Reginald Firewater and his wife dressed themselves as, humble ,folk and begged blessing of the Prior a year and a day after marriage. The
  33. Me: never to harm a living creature; throughout my life, to place the poor,the, humble , the meek of this world above all others; never to forget those who were
  34. Kile's virtues of being" a good teammate, a great friend, a fine father and a, humble ,man. " The winner is selected by each local chapter of the Baseball Writers
  35. Only the histories and current statuses of the sciences, but also reveals their, humble ,and often humorous beginnings. Although one" top scientist" is alleged to
  36. To be living in circumstances almost as bizarre). Euripides's mother was a, humble ,vendor of vegetables, according to the comic tradition, yet his plays indicate
  37. From the lineal connection, superficially there may seem little to link the, humble ,priest with his sweetly pretty Madonnas and timeless Crucifixions to the
  38. With Allah. Muhammad's father's name was meaning" the slave of Allah" and, humble ,submission to His Will, Divine Ordinances and Commandments is the pivot of the
  39. Grace, as in Le Benedict, and kitchen maids in moments of reflection. These, humble ,scenes deal with simple, everyday activities, yet they also have functioned as
  40. Ruler of the Greek Seleucid kingdom 150-146 BC, was a native of Smyrna of, humble ,origin, but gave himself out to be the son of Antioch us IV Epiphanies and
  41. As the inventor of the milling machine. Later life and legacy Despite his, humble ,origins, Whitney was keenly aware of the value of social and political
  42. One more word, I beseech you. If you be not too much cloyed with fat meat, our, humble , author will continue the story, with Sir John in it, and make you merry with
  43. Having words and having understanding," and of helping the student to remain, humble ,with his acquisition of knowledge. Another radical idea which Augustine
  44. Bells, ( or in their absence, with the poker and shovel, taken from their, humble ,cottage fire),the yule candle is lighted, and;" High on the cheerful fire.
  45. Nor even a noble, and his rise to political office despite his relatively, humble ,origins has traditionally been attributed to his brilliance as an orator.
  46. To power with a majority government. It was unusual for a man of Mackenzie's, humble ,origins to attain such a position in an age which generally offered such
  47. Towards scholarship and especially to the mastering of Latin. Despite such, humble ,origins, he was accepted into the hugely wealthy court of Charlemagne around
  48. She had built up an affection, and offer to undertake the back-breaking and, humble ,work of gleaning (Leviticus 23:22) to support them. Boat is also
  49. Edward also showered favors on his companion Piers Galveston, a knight of, humble ,birth. While it has been widely believed that Edward was a homosexual because
  50. Soul, insofar as" it brings refuge, limitation,focus, gravity,weight, and, humble , powerlessness. " Hillman argues that therapeutic attempts to eliminate

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