Examples of the the word, eagle , in a Sentence Context

The word ( eagle ), is the 5927 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Was adopted in the 1930s,featuring an eagle painted on the fuselage. The, eagle ,became a symbol of the company and inspired the name of American Eagle Airlines
  2. The nature of a rate-limited step or equation. Aquila is the Italian word for, eagle ,and may also refer to: * Aquila (constellation),the astronomical
  3. Range of forms, symbols and ideas with meanings that are malleable. " Jupiter's, eagle ,as an example of art is not, like logical (aesthetic) attributes of an object
  4. His design to include a cubic mass which would check their advance, with a huge, eagle ,on top looking down on the Soviet figures. Both pavilions were awarded gold
  5. A symbol for" peaceful lunar landing by the United States. " He chose an, eagle ,as the symbol, put an olive branch in its beak, and drew a lunar background
  6. Made from esophagus skin of the seal. Children wore parkas made of downy, eagle ,skin with tanned bird skin caps. (Enthnohistory: Gross & Hera pg 33,34).
  7. Module was named Eagle for the national bird of the United States, the bald, eagle , which is featured prominently on the mission insignia. Backup commander Jim
  8. Between gods and humans by some cultures. Many powwow dancers use the, eagle ,claw as part of their regalia as well. Eagle feathers are often used in
  9. Its old name and logo and claims the rights to all AFL products including the, eagle ,logo. League history The National Football League had grown to become one of
  10. Holding a spear in one hand and a shield in the other, and before her stands an, eagle ,on a thunderbolt. Relations with India Alexander is apparently mentioned in the
  11. The pole to the patient. The fan is then held up toward the sky, so that the, eagle ,may carry the prayers for the sick to the Creator. Current eagle feather law
  12. Air Force Base museum. Mission insignia The circular emblem featured an, eagle ,with wings outstretched, perched atop a red, white and blue shield, over a
  13. Varied widely, but a common livery was adopted in the 1930s,featuring an, eagle ,painted on the fuselage. The eagle became a symbol of the company and inspired
  14. Power-line electrocution, and collisions in flight as the leading causes of, eagle ,deaths. Bald Eagle populations have also been negatively affected by oil, lead
  15. On in the wild and are thus considered apex predators. In one case, an adult, eagle ,investigating a Peregrine Falcon nest for prey items sustained a concussion
  16. An image of the Greek sun god Apollo back dropped by a rendering of an American, eagle , the red bars on the eagle representing those on the flag of the United States.
  17. Earlier) to the present, the literal translation of which is subject of the, eagle , The term Sitar is a derivation used by Yugoslavs which the Albanians
  18. White, and blue stripe on the fuselage, and a simple" AA" logo, without an, eagle , on the tail. However,American's employees revolted when the livery was made
  19. Of the most significant bird species found in the country include the golden, eagle ,– known as the national symbol of Albania Economy Albania remains a poor
  20. On when available. To hunt fish, easily their most important live prey,the, eagle ,swoops down over the water and snatches the fish out of the water with its
  21. Leftwards, the Royal Dragoons destroyed Bourgeois' brigade, capturing the, eagle ,of the 105th Line. The Inniskillings routed the other brigade of Quoit's
  22. And because they fiercely protect their young. The Kwanzaa'wake scattered, eagle ,down to welcome important guests. The Choctaw explained that the Bald Eagle
  23. SVG|Flag of Royal Hungary (Transleithania) Coat of arms The double-headed, eagle ,of the Habsburg-Lorraine dynasty was used as the coat of arms of the common
  24. Their growing commercial success. Minnelli Associates designed the AA, eagle ,logo in 1967. Minnelli attributes the introduction of his firm to American
  25. Dollar coin was released a few years later, the patch design provided the, eagle ,for its reverse side. The design was retained for the smaller Susan B. Anthony
  26. By many Plains Indian tribes, the eagle is represented in several ways. The, eagle ,nest is represented by the fork of the lodge where the dance is held. A whistle
  27. Campaign at Mobil. Eventually, Vignelli caved in and created a highly stylized, eagle , which remains the company's logo to this day. In 1999,American painted a new
  28. Includes the Moon, the planet Saturn and a galaxy or nebula. The wing of the, eagle ,partially overlays the Moon, suggesting its exploration by man. The gaze of
  29. Greater than that of a human. Sometimes, if the fish is too heavy to lift,the, eagle ,will be dragged into the water. It may swim to safety, but some eagle s drown or
  30. Restricted since the late 1970s. With regulations in place and DDT banned,the, eagle ,population rebounded. The Bald Eagle can be found in growing concentrations
  31. During the Sun Dance, which is practiced by many Plains Indian tribes,the, eagle ,is represented in several ways. The eagle nest is represented by the fork of
  32. all the continental United States, and northern Mexico. It is the only sea, eagle ,endemic to North America. Occupying varied habitats from the bayous of
  33. Were united into one city, Berlin ). The emblem of the House of Scania, red, eagle , and bear, became the heraldic emblems of Berlin. In 1320 the Brandenburg
  34. Youth in Greek mythology with whom Zeus fell in love and, in the disguise of an, eagle ,(represented by the constellation Aquila) carried off to Olympus to be
  35. With the Earth in the distance. NASA officials said the talons of the, eagle ,looked too" warlike" and after some discussion, the olive branch was moved to
  36. Four living creatures each having four faces (of a man, a lion, an ox, and an, eagle ,), and four wings. Beside each" living creature" is a" wheel within a wheel
  37. Detective Conan * Ai Toyon, the Yakut god of light, usually depicted as an, eagle ,perched atop the" world tree" * AOI Mac Suleiman, the Celtic god of poetry as
  38. And on the hoofs of the other, on Sleipnir's teeth, on bear's paw, on, eagle , 's beak, on wolf's claw, and on several other things including on Bragi's
  39. Body. The scientific name is derived from Haliaeetus, New Latin for" sea, eagle ," (from the Ancient Greek halibuts),and leucocephalus, Latinized Ancient
  40. It is the national bird and symbol of the United States of America. This sea, eagle ,has two known subspecies and forms a species pair with the White-tailed Eagle.
  41. As a part of fans, bustles and head dresses. The Lakota, for instance, give an, eagle ,feather as a symbol of honor to person who achieves a task. In modern times, it
  42. God Apollo back dropped by a rendering of an American eagle , the red bars on the, eagle ,representing those on the flag of the United States. Three white stars above
  43. To explain the endonym as derived from the Albanian noun shape or shqiponjë (, eagle ,), which,according to Albanian folk etymology, denoted a bird totem dating
  44. Of the lodge where the dance is held. A whistle made from the wing bone of an, eagle ,is used during the course of the dance. Also during the dance, a medicine man
  45. Goes back to the ancient Babylonians and Sumerians, who called α Aquila the, eagle ,star. The spelling Aware has also been used. The Poor people of Victoria also
  46. Coots, egrets,and geese. Most live prey are quite a bit smaller than the, eagle , but predatory attacks on larger birds such as swans have been recorded.
  47. S division, and the Grey's destroyed most of Nogue's brigade, capturing the, eagle ,of the 45th Line. On Wellington's extreme left,Durutte's division had time
  48. Been estimated that the gripping power (pounds by square inch) of the bald, eagle ,is ten times greater than that of a human. Sometimes, if the fish is too heavy
  49. Suggesting its exploration by man. The gaze of Apollo and the direction of the, eagle ,'s motion is meant to imply man's intention to explore other destinations in
  50. Also during the dance, a medicine man may direct his fan, which is made of, eagle ,feathers, to people who seek to be healed. The medicine man touches the fan to

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